[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] 美味しく、美しく、健康に。 朝のコーヒーを抹茶に変えて、 美味しく健康ダイエット。 安心安全のJAS認証。 朝抹茶から、美しく健康な毎日がはじまる。 抹茶...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は masahiro_matsumoto さん leetinhang9434 さん niikura33 さん wmi_wkh2003 さんの 4人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 6件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 706文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 1時間 31分 です。

uchiyama1005による依頼 2016/01/31 21:30:05 閲覧 3261回
残り時間: 終了

寝起きにいきなり糖質の多いものを取り入れると、睡眠で空になったカラダにダイレクトに糖分が吸収されてしまいます。 だから朝に抹茶を飲むのはとても効果的なのです。

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/01/31 21:44:29に投稿されました
With delicious,beautiful,health.
Let's start healthy diet with delicious by changing morning to powdered green tea.
It is with JAS certification.
You can start beautiful health daily life by morning powdered green tea.
The reason what we drink powdered green tea in the morning.
The important thing for diet is method how to take nutrition.
Actually there is an order for nutrition which we want to take in body at the beginning of the day.
At first water→dietary fiber→protein→carbohydrate.
If you take in the foods which are full of carbohydrate soon after your wake up,
you will be unhappy condition by absorbing carbohydrate directly to your empty body by sleeping.
Therefore it is very effective to drink powdered green tea in the morning.
★★☆☆☆ 2.0/1
masahiro_matsumoto- 8年以上前
すみません、2行目のmorningの後にcoffeeを入れ忘れました。morning coffeeになります。
評価 51
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/01/31 21:48:11に投稿されました
Yummy, Beauty, Healthy
Switch your morning coffee into powdered green tea
for a yummy healthy diet.
Safe JAS Certificate.
Morning powdered green tea starts a beautiful and healthy day.
Reasons to drink powdered green tea in the morning:
The important thing about a diet is how nutrients are absorbed.
The nutrients that your bodies absorb in the beginning of the day follow an order.
From the beginning, water → dietary fiber → protein → carbohydrates
If you intake sugar-rich food as soon as you wake up, your empty body after a sleep will absorb the sugar directly.
Therefore, drinking powdered green tea in the morning is extremely efficient.


お茶に含まれる成分のカテキンとカフェイン、ダイエットに抜群の効果があります。カテキンは脂肪を抑え、カフェインが脂肪を燃焼させる効果が。抹茶は茶葉の栄養成分をそのまままるごと飲めるので、 通常飲んでいる緑茶よりもその絶大な効果があります。

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/01/31 22:01:51に投稿されました
Powdered green tea is including to a lot of dietary fiber and vitamin, and your wake up will be freshed by caffeine effect.

Effect for diet and beauty whitening skin
The element of catechin and caffeine including to tea have great effect for diet.
Catechin has effect to refrain from absorbing fat and Caffeine has effect to burn the fat.

As powdered green tea is a tea which we can drink all of nutrition of tea leaves,
it has much more effect than normal drinking tea.

Catechin has antioxidant effect and detoxification effect,
so it has effect to prevent from catching a cold and effect for beauty skin.
Vitamin C including to powdered green tea is absolutely necessary for blotch and freckle treatment.
★★☆☆☆ 2.0/1
評価 51
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/01/31 21:59:26に投稿されました
Powdered green tea contains a significant amount of dietary fiber and vitamins. Also, Caffeine wakes you up.

Losing Weight and Whitening Effects.
Catechin and caffeine that is found in green tea is effective in losing weight. Catechin prevents the fats from forming, while caffeine burns the fats. As the nutrients of powdered green tea are drunk as those in tea leaves, the effectiveness will be greater than that of normal green tea.
Catechin also have anti-oxidation and detoxification effects, which is good for preventing sickness and for beautiful skin.
Vitamin C in powdered green tea is necessary for solving freckles.
★★★★★ 5.0/1
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/01/31 22:02:47に投稿されました
Matcha contains plenty of dietary fibers and vitamins, letting you feel refreshed also at the time of waking up because of the caffeine effect .

Working on diet and skin whitening effect
Components of catechins and caffeine contained in tea have a efficient effect for diet. Catechin suppresses fat, and caffeine burns fat. Since whole nutrition of the tea leaves can be taken into body if you drink them as Matcha, there is surprising greater effect than green tea, which is usually taken.
Since the catechin has also antioxidant and detoxifying effect, which work as flu prevention and has good influence for skin condition.
Vitamin C in Matcha is essential for preventing spots and freckles.


評価 51
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/01/31 22:32:08に投稿されました
Organic JAS certified "Organic Cultivated Tea" is...
Tea that is cultivated in farms without using chemical fertilizers and pesticides for at least 3 years after applying for organic farming. Geographical conditions that the chemical fertilizers from other tea farm will not affect the farm are also considered. Moreover, for receiving the certificate from JAS, the production process must be managed and recorded. In tea production, the tea leaves will be steamed to prevent oxidative fermentation as soon as they are harvested. This forms the half product called Aracha (dried tea leaves), which is necessary for tea production. Tea production starts from farming and harvesting tea leaves in tea farms to making dried tea leaves. This produces the extremely valuable tea that fulfill the strict conditions of organic JAS certificate.
評価 46
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/01/31 23:01:32に投稿されました
The term "organic cultivation tea" of organic JAS certification ...
We do not use any chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides in tea garden for more than three years after taking out the application of organic. Spraying pesticides from other tea plantation does not come waiting condition is also required. Furthermore, receives the suppliers certified organic of JAS and you have to manage and record the production process. In the case of tea production, Raw Hatsumi Tonochi is necessary to steam as soon as possible to stop the oxidation fermentation referred as a rough tea of the semi-processed goods In the cultivation / plucking / rough tea factory in tea plantation until the rough tea production becomes a production house side of the production process in fulfilling the criteria for severe organic JAS as a very valuable tea.



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