翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 46 / ネイティブ マレー語 / 0 Reviews / 2016/01/31 23:01:32

wmi_wkh2003 46 I was living in Japan for 7 years and...



The term "organic cultivation tea" of organic JAS certification ...
We do not use any chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides in tea garden for more than three years after taking out the application of organic. Spraying pesticides from other tea plantation does not come waiting condition is also required. Furthermore, receives the suppliers certified organic of JAS and you have to manage and record the production process. In the case of tea production, Raw Hatsumi Tonochi is necessary to steam as soon as possible to stop the oxidation fermentation referred as a rough tea of the semi-processed goods In the cultivation / plucking / rough tea factory in tea plantation until the rough tea production becomes a production house side of the production process in fulfilling the criteria for severe organic JAS as a very valuable tea.

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