イザット (teditedu) 翻訳実績

4.6 11 件のレビュー
7年以上前 男性 30代
日本語 英語 (ネイティブ) マレー語
30 時間 / 週
teditedu 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

Please note that product is listed as "BookBundles", which should be categorized to A_GEN_MIXED with 8% VAT rate instead of 0%.

Amazon will use its Tax Engine logic (as used for Amazon Retail today) to identify the correct rate of VAT to apply to the sale according to the product. The selling products will categorized in a much detail manners to match the applicable VAT rate.

If you are enrolled in VAT Calculation Services, Amazon will not use any product tax codes you have provided for this calculation. Your product tax codes will continue to be used for supplies where you are liable to account for the VAT due.

Please consult with your tax advisor to discuss these changes further.


商品は「BookBundles」と記載されていますが、これは A_GEN_MIXED に分類され、VAT率は0%ではなく8%となっています。

Amazonは、そのTax Engineロジック(現在のAmazon Retailで使用されているもの)を使用して、商品に応じて販売に適用されるVATの正しい税率を識別します。販売されている商品は、該当するVAT率に一致するように、非常に詳細に分類されます。



teditedu 英語 → 日本語

I understand that you would like to know why some book orders are being taxed.

Prices listed on the UK marketplace will be treated as inclusive of UK VAT. Amazon will calculate the UK VAT due on your sale and withhold this from the amount collected from the customer.

For shipments fulfilled from outside of the UK, Amazon will calculate the VAT exclusive value of the customer order to determine if the shipment value is above or below the threshold of £135. If the value is at or below this threshold, Amazon will calculate the UK VAT payable and withhold this from the amount collected from the customer. If the value exceeds £135, Amazon will not withhold any amount from the customer.





teditedu 英語 → 日本語

From Taxability perspective, taxes cannot be calculated unless there is a valid PTC (Product Tax Code) assignment for the ASIN.

As the ASIN: B084VHV3DK comes under the books category. Kindly note that, In some cases like books sold by Amazon the PTC (Product Tax Code) attribute is not explicitly stored. However in such cases the software is smart enough to assign a default product tax code

The above mentioned reason tells you why the Amazon has collected taxes for the ASIN :B084VHV3DK even though when you say the items are not taxable and also you have already updated the VAT details and by default, the tax cannot be calculated without the Product Tax Code attribute, due to which that attribute cannot be removed.


課税性の観点からは、ASINに有効なPTC(Product Tax Code)が割り当てられていないと税金を計算することができません。

ASIN. B084VHV3DKは書籍のカテゴリーに属します。Amazonで販売されている書籍のように、PTC (Product Tax Code)属性が明示的に保存されていない場合もありますのでご注意ください。ただし、そのような場合、ソフトウェアはデフォルトの製品税コードを割り当てるのに十分賢いです。

上記の理由は、AmazonがASIN:B084VHV3DKの税金を徴収した理由を示しています。また、あなたはすでにVATの詳細を更新しており、デフォルトではProduct Tax Code属性を削除することができないため、Product Tax Code属性を削除しないと税金を計算することができません。

teditedu 英語 → 日本語

We’ve seen this happen before with some of our members and we’ve seen success in resolving transaction issues when buyers and sellers communicate. Our buyers are also encouraged and expected to be responsive at all times, as well as, empowered to offer satisfactory resolution to their sellers.

Although you may feel that you did everything to take care of your buyer, we have to maintain our original decision. When eBay makes a decision on a case, we can only use the information available at that time; the original decision was correct based on that information, so the case is not eligible for an appeal. Please note that this decision is final and cannot be changed or escalated.


