You meant the payment through bank in advance? It means that I cannot pay by credit card nor through PayPal, correct? If I were to order an item that is worth 1000€, you could ship me the item if I make an advance payment of 1000€, correct? I just purchased it on your online shop. Thank you!Please let me know about the payment option when I make another purchase next time. I will be sure to contact you again. Is it ok if my partner contact you to discuss our schedule?
I apologize for the late reply. Regarding your payment through PayPal, could you use the email address below and make your payment for $20 CAD? xxx@xxxWe will ship your item as soon as your payment is made. As an apology for the late reply, we will be sending you a small item with your ordered item.Thank you.
Below is a part of the email from eBay. Thank you for contacting your nearest post office to refuse your delivery.If you receive your ordered item, you will be responsible for paying the shipping cost for returning your item (You will also cover the cost of tracking your item in order to prove your shipment). We will be also asking you to send us photos of your item, package, and invoice to check that you've returned the same item again. We are hoping to make this easier for you. Again, thank you for contacting your nearest post office as soon as possible.
高額商品を、遠い日本から興味を持っていただきありがとうございます。今回、初めての取引なのでお客様にとって銀行振り込みは不安かと思われます。私のおすすめはPaypal決済です。PayPal を通して支払いをすれば「買い手保護制度」で保証を受ける事ができるため安心して取引していただけると思います。ebay 経由でもいいですし、直接 PayPal 取引でもいいですし、とにかく安くして欲しいということでしたら銀行振込でもいいですよ。
Thank you for your interest in purchasing our product all the way from Japan. As this is your first time doing business with us, I imagine that you might not be comfortable at processing a bank payment.So what I would recommend is a payment through PayPal. PayPal offers a Purchase Protection for Buyers so I think you would be much more comfortable this way. I will leave it up to you to decide whether you prefer ebay or PayPal, or if you want to get the best deal, you can make a bank payment. Thank you.
In the series called "**" that was aired in Japan, there is an original character named "**" which does not exist in the original script. It is an original character for the tv series. The name of the DTM software is **.The name from the tv series ** and **.Because she was using a name **. The main character of the series is called *. This is a name that ** was using in different company. ** was using several names. In addition, there are doctor's names that were stolen from strangers. Because he/she is a fake doctor, he cannot perform any medical treatment. Recently, he/she is using a face of teenagers.
What I don't understand is, The group ** tried to politically use the fact that I was being watched by @@. By killing me and publishing it in the media, they tried to get rid of ** and become the first. Regarding the publishing of the book, they signed a contract with 6 companies and even got in touch with Hollywood movie producers, but when they learned about the killing, they canceled the contract. However, they came back.
** from the group ** was not only watching through satellite. When I was 10 years old, **'s secretary poisoned me with needle. Also, one of my classmate from middle school was poisoned with needle for leukemia and passed away at the age of 15 because of cancer. The kid who passed away is a family of ** who is very popular and well-known in Japan. The name of the secretary is **.His/Her nickname is Utsubo.
アジアジャパンブリッジは福岡のランドオペレーターです。皆様に福岡を中心に九州を楽しんで頂ける旅行を企画・提案します。ご紹介させて頂いた旅行行程は一部です、3日間~5日間コースもあります、メールにてご連絡下さい。連絡先アジアジャパンブリッジ株式会社福岡市東区箱崎3-1-15 One Off6FTEL092-643-4020 FAX092-643-4028Eail fukuoka@a-j-b.co.jp
Our company, Asia Japan Bridge, is a tour operating company based in Fukuoka, Japan. We propose and offer travel plans for our clients to enjoy and discover Fukuoka and the Kyushu region. The suggested plan is just a one of many options we offer. The 3 to 5 days plans are also available. Please feel free to contact us through email. Our contact information:Asia Japan Bridge CorporationOne Off 6 Floor, 3-1-15, Hakozaki, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka City, Japan Tel. 092-643-4020Fax. 092-643-4028Email. fukuoka@a-j-b.co.jp
大変お手数をおかけしますが、バイヤーとセラーの両方の安心安全のためにもご理解をお願い致します。もし、ご了承いただけるようでしたら、あなたにご面倒をおかけする手数料として、商品価格から約5%のお値引きをして、 $◯の価格であなたに販売する準備があります。ご検討いただけると幸いです。
We apologize in advance for any inconvenience. Thank you for understanding that this is to ensure the best quality of work for both buyers and sellers. If you are willing to agree, we could offer you approximately 5% discount of our products for the inconvenience we caused, so it should be $___ in total. Thank you for considering this offer and we look forward to hear from you. Sincerely,