元の翻訳 Please turn over the products to the carrier from warehouse immediately. Could you discuss the extra cost with the carrier?The carrier went to the warehouse to receive them today after they confirmed the day.We guess that warehouse staffs contact with the carrier after they check with you about the day to receive.The number we ordered consists of 60% clothing and 40% shoes. If you want to cancel this order, you can do that.
修正後 Please turn over the products to the carrier from [article] warehouse immediately. Could you discuss the extra cost with the carrier?The carrier went to the warehouse to receive them today after they confirmed the day.We guess that warehouse staffs [uncountable noun] contact [tense confusion] the carrier after they check [tense] with you about the day to receive.The number [word choice] we ordered consists of 60% clothing and 40% shoes. If you want to cancel this order, you can do that [mistranslation].
元の翻訳 The recommended spot in Japan[Historic Villages of Shirakawa-go]There is the Historic Villages of Shirakawa-go located in Gifu that foreign people can experience what they want to do the most.This place was resistered on the World Heritage List.Especially it's very popular for foreign tourists to stay guest house in Shirakawa-go.There are three reasons.Seeing Japanese countrysideComing in contact with local peopleExperiencing of the Japanese traditional lifeThis is a reccomended spot that you can enjoy the sense of slipping back in time to Japan in good old days.
修正後 The recommended spot in Japan[Historic Villages of Shirakawa-go]There is the Historic Villages of Shirakawa-go located in Gifu that foreign people can experience what they want to do the most.This place was resistered on the World Heritage List.Especially it's very popular among foreign tourists to stay guest house in Shirakawa-go.There are three reasons.Seeing Japanese countrysideComing in contact with local peopleExperiencing of the Japanese traditional lifeThis is a reccomended spot that you can enjoy the sense of slipping back in time to Japan in good old days.
元の翻訳 一番売れているThe Little America Backpackのスタイル。クラシックな登山用のスタイルにインスパイアされ、このバッグは容量が多く、モダンなスタイル。・綿とポリエスエル混合で、The Little America Backpackサインの裏地・最大15までのパソコンを入れられるフリース生地のスリーブポケット・内側のメディアポケット・一番使う部分のトップファスナー閉鎖が頑丈・空気の入れ替えができるパッド入りのメッシュバッグ・肩のラインに沿ったストラップ・革のしわ加工が施されているファスナーのつまみ
修正後 一番売れているThe Little America Backpackのスタイル。クラシックな登山用のスタイルにインスパイアされ、このバッグは容量が多く、モダンなスタイル。・The Little America Backpackのサインが入った総裏地つきの綿とポリエスエル混合生地・最大15インチまでのパソコンを入れられる全体にパッドを入れたフリース生地のスリーブポケット・内側のメディアポケット・メイン収納部上部の口の広い開口部・空気の入れ替えができる背面メッシュパッド・肩のラインに沿ったストラップ・フルグレインレザー(総天然皮革製)のファスナーつまみ