Easy to connect, just place it between A and B.
When it's being uploaded, it beeps against a signal from B.
It's helpful when the FTDI is upside down or the LED is covered and hard to see.
You add a pin header and a socket. +V indicates the socket on A's side, and the pin header, which is connected to F, is on the other side.
You attach A and B.
The speaker and pin header side (FTDI side) touch each other. Please attach the speaker with a bit of space.
If you want to move the speaker directly by a serial signal, short circuit A.
Easy connection by just inserting between A and B.
When uploading, a sound goes off when transmission from P occurs.
It is very useful when the FTDI is on the back side, or the LED light is shielded, because you can confirm by the sound.
You connect pin header and the socket.
The +V mark is the socket on the A side, and on the opposite is the pin header to connect to F.
Connect A and B.
The speaker and the pin header side (FTDI side) bumps into each other. Please connect by lifting the speaker a little bit.
If you want to activate the speaker directly with a serial signal, short-circuit A.
Easy to connect by just inserting A and B
Data transmission from P gives an alert when uploading
It is convenient because data transmission can be confimed even if FTDI is upside down or LES is hidden from eyesight.
Connect the socket marked as +V to the A and the pin header at opposite side to the F.
When connecting, a speaker interferes the pin header side (FDTI side), so please lift up a speaker little bit.
When operating a speaker directly by the serial data signal, place a jumper across A to make it shorted.
申し訳ありません。2行目に単語抜けがあります。2行目の"Easy to connect by just inserting A and B"の文章を"Easy to connect by just inserting between A and B"に差換えてください。
Audible sound notifies when uploading!
Easy to connect by just inserting A and B
Traffic from P gives an audible sound when uploading
It is convenient because traffic from P can be confirmed even if FTDI is upside down or LED is hidden from eyesight.
Connect the socket marked as +V to the A and the pin header at opposite side to the F.
When it is connected, a speaker interferes the pin header side (FDTI side), so please lift up a speaker little bit.
When operating a speaker directly by the serial data signal, place a jumper across A to make it shorted.
Easy use by just connecting between A and B.
Upon upload, beeps on transmission from P side.
Easy confirmation even when FTDI isn't facing this side, of LED is obstructed.
Set up Pin Header and Socket. +V mark A side socket, other side is Pin Header which connects to F.
Set up A and B.
Speaker and Pin Header(FTDI side) collides. raise speaker a little when setting up.
Short A when using speaker directly with a serial signal.