I recently purchased something from you on (I bought the "Deleter Comic Book Paper"). Because I was extremely impressed by your services, and saw that you sell quite a lot of nice Japanese products, I started browsing through your selling inventory and found the book "Manga Techniques: Drawing Manga for Advanced Learners" and really wanted to buy it. However, unfortunately, it's no longer available? Is there a reason for this?
先日B.ukで貴方の商品(Deleter Comic Book Paper)を購入した者です。貴方のサービスが非常に良かったのに加え、日本の素敵な商品を数多く揃えていらっしゃるので、販売中の在庫を拝見しましたところ、"Manga Techniques: Drawing Manga for Advanced Learners"(マンガの技法:上級者向けのマンガの描き方)という本を見つけ、是非購入したいのですが、もう手に入らないのでしょうか?何か理由があるのでしょうか。