○○ is registered in the USA and now its operational distribution and manufacturing business branch is registered in HongKong.
The products are made in China, we have our factory in China, so all the products are shipped from China.
We always ship directly from china to worldwide including Japan by DHL express or UPS express.
The ○○ product manual is in English, there is a quick reference manual card inside the package and
two detailed manuals on our website, one is hardware manual and the other is software instruction manual, both of them are in English.
As we don’t have a person can translate them into Japanese, so we are sorry that we don’t have Japanese manual at this moment.
But if you like to, we can send you the English manual, and you can translate them into Japanese, then we can format them into pdf format.
For the cost concern, we don’t print the paper manual in Japanese and put it in the package, this is because the printing work is submitted to other 3rd party factory,
and they don’t take the work less than 2000 manuals. Thus, you would need to order at least 2000 which is not the reality and doesn’t make sense to you.
So my suggestion is to make a Japanese manual in file format and you can put them on your website to let user to download.
We don’t take the payment by Paypal because there is 4% service charge and when we withdraw the month from Paypal, the currency exchange is forced at very low rate.
This totally cost us 8% lose by taking Paypal payment while our profit is not high enough to afford it.
So we only take the bank wire transfer option as payment and buyer should pay all the bank wiring fees.
Includes the weight of each ○○ package, and 20-100 ○○ shipping cost to Japan.
So you can add the unit price to the shipping cost would make the total amount of your order.
We don’t sell our unit less than 20 to a distributor, the minimum order amount is 20, which is fit into one shipping box.