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Social Media Innovation Flourishes During Thailand Floods

Byron Perry is the founder of hyperlocal and user-generated city website Coconuts Bangkok.

A wise man once said that necessity is the mother of invention, and indeed The Great Thailand Floods of 2011 have given rise to all sorts of new contraptions to deal with the life in the water – from raised tuk-tuks to water bottle doggy lifejackets.

Online innovation has also flourished during the floods, as people in Thailand have turned to social media for everything from sharing information to comic relief to serious calls for help.

With conflicting and confusing statements coming from Thailand’s politicians, social media has become even more crucial.



Byron Perry氏は、ハイパーローカルでユーザーによって作り出された都市ウェブサイトCoconuts Bangkokの創始者である。




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In fact, a survey last week by Assumption University’s respected ABAC Poll Center found that social media had surpassed newspapers as a source of information with usage increasing from roughly 19 percent to 25 percent during the floods in Thailand.

Twitter has become probably the most used and trusted platform for flood info, with people who may have never heard of the site before signing up.600,000 in September to 720,000 in October, according to the digital media agency McFiva that owns the advertising rights to Twitter in the country. The platform has achieved buzz throughout all sectors of Thai society, and stories are floating around of nervous mothers asking their teenage kids to join for flood updates.




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The service reported a 20 percent increase in users in Thailand from
In an interesting look at how Twitter users can govern themselves during a crisis, people came up with separate hash tags for Thai (#thaiflood) and English (#thaifloodeng) information. As the flooding approached Bangkok, influential tweeple like travel blogger Richard Barrow urged users to employ the correct hashtag so people wouldn’t have to sift through tweets in a language they didn’t understand. McFiva managing director Supachai Parchariyanon told the AFP last week that #thaiflood was currently the biggest hashtag in Thailand.


Twitterのユーザー達が危機の真っ只中にどのように自分達を自制するのかを見る興味深い観察内容では、タイ(#thaiflood)と英語(#thaifloodeng)の情報に人々は別々のハッシュタグを考え出した、とされている。洪水がバンコクを襲おうという時に、Richard Barrow氏などの有名なツイート民達は、ユーザーに、正しいハッシュタグを使用することで自分の理解しない言語のツイートの数々をふるいにかける必要がなくなることを伝えた。先週、McFivaのMDであるSupachai Parchariyanon氏はAFPに対して、#thaifloodが現在タイで最も最大のハッシュタグとなっていることを伝えた。

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About Facebook, the platform has served as more of a forum for photo sharing and “we’re all in this together” camaraderie during the floods than real-time information. The community feature – pages “dedicated to a topic or experience that is owned collectively by the community connected to it,” as Facebook puts it – has seen the most use.

Probably the biggest community, the name of which can be loosely translated to “When the waters rise, we post”, launched on Oct. 6 and now has over 290,000 members sharing photos of their flooded backyards (sometimes with crocodiles loose in them), advice for house cleaning after the floods, and motivational messages.


