I got a bachelor for 1 year and I participated in a nurse practitioner graduate program.
There were some students studied sanitation, business, and science like I did in the program.
What made me to become a nurse practitioner was that I visited the church in Zambia Africa where I was participating in a volunteer when I was a research assistant.
I taught them how to wash hands but we couldn't provide prescriptions nor injections.
What made me determine to be a nurse practitionor came from the visit in Zambia, Africa for volunteer activities in connection with the church to which I belonged when I was a research assistant. I taught people there to wash hands, but I could manage neither prescribe drugs nor inject.
学問名としてはsanitationよりpublic healthの方がよいです。また、記事では二段落目の一部をmission tripという言葉に置き換えます。迅速なご対応ありがとうございます。