ご本人さまが仰るには、貴社の人事部長『Daniel Kovach氏』という事で、メッセージと共に、スイス国籍のパスポートの画像&契約に関する資料も添えられていますが、かの人物は御社に在籍中の人事部長『Daniel Kovach氏』で間違い無いでしょうか?
I have received a message regarding (Japan domestic) business from a man the other day.
As the man mentions your personnel department manger "Mr. Daniel Kovach", along with the message Swiss pasport image and contract related materials were attached. Is this person "Mr. Daniel Kovach" who is your personnel department manager at your company? I'm afraid to take your time, but please kindly confirm it. If necessary, I will send passport image, contract material and message from that person.
The other day, a certain man gave us an offer regarding a business (in Japan).
According to his words, he is Mr. Daniel Kovach, Director of Personnel Department of your company, and his message came with attachment of an image of his Swiss nationality passport and the contract paper with you. Could you kindly identify him for us as Mr, Daniel Kovach, Director of Personnel Department currently registered in your company? We are sorry for troubling you, but let us ask you to confirm it, please.
If it is necessary, we will send you the passport image, the contract paper and his message, too.
Sincerely yours,
The other day, I was invited by a man (who live in Japan) to do business.
According to him, he is "Daniel Kovach", the manager of the personnel department. In the message letter, data about an agreement and a photo of his passport of Swiss citizen.
I would like to confirm if he is really you manager of the personal department.
Sorry for the trouble. I can send the message and the photo of passport and the data of the agreement, if necessary.
Best regards,
すみません。以下のように訂正させて頂きます。:According to him, he is "Daniel Kovach", the manager of personnel department of your company. In the message letter, data about an agreement and a photo of his passport of Swiss citizen were included.