6. Make Hyperlinked Text User-FriendlyOne big advantage of web-based content is our ability to use hyperlinks. The proper use of hyperlinks can aid readability.What you can do:・Indicate which links have already been visited by the user by styling the :visited CSS selector differently from normal links, as suggested by Nielsen, so that readers quickly learn which links they’ve already tried.・Use the title attribute to give hyperlinks additional context and let users know what to expect once they click the link.・For additional tips, read >Visualizing Links: 7 Design Guidelines.
6.ハイパーリンクをユーザーフレンドリーにするウェブコンテンツの大きな利点にハイパーリンクがある。適切なパイパーリンクの使用は文を読みやすくする。できること:・Nielsenの提案に従い「:visited」を使ってどのリンクがすでに訪問されたか未訪問のリンクとの区別を表示する。それによってユーザーはどのリンクをすでに踏んでいるか判断出来る。・リンクに関係のあるタイトルをつけることによってユーザーが分かりやすくなる。・詳しくは>Visualizing Links: 7 Design Guidelines
7. Use Visuals StrategicallyPhotos, charts and graphs are worth a thousand words. Using visuals effectively can enhance readability when they replace or reinforce long blocks of textual content.In fact, an eye-tracking study conducted by Nielsen suggests that users pay “close attention to photos and other images that contain relevant information.”
Users, however, also ignore certain images, particularly stock photos merely included as decorative artwork. Another eye-tracking study reported a 34% increase in memory retention when unnecessary images were removed in conjunction with other content revisions.What you can do:・Make sure images you use aid or support textual content.・Avoid stock photos and meaningless visuals.
An eye-tracking study conducted by Nielsen revealed an eye-movement pattern that could further support this idea that web users do indeed read in chunks: We swipe our eyes from left to right, then continue on down the page in an F-shaped pattern, skipping a lot of text in between.We can do several things to accommodate these reading patterns. One strategy is to break up long articles into sections so that users can easily skim down the page. This applies to block reading (because blocks of text are denoted by headings) as well as the F-shaped pattern, because we’re attracted to the headings as we move down the page.
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