Have you sent the package?As we have not received the B/L, would you please inform us the status by return? Without the B/L we can't track the shipment and we can't prepare for customs clearance in China. Our customer in China is in a great hurry, so we would appreciate it if you could contact us as soon as possible.
What is the current status of the cargo?Has it arrived at your company?Has the repair been going well?When can you send it back to the Chinese customer?As we have received a reminder from the Chinese customer, please let us know the current status.
The razor we sold to you is really usable.We have sold many razors, and it was in the highest degree.However, a razor go better with a certain sharpening stone, and if the grit is too fine, the razor will not be sharpen enough.For example, Japanese steel is sharpened at a grain size of #8000, but Chinese steel is sharpened at #5000 for the best sharpness.The sharpness of the blade will differ by the number of times the front and back blades of a razor blade are sharpened.The most of the problems of razor are caused by the sharpening stone.Please refer to the link we recommend for the sharpening stones.We would appreciate it if you could reconsider returning them.I really think $500 was a great buy.
We have decided to change our brand logo within six months.So the logo mark engraved on the box will also be changed.This time, we would like to place an order by using the same logo as before. However, because of such reason, our order is smaller than usual.Once the new logo is changed, we plan to order larger quantities.We would appreciate it if you could send us two quotations, one for one for 2,000 pieces and the other for 3,000 piecesAlso, please stop contacting me over and over again, even though I have told you to wait.
My daughter used to be a girl who watches Youtube and played games all the time. I tried to get her to learn English since she was little, but she was having a hard time staying motivated. Therefore, I thought that it would be best if the games she loved and was passionate about could also be used for studying. It was at that time that I happened to hear about this business transfer, and I decided to take over the business because it was exactly what I wanted to do.
I am very excited to be able to start this business. I would like to make our business the best in Japan, so I would appreciate it if you could lend your support to me. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
アプリケーションへの登録は必ずしてください。アプリが更新された可能性があります。下記にURLを再送しますので、詳細を確認してください。時間に余裕を持って、早めにFast Trackの利用をお願いいたします。MさんPさんにもお伝えください。滞在日程を延長する場合、ERFSの再取得は必要ありません(ERFS取得時には入国日の申告しか求められていないので)。ですが、帰国日を記載したItineraryを変更する必要があるかもしれません。アメリカの大使館にお問い合わせください。
Please be sure to register for the application. The application may have been updated. Please refer to the URL below and check the details. Please use Fast Track as soon as possible with time to spare. We would appreciate it if you could tell this matter to Mr. M and Ms. P.If you extend your stay, it is not necessary to re-obtain the ERFS (The requirement when obtaining ERFS is date of entry is only). However, it may be required to change the Itinerary showing your return date. Please contact the U.S. Embassy.
Good afternoon dear . Thank you for your nice compliments and kind words, I am very pleased that you love my works and you would like to buy them and share them with your friends in Japan. Yes, of course I don't mind you buying my baby dolls, but unfortunately now Paypal is no longer available in Russia. This happened 10 days ago and in the near future it will not be available . Now you can make a transfer from Japan to Russia through the Western Union payment system , but it also stops working in Russia on the 19th . Of course , another payment method will be available via transfer to the seller 's card . But Paypal no longer exists in Russia
こんにちは。私の作品を気に入ってくださり、日本のお友達にも紹介したいと言ってくださって、とても嬉しく思います。有難うございます。もちろん、私のベビードールを買っていただいても構いませんが、残念ながら現在ロシアではPayPalが使えなくなっています。これは10日前に生じたことで、近い将来には利用できなくなります。現在、日本からロシアへの送金はWestern Unionの決済システムで送金が可能ですが、これも19日にはロシアで使用できなくなります。もちろん、別の支払い方法としては、販売者のカードへの送金が利用できるようになります。しかし、ロシアでPaypalは存在しません。
日常生活の便利品、お役立ち商品等最新のものを出品していくことに心がけます。shopeeは、若者が多く最新のものを求める傾向が強いので、それに沿う形で運営していきます。一方、伝統面では、例えば、日本では多くのお菓子が流通しています。そのなかでも忘れられい味があります。舌が覚えているのですね、なんとなく買って食べた菓子、時がたって、また食べたくなる。それらの味も知ってほしいので出品していきます。日本で住んでいますので、日本からの発送になります。ご愛顧の程 宜しくお願い致します。
We try to sell the latest items at our site, such as daily convenient products, useful products, etc. Since young people tend to seek the latest items, shopee try to meet their requirements. On the other hand, on the traditional side, for example, a lot of kinds of sweets are distributed in Japan. There are some unforgettable flavors, and we can’t forget them. The sweets we bought and ate for no special reason, and we want to eat them again over time. We want people to know and enjoy these tastes, and it is the reason to sell these items at our site. We live in Japan, so the items will be shipped from Japan. Thank you for being our customer.
Hello.I purchased your license, but I mistakenly purchased the regular version instead of the PRO version.Is it possible to cancel the license and get a refund as I would like to purchase the PRO version?Thank you in advance.
Due to age deterioration, there are stains and scratches on the shrink.Please refer to the images.If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.This item will be shipped with Japan Post tracking number. The shipping cost is cheaper than using courier, but please understand that it may take longer to arrive (about 2-3 weeks).This is a plastic lid that can be set on **mugs. It can be used to enjoy warm drinks. On outer edge of the cap, there is packing to fit the mug. There is a slit under the logo mark for easy drinking.
1.リターンポリシーによると商品不具合以外の返品送料はバイヤー負担になります。ラベルの発行は可能ですが日本までの送料$●をPaypalに送金いただてからのラベル発行となります。発送方法は「FedEx」のみで到着時の梱包を再利用していただくか「FedEx Envelope」という梱包素材を入手していただくようになります。ラベルの手配を進めますか?2.白生地の部分に赤が色移りして滲んでいる
1. According to the return policy, buyers are responsible for shipping cost for returning items except for defective items.Issuing a label is available, however, we will issue a label only after you remit $○○ by Paypal for shipping cost to Japan.You can ship the item by "FedEx" only, and you can either reuse the original packaging or obtain "FedEx Envelope" by your side.Do you want us to make label arrangement?2. The red color has migrated and stained with the white fabric.
Hello. My name is Sean Agnew. Thank you for taking the time to read this message. I have a question about this cassette you are selling on Yahoo. I am currently overseas. I think I can make the proper payment with my Japanese credit card. I have a mailbox in Japan to receive the cassette. If my payment is refused by Yahoo. I can have my friend pay at the convenience store. I wanted to ask you if this would be an okay plan before bidding as it my cause an extra delay of a day or two. If it works properly,- I will purchase more items from you. Thank you!sean
Immersing samples in 90% concentrated sulfuric acid at a temperature of 80°C for 24 hours, we obtained the decrease rate by calculating the difference between the weight before and after immersion.As a comparison, samples produced by A were also evaluated at the same time.Test procedure: elevate temperature for 1 hour + continuous test (24 hours) + cooling for 1 hourWashing samples after testing: washing with large amount of water, then washing with purified waterAs a result, it was found that the corrosion resistance of our product is inferior to A's product.However, the corrosion resistance was better than B's product.To improve corrosion resistance, we are checking processing conditions and wire diameter.
Camber is not originally designed taking into account installation of fire detector. LCP has an interface that receives fire detection signals and stops AHU. Therefore, you need to provide the signal from your end. In case you really want to install a fire detector, we can make a hole at the site if you can tell us the location and size of the hole. Please note that we are not a manufacturer of fire detector, and it is not possible to install a fire detector on the chamber prior to shipment. The manufacturer will take care of such installation and we recommend you to find a manufacturer that has a distributor in China.
As I stated in the previous email, what I want is a full refund.However, I can give up the refund amount of JPY9,350. Therefore, please refund US$296.70 for the product price.If you say the product is genuine, I will return it to you. Please refund the full amount.In that case, I will send you the gem identification certificate as well.*Please bear the return shipping cost.I don't understand why you says you reduce the refund amount just because it is not necessary to return. The stone is a fake and I don't want it.I will return the stone, and demand a refund from you.
〇〇さんから以前にご連絡した通り、残念ながらコストインパクトのご連絡をしなければなりません。1)再塗装の費用ご注文当初、Paintその他の詳細なSPECが無かったため、前回JOBと同仕様で進めると連絡しておりましたが、それに対して貴社は全くコメントをせず、今に至るまで図書の返却がなされていない状況があります。にも関わらず、ここにきてLatestのPaint Specを出してきて再塗装になった費用については、請求をさせていただきたいです。
As previously informed toy by Mr. ( ), we need to inform you of the impact on the cost.1) Cost of repaintingAs the specification for painting and other details were not available at the beginning, we informed you that we would proceed with the same specifications as the previous work. However, your company did not make any response on it, and the relevant books have not been sent to us until this date.We will be obliged to charge you for the cost of repainting which was caused by the delay in delivery of latest paint specification.
Dear jon:Thank you for your reply.Though you and Mr. Tanaka may not be available, I would like to reschedule it for July 19, 16:30.If your schedule allows, please participate in it.
Thanks for your email. I'm afraid that's not quite correct. Anyone who has an Amazon seller account can sell Seiwa products on Amazon.com, including us. These can be retailers, wholesalers, companies, or even private individuals anywhere in the world. If you are the first person or company to sell a product on Amazon, you will be allowed to create the title and description of that product, even if you are not the manufacturer of the product. Amazon does this because they do not want to spend the time and money researching millions of products and writing their own titles and descriptions.
Usually, the manufacturer of a product would open an Amazon account and enter their own well-written titles and descriptions for their products, so they can make good sales on Amazon. If not, then a retailer would open their own Amazon.com account, and enter the details themselves. Amazon assumes that a reseller would enter good information so they will achieve good sales, Amazon also assumes that a manufacturer would also want to have good titles and descriptions, so they would fix any mistakes they see. Amazon believes this system is good enough, and they will not intervene to fix mistakes. Unfortunately, these two things did not happen for Seiwa products.