石村達雄 (tatsuoishimura) 翻訳実績

12年以上前 男性 70代
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 フランス語
tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

Israel’s name meant “God Prevails,” which indicate who really won when Israel wrestled with the Divine Angel of the Lord. There were however instances that A was trying too hard to put Christ into the text such as the account of Jacob wrestling in the dark was described by A as foreshadowing Christ’s agony in the darkness of Gethsemane. He also wrote that “the theocratic ・・・・,” but also add that “its sanctions are spiritual, not physical.” I would say the theocratic laws of Israel is for the state and not the church, and that they are not “spiritual,” if by spiritual A means “non-physical,” since there can not be any such thing as a non-spiritual law if it’s coming from God.



tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

Clowney provides the reader with a survey of selected passages from the Old Testament and how it points us towards Christ. I enjoyed how he observed the meaning of names of various Biblical characters has significance in anticipating Christ through a redeem lineage: Seth is related lexically to the verb meaning “appoint” or “establish” that is echoing Genesis 3:15 of how God has appointed enmity between the Messianic “Seed” and the devil’s seed. Abram’s name was changed to Abraham, meaning “father of a multitude” that reflects the promises of the Abrahamic Covenant. Issac’s name meant laughter—with the mother Sarah laughing not in unbelief as she did previously but because of incredulous joy.



tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

Clowney aims to do this over the course of 9 chapters.
In chapter 5, we move on to Moses, who sets the template for a mediator between God and man. Likewise, he is archetypal servant of the Lord who is also the leader of the people. As expected, Moses’ pivotal role cannot be confined to single chapter, so his role in the story is further explored in chapter 6. Here the focus is on Sinai and the subsequent wilderness journey. Chapter 7 picks up with Joshua, but within the chapter itself a transition is made into Judges, and the bulk of the chapter is actually focused on David as “warrior king.” Chapter 8 begins with David as well, but transitions to Solomon, the original “prince of peace.”


クローニー は、9つの章のコースにわたってそうしようとします。