[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] 旅行や子供撮影として購入、1週間ほど使用したレビューです。(前機種IXY900Is) 外観:塗装は高級そうだけどスイッチ類が微妙にチープ。ノーマーク...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は [削除済みユーザ] さん mzarco1 さん [削除済みユーザ] さんの 3人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 6件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 507文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 4時間 54分 です。

kakakucomによる依頼 2014/09/16 08:00:40 閲覧 1654回
残り時間: 終了



操作:スイッチ類がとにかく小さい(特に録画ボタンと十字ボタン)。酷評のモードダイヤルは諦めてますw オマケッぽいし、これなら無い方が…。iAで十分。


評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2014/09/16 12:45:22に投稿されました
This review is after a week's use for travel and children photo shoot purposes. (Prior model used: IXY900Is)

Exterior: Its polish may appear refined, but the buttons are somewhat cheap looking. the battery and USB cover I haven't thought of before are so thin I worry they might just fall off.

Controls: The buttons are really tiny (Especially the record button and the D-pad.) I've given on the notorious mode dial, lol. This part feels like a last-minute add-on, and this device could have done without it. iA is sufficient.

Picture quality: Compared to the last model, this device delivers crisper images with vibrant color, and I prefer it for snap pictures.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2014/09/16 13:18:49に投稿されました
I purchased this for taking pictures of traveling and my child. This is a review 1 week after my purchase. (previously I owned IXY9001s)


The paint looks expensive, but switches are kind of cheap. The battery and connection covers are so thin and makes me even worry.

The switches are so small (especially the record button and the plus bottom). The mode dial that is being criticized badly, I do not even care anymore LOL. I think It is not really necessary to be there. IA would do enough.

[Image Quality]

It is sharper, and colors are more vivid for snap shots. I like it better compare to the previous camera.





評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2014/09/16 12:51:53に投稿されました
The minimum noise with dark lighting was a nice surprise.

As for its video quality, the 46 inch full video delivers awing quality for a portable digital camera. For editing, I take it as is and record on the DVD option. Could only be played on a PC, fares well on MediaplayerClassic but the sound delays on SMPlayer. (Laptop: Pen M1.86GB, 2GB RAM)

Function: The decisive factor is the video zoom option. The 25-300mm lens provides convenient snaps, and is quite fun.

Con: Standard 80 photos or 10 minutes of video depleted one battery bar.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2014/09/16 13:39:27に投稿されました
I surprised how little noises were in the dark.

The movie is good enough if recording as a full 46 inch digital camera. I just use DVD recorder for editing. Nothing else. Use PC for playing; Media Player Classic works fine, SM Player has some audio gap. (Laptop PC: Pentium M1.86GB, RAM2G)


Movie zoom is what I liked. I like 25-300mm lens because I can take from anywhere.

[Some things to improve]
The battery, it loses one memory for 80 still images and 10 min movie.



評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2014/09/16 10:04:22に投稿されました
For a movie digital camera, it’s weak. The backup is expensive, too.

Satisfaction: The exterior is another story, but the basic functions as a digital camera such as shooting and viewing are fairly good, so I’m very satisfied.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2014/09/16 12:54:21に投稿されました
Not the best camera for recording videos. Its competitors are quite pricey.

Satisfaction: Besides its exterior, the camera delivers promising basic functions such as photos and videos, and I'm very satisfied.










例:【 】→× [ ] →○


例: It’s →× It is →○

例: didn’t →× did not →○



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 例)テザリング tethering 等


【液晶】    →[LCD]

【価格】    →[Price]

【拡張性】   →[Expandability]

【画質】    →[Image Quality]

【画面表示】  →[Screen Display]

【機能性】   →[Functionality]

【携帯性】   →[Portability]

【処理速度】  →[Processing Speed]

【静音性】   →[Low Volume]

【走行性能】  →[Driving Performance]

【操作性】   →[Operability]

【総評】    →[General Comments]

【通話音質】  →[Call Quality]

【使いやすさ】 →[Ease of Use]

【燃費】    →[Fuel Efficiency]

【乗り心地】  →[Ride Quality]

【付属ソフト】 →[Attached Software]

【満足度】   →[Satisfaction]

【文字変換】  →[Character Conversion]


【インテリア】 →[Interior]


【エンジン性能】→[Engine Performance]

【グラフィック性能】→[Graphic Function]

【デザイン】  →[Design]

【バッテリー】 →[Battery]

【ボタン操作】 →[Button Operation]

【ホールド感】 →[Grip]

【メニュー】  →[Menu]

【レスポンス】 →[Response]







例)テザリング tethering 等


【画質】→[Image Quality]
【総評】→[General Comments]

処理速度→[Processing Speed]
グラフィック性能→[Graphic Function]
使いやすさ→[Ease of Use]
静音性→[Low Volume]
付属ソフト→[Attached Software]


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