What every marketer should know about the Asian Internet user
This article summarizes what every digital brand marketer outside should know and often find hard to know – the right target audience.
Produced by Marketing Mobile Association (MMA) and Vserv.mobi, the report below addresses the audience insights of the growing mobile internet user base in the Southeast Asia (SEA) region by profiling the mobile web and app users, their purchasing power, lifestyle and consumption pattern.
Marketing Mobile Association (MMA)とVserv.mobiによって作成された以下の報告書は、モバイルウェブとアプリのユーザーおよび彼らの購買力・ライフスタイル・消費パターンを調べることで、拡大を続ける東南アジアのモバイルインターネットユーザーの意識調査に取り組んでいる。
以下のMarketing Mobile Association(MMA)とVserv.mobiによるレポートでは、増加する東南アジア地域のモバイルインターネットユーザーベースのオーディエンスインサイトが、モバイルウェブやアプリのユーザー、購買力、ライフスタイルや消費傾向の輪郭を描くことによって論じられている。
Marketing Mobile Association (MMA)およびVserv.mobiが作成した以下のレポートは、東南アジア地域において拡大するモバイルインターネットの利用者層に関する、オーディエンスの洞察について書かれたもので、モバイルウェブおよびアプリの利用者、その購買力やライフスタイル、購買パターンを紹介している。
Digital media advertisers, and managers can use this to target their campaign, and create better quality engagement within their target audience. Gone were the days whereby a successful campaign was judged superficially based on metrics such as number of page likes or page views.
What defines an effective campaign in my opinion today is all about creating relevant messages for your audiences. Great quality content should be top priority because it is all about creating conversations and meaningfully engage the community. By understanding your target audience, you would also be able to identify the influencers of that community. Win them over first, and your page likes are guaranteed to increase later.
The report below tells us that half of mobile internet users are generally younger and the age of 24 and below. Considering that 70 percent of users are also working professionals, with a high spending power that includes frequent visits to restaurants, shopping malls & movie theatres, what can this tell us about what conversations they are engaging in in the offline world?
If you’re already engaged in the right conversations, are you in the right space? Consumption habits reveal that the Mobile Internet users are content and information hungry, often turning to mobile advertising to fulfil these needs. Think of how you can further engage the 55 percent of consumers who seek out mobile ads that provide downloadable content, and the 42 percent who love ads that help them discover great deals.
At the end day, it is all about rewarding your audience with a present that is only useful for them, but it must also something that they love. After all, the Modern Internet Users today can be very spoilt.