The item got damaged while being transported from our warehouse.
Unfortunately, it is out of stock at our store, so we looked at our suppliers and other shops, but we can’t find it.
We have to cancel your order this time.
We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused.
We plan to have this item in stock in late March.
When we have it, we will contact you.
Thank you in advance.
However, the product had been broken when it's under transportation from our warehouse.
Unfortunately we don't have any in stock at the moment, and we checked with our supplier and other shops but there was no inventory either.
Please let us cancel your order just for now.
We apologize for causing you troubles.
The next arrival of goods is scheduled in the end of March.
We will contact you once we receive them in stock.
Your understanding would be highly appreciated.
The item was damaged during transportation from our warehouse.
Unfortunately we do not have stock at our shop, we asked our supplier and other shops but we could not find any stock.
We will cancel your order for now.
We are very sorry for causing you an inconvenience.
We expect the item to be available again at around the end of March.
We will inform you when the item becomes available.
Thank you in advance.
The product got damage in transit.
Unfortunately we don't have stock, and we couldn't find any stock in our suppliers and other stores.
Let us cancel your order for now.
We are terribly sorry for inconvenience.
The product will be in stock the latter 10 days of March.
When we receive it we will let you know.
Thank you for your patience.