Thank you for your willingness to address this. I can see how you've achieved 100% positive feedback rating. I am happy to file a damage claim and will attempt to do that tomorrow. I will be traveling after tomorrow and my schedule will prevent me from attending to this after tomorrow. If that happens and I cannot attend to it until I return on 7/17, will that be too long of a delay? Is having the camera repaired locally, an option?
It is absolutely rubbish service, this is only happening while buying oversea. No reply, no consultation from the seller. If I refund this lens, how do I know that 1.) You will refund me when you receive it ? You can just just not received or anything similar 2.) I paid £40 in Tax n Duty to get this item from you, and then now I am facing loosing another £40 to post it back to you ? Why do I have to pay for the return which is not my fault You were pushy, dodgy in every way you are doing. You clearly know this lens is faulty and now when I spotted it, you didn't have any comments, as clearly you know you are in the wrong
1) あなたは商品を受け取ってから返金するつもりですか?
2) 私はあなたに£40をTax n Duty であなたからこの商品を購入するために支払いました。そして、今私はあなたのところに返品するための送料£40を損することに直面しています。どうして、自己都合ではない理由での返品で送料を負担しなければいけないのですか。あなたが行なっていることは販売者として最低です。
「商品は損の申し立てを」→ 「商品破損の申し立てを」でお願いします。