Japan support center does not provide support for software made overseas.
Therefore, entering product key of overseas item at Japan support center wil be invalid.
I assume you installed software of different version, haven't you?
If you have a history of previous installation, it refers to the old registry which may cause inconsistency.
If you can use it as it is, I don't think there is any problem using it.
Supporting centers in Japan does not support foreign softwares.
Therefore, entering the product keys of foreign products at a Japanese supporting center will have no effect.
I presume that maybe you have installed a software with a different version.
If there is a record of installation previously, the old registry will be refered, so there are times when inconsistency occurs.
If you can use it as it is, I think there is no problem to do so.
Support center in Japan does not offer any support for the software sold in overseas.
Therefore, we cannot enter the product key for the software for overseas.
I imagine you may have installed the different version of software. Have you?
If there is the old record that the different version was installed, it refers to the old registry. Therefore, inconsistance may occur.
If there is no problem, I believe it is okay for you to continue to use it.