Actually, our company's Amazon UK account has been suspended.
The reason for this is that we were doing parallel import sales of Japanese products. As you know, in Europe, the makes of a product can present an objection to these kind of sales. When a company receives an objection, their selling rights on Amazon are suspended.
The situation was pointed out to us by A Company a year ago. We apologize to A company and they removed their objection. This time, we have received an objection from C Company, which is the brand management company of B company, and our selling rights have been suspended.
The fact is that our company has been suspended from Amazon in the UK.
The reason was concurrent exports of Japanese products. As you know regarding concurrent exports in the EU, it is possible for the maker to make a protest. If the protest is claimed the sellers account is suspended.
About a year ago when we had a problem with A we apologized directly to the company and had the claim withdrawn. However, when sold brand B the controlling company C filed the complaint, and our account was suspended.
Although we submitted a report shown below at the beginning, please tell me how to cope with such a problem.
I would appreciate it if you could give me some effective tips.
At first we submitted this report (below), in this case what should we do?
If you have any useful advice or hints I would appreciate hearing them.
We already submitted the following report. How could we deal with this kind of issue?
I would appreciate if you could give us a possible clue for it.