Black textured-leather.Exaggerated lapels, ribbed wool inserts at long sleeves, front zip-fastening pockets, internal slit pockets, fully lined.Asymmetric zip fastening through front.
Hi,It was posted on 4/11/11 by Global economy Ref. CP679193258GB which takes 46-51 days.Sorry that it is such a long delivery, I did not realise that it took so long when I booked it, but due to the size of the parcel this cost £43, the quicker options were over £100 for delivery. I would guess that it should arrive in about 2 weeks.
こんにちは。2011年11月4日にGlobal Economyにより追跡番号CP679193258GB にて発送されましたが、お届けまで46~51日ほどかかるようです。郵送に時間がかかかることになりお詫び申し上げます。アレンジした時にはこんなに日数がかかるとは思ってもいませんでした。ですが、この箱のサイズですと送料は43ポンドで、もう少し早くお届けするのであれば、100ポンドの送料オプションを選択すべきですね。2週間ほどで到着するのではないかとみています。
ナツメが少し困ったようにこちらを見たが、ミズキは肩を竦めてみせる。 出会って数日しかしていない王子のことなど、どう気を遣えばいいのかわかるはずがない。ナツメ:「じゃあ、お言葉に甘えて………」 逡巡して、ナツメはそう結論を出した。 雑巾を渡され、ミズキはまず窓を拭いていく。 やたら大きい窓の上を拭くには脚立が必要なほどだった。ミズキ:「これ………いつもどうやって掃除してるんだ?」 手を伸ばすのを諦めて、ミズキは脚立を組み立てる。
Natsume shows a little perplexed expression, but Mizuki just shrugs it off.She can never have understood how to attend to the prince whom she met just days ago. Natsume : "Alright then... In that case, I will..."With hesitation, Natsume has decided to go ahead. After Mizuki gets her floor cloth, she starts polishing the window. She even needs a stepladder to polish the top part of the window.Mizuki : "Here..... How do you usually clean?"Mizuki has given up reaching out for the top of the window, and starts assembling the stepladder.
ナツメ:「普段はフウとネムが肩車してるよ。僕とミズキくんじゃどうやっても届かないけど」 脚立に登って本棚の上のほうからハタキをかけながら、ナツメが言った。 どうしてこの部屋は上へ上へと長く設計されているんだろう。 苛立ちを覚えながら、ミズキは一生懸命になって窓を拭く。王子:「毎回思うが、何故私の部屋にナツメがくるんだ。フウとネムが掃除をすれば脚立を使うこともないだろう」ナツメ:「あー………まぁ、みんな忙しいですから」 ナツメが適当に濁す。
Natsume : "Usually, Fu and Nemu ride piggyback on each other. Mizuki-kun and I will never make it."Natsume says as he climbs up the stepladder and starts dusting off from where the bookshelf is.Why was this room planned to go on and on and on towards the ceiling?With frustration, Mizuki works hard to polish the window.Prince : "I think about this every time, but why does Natsume come to my room? The stepladder is not needed if Fu and Nemu can clean."Natsume : "Ah... well, everyone's busy, you know."Natsume speak evasively.
窓を拭き終わって脚立から降りたところで、どういうことかとこっそり訊ねると、ナツメ:「………メイド長、僕の身長。これでわかるよね?」 ………どうやらメイド長の嫌がらせらしい。 確かに、脚立を使えば掃除はできる。 だからといってこんな効率の悪い方法で掃除させるのだろうか。ナツメ:「いいもんね。いつか僕がメイド長になってやるんだから」ミズキ:「お前、男だろ………」 意気込むナツメに、ミズキは冷静に一言呟く。
When he finishes cleaning the window and gets off the stepladder, he asks what he meant. Natsume : ".... maid leader, my height. You should know what I mean now."... It seems like it is maid leader's harassment. It is true the cleaning can be done with a stepladder. Just because of that, will the maid leader get people to clean in such an ineffective way?Natsume : "Never mind. I will be a maid leader one day."Mizuki : "But you are a boy."Mizuki calmly mutters to enthusiastic Natsume.
王子:「おい」 と、王子に呼ばれ、ミズキは振り向く。 窓を指(さ)され、何のことだかわからずにミズキは近寄っていった。王子:「まだ曇っているだろう」ミズキ:「あ………すみません」 慌てて雑巾でこする。が、落ちない。 それもそのはずだった。室内側ではなく、外側の汚れだったのだ。 窓を開けて裏側を拭くと、汚れはサッと落ちる。王子:「ドアも窓も、表裏両方を見ることになるものは特に注意しろ」王子:「だが、懸命になりすぎて窓から身を乗り出すなよ」
Prince : "Hey"When prince calls Mizuki, Mizuki turns around. Prince points the window. Mizuki does not know what it is about, so he approaches the window. Prince : "It is not clean enough" Mizuki : "Oh.... excuse me"In a flurry, Mizuki scrubs the window, but the dirt does not come off. It was to have been expected. It is outside of the window that is dirty, not inside. Mizuki opens the window and cleans the other side of the window. The dirt goes off immediately. Prince : "Doors and windows - you need to especially pay attention to those with 2 sides."Prince : "But also, you need to be careful not to throw yourself out of the window."
I don't take myself seriously and I don't consider myself a star - Simon Cowell
自分自身に関してはムキにならないし、自分がスターなんて思っちゃいないよ。 - サイモン・コーウェル
どんな敵が来ようとも、自分の結果を残せばいいんじゃないですかね。- 北島康介
No matter who the enemy is, I think it is all good as long as you leave a result you can be satisfied with. - Kosuke Kitajima
この世に生を受けたこと。それ自体が最大のチャンスではないか!- アイルトン・セナ
Given a life in this world. That is the biggest opportunity itself! - Ayrton Senna
人生の中でなんどもなんども繰り返し私は失敗した。それが私が成功した理由だ- マイケル・ジョーダン
I have failed over and over again, and that is why I succeed. - Michael Jordan
The important thing is if you have tried your best you could. I want to be the genius of the effort. - Ian Thorpe
Outcome of EU#summit made him feel "for the first time" UK coalition govt might not last
Being an entrepreneur in China takes balls, but it is those balls that can grandly reward you. The points discussed aren’t meant to scare anyone but instead paint a more realistic picture of what it’s like to do things here. They are also controversial topics which are not always clear cut. China is a place of extremes and it manifests itself just as much in business as anything else.Once again I’ve managed to only cover points from one of Bowei’s slides. It appears this will become a series of posts!
Social Media Innovation Flourishes During Thailand FloodsByron Perry is the founder of hyperlocal and user-generated city website Coconuts Bangkok.A wise man once said that necessity is the mother of invention, and indeed The Great Thailand Floods of 2011 have given rise to all sorts of new contraptions to deal with the life in the water – from raised tuk-tuks to water bottle doggy lifejackets.Online innovation has also flourished during the floods, as people in Thailand have turned to social media for everything from sharing information to comic relief to serious calls for help.With conflicting and confusing statements coming from Thailand’s politicians, social media has become even more crucial.
ソーシャルメディアイノベーション、タイで洪水発生中に躍進Byron Perry氏は、ハイパーローカルでユーザーによって作り出された都市ウェブサイトCoconuts Bangkokの創始者である。窮すれば通ず、といつか賢者は言った。そして実際、2011年タイで発生した大洪水は、水上浮遊するトゥク・トゥクから犬用のウォーターボトルのライフベストに至るまで、水中の生命に対して様々な新しく組み入ったイノベーションを引き起こした。情報のシェアやジョークのシェア、それにまじめなSOSコールをかけるのにも、タイの人々はソーシャルメディアに目を向けることになり、この洪水の時期にオンラインイノベーションは躍進した。タイの政治家により発表された対立的かつ困惑的な発表内容をうけ、ソーシャルメディアはさらに重要なものとなった。
In fact, a survey last week by Assumption University’s respected ABAC Poll Center found that social media had surpassed newspapers as a source of information with usage increasing from roughly 19 percent to 25 percent during the floods in Thailand.Twitter has become probably the most used and trusted platform for flood info, with people who may have never heard of the site before signing up.600,000 in September to 720,000 in October, according to the digital media agency McFiva that owns the advertising rights to Twitter in the country. The platform has achieved buzz throughout all sectors of Thai society, and stories are floating around of nervous mothers asking their teenage kids to join for flood updates.
The service reported a 20 percent increase in users in Thailand from In an interesting look at how Twitter users can govern themselves during a crisis, people came up with separate hash tags for Thai (#thaiflood) and English (#thaifloodeng) information. As the flooding approached Bangkok, influential tweeple like travel blogger Richard Barrow urged users to employ the correct hashtag so people wouldn’t have to sift through tweets in a language they didn’t understand. McFiva managing director Supachai Parchariyanon told the AFP last week that #thaiflood was currently the biggest hashtag in Thailand.
このサービスは、タイにおけるユーザー数としては20%もの上昇となっている。Twitterのユーザー達が危機の真っ只中にどのように自分達を自制するのかを見る興味深い観察内容では、タイ(#thaiflood)と英語(#thaifloodeng)の情報に人々は別々のハッシュタグを考え出した、とされている。洪水がバンコクを襲おうという時に、Richard Barrow氏などの有名なツイート民達は、ユーザーに、正しいハッシュタグを使用することで自分の理解しない言語のツイートの数々をふるいにかける必要がなくなることを伝えた。先週、McFivaのMDであるSupachai Parchariyanon氏はAFPに対して、#thaifloodが現在タイで最も最大のハッシュタグとなっていることを伝えた。
Social media has boosted the popularity of some celebs and made new faces famous during the flooding. Popular singer and jet ski champion (really) Jetrin Wattanasin regularly heads out on his Kawasaki to rescue or deliver food to flood victims – with video running of course – in response to tweets from his 172,00 followers. Environmentalist Sasin Chalermlab has gained a following for providing straightforward and honest information on his Youtube channel, on which the most popular video has been watched more than 440,000 times.
ソーシャルメディアは、洪水の最中に、セレブ達の人気度を高めることに成功し、また新たに有名人を作り出した。人気歌手でありジェットスキーの優勝者(これは事実である)Jetrin Wattanasin氏は、彼のフォロワ-からの1万7200ものツイートに応えるべく、カワサキバイクにまたがり自ら救出や洪水の被害者達に食料を配送したりした - もちろん、動画が撮影されていたわけだが。環境保護者であるSasin Chalermlab氏は、彼のYouTubeチャンネル上で率直で真摯な情報を提供することでファンを得た。掲載動画のうち一番人気の高い動画は44万回以上視聴されている。
The most out-of-nowhere viral hit has been the Roo Su! Flood (“know and beat the flood”) video series on YouTube, made by two 26-year-old semi-employed filmmakers. The first video in the series aimed to simplify and bring home the billions of cubic-meters of of water that were bearing down on Bangkok in late October by equating them to cute Blue Whales. The whales have since become a popular culture phenomenon in Thailand, showing up everywhere from women’s nail art to Facebook profile pics, and the main video has been watched over a million times.
最も驚くべきヒットはどこからともなく出てきて展開したRoo Su氏に他ならないだろう!YouTube上の洪水の動画シリーズ (“know and beat the flood” - "洪水を知り洪水をやっつけよう") は、26歳で半失業のフィルムメーカーである。彼の最初のシリーズ動画は、10月末にバンコクを圧倒していた10億立方メートルもの水を、かわいい青いくじらに見立て、簡単に家に持ち帰ることを目的として作られたものだ。これらのくじら達は、その後タイの文化現象となり、女性のネイルアートやFacebookのプロフィール画像上、どこにでも登場することになった。そして一番メインの動画はこれまでに100万回以上視聴されている。
About Facebook, the platform has served as more of a forum for photo sharing and “we’re all in this together” camaraderie during the floods than real-time information. The community feature – pages “dedicated to a topic or experience that is owned collectively by the community connected to it,” as Facebook puts it – has seen the most use.Probably the biggest community, the name of which can be loosely translated to “When the waters rise, we post”, launched on Oct. 6 and now has over 290,000 members sharing photos of their flooded backyards (sometimes with crocodiles loose in them), advice for house cleaning after the floods, and motivational messages.
Misinformation on social media has sometimes been a problem during the flooding, as alarming posts can quickly go viral and be passed around as fact. But there have been no reports of major false panics. Generally misinformation has involved photos on Facebook – like this one of another crocodile – that have proven to be somewhere other than Thailand.For comic relief during the flooding, Tumblr has become the platform of choice for English speakers for its quick and easy functionality.