Takuya Oshige (takuyao) 翻訳実績

5.0 1 件のレビュー
9年以上前 男性
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
takuyao 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

World View has been developing a proprietary parafoil system that will allow it to control the flight of its payloads as they head back towards Earth. Without a parafoil, which is essentially a rectangular parachute that flies atop the cargo, be it scientific experiments or passengers, there would be no way to guide them back to terra firma. With one, it’s possible to gently glide to a specific spot.

Until now, the world record altitude for parafoil flight was about 50,000 feet, Padilla told VentureBeat. But WorldView got its parafoil, which was atop a balloon carrying scientific payloads from researchers at Montana State University and the University of North Florida, to 102,200 feet Friday morning.


World Viewは独自のパラフォイルシステムを開発してきた。それは地上に戻る際に、荷重がかかった状態での飛行制御を可能にするためのものだ。パラフォイルとは基本的に長方形のパラシュートであり、カーゴの上に取り付けられて飛行する。パラフォイルがなければ、それが科学的な実験物であれ、乗客であれ、大地にきちんと戻るよう導くことはできないだろう。しかしパラフォイルがあれば、特定の場所に向かって緩やかに降下することができる。


takuyao 英語 → 日本語

Located throughout the bag is a total of six USB ports that funnel the energy, monitored and controlled by either a small, touch-capable OLED screen, or a Bluetooth-enabled companion app that lets users prioritize what gets charged first, along with keeping an eye on the internal temperature—all without opening the bag.

Fully charged devices are essential and backers clearly want to see this product hit the market. AMPL has raised 130% of its already ambitious $125,000 goal on Indiegogo.


This virtual reality headset has already raised over $111,000 on Kickstarter. Its open source design and wide viewing range make it irresistible for backers.





このバーチャルリアリティを実現するヘッドセットは、Kickstarter ですでに11万1000米ドル以上を集めている。そのオープンソース設計と広い視野範囲が支持者たちを引きつけている。

takuyao 英語 → 日本語

The InBody Band is extremely versatile and clearly exciting to backers. It has almost reached its $50,000 funding goal, but still has plenty of time left on Kickstarter to raise money.


SEER by Caputer Labs uses a smartphone to fully immerse viewers into an alternative reality with a headset capable of displaying an impressive field of view of 100°. With so much screen space, experiences once limited by the un-augmented world creeping in on the sides are able to become so much more. The campaign touts augmented reality experiences that are already available on the iOS and Android platforms, but reinvigorated through the immersion SEER offers.


InBody Bandは極めて用途が広く、支持者たちを興奮させているのは明らかだ。5万米ドルという調達目標にほぼ届いているが、Kickstarterでは資金を集める時間がまだ十分に残されている。


Caputer Labsが提供するSEERはスマートフォンを使い、見事な100°の視野を表示できるヘッドセットで、見る人を別の世界に完全に没入させる。従来は両サイドの変形により世界が広がらず、体験が限られたものになっていたが、これは画面スペースがとても広いため、それをはるかにしのぐ体験が得られる。キャンペーンではiOSやAndroidのプラットフォームですでに利用可能な拡張現実体験が売り込まれているが、それはSEERが提供する没入感によって息を吹き込まれたものである。

takuyao 英語 → 日本語

LinkedIn exec Simon Zhang’s next new thing: A data-analytics startup

Simon Zhang spent his last day at LinkedIn on February 18, giving up his prominent position as senior director of business analytics at the business social networking company. But he’s not leaving empty-handed.

He’s got lots of experience working with people who need to analyze data to make better decisions. Now, that experience will come in handy. He’s planning to establish a startup with data-analytics software that could potentially have a major impact. He envisions marketers, product managers, and developers using the tool.


LinkedInの幹部Simon Zhang氏の次の挑戦は、データ分析のスタートアップ

2月18日、Simon Zhang氏はLinkedInでの最後の日を迎えた。ビジネス向けソーシャルネットワーク企業におけるビジネス分析のシニアディレクターという傑出した地位を手放したのである。しかし、彼は何も持たずに離れるわけではない。


takuyao 英語 → 日本語

“I’d like to build a product that provides very, very easy and quick analytics results,” Zhang told VentureBeat in an interview today. “Ideally speaking, it doesn’t need people to do much work.”

Zhang is just the right type of founder who could appeal to investors looking for their next deal. Several business intelligence and business analytics startups have been acquired in the past few years — take for instance DataPad, Jaspersoft, Parastructure, and Pentaho — and the sentiment about making data actionable and accessible is not letting up. So one could say Zhang is making his move at a good time.




takuyao 英語 → 日本語

He does know he wants to make at least part of the startup’s technology available to use for free under an open-source license. Several pieces of core technology at LinkedIn has gone that route: Apache Kafka and Apache Samza, to name a couple. That stance has obviously rubbed off on Zhang.

And it sounds like the software from Zhang’s startup won’t be a simple dashboard. He describes the product as an “end-to-end solution,” suggesting that it will include more than what’s visible to end users.

But at the end of the day, it seems like he’s most interested in what people will see on their screens.

“You need to get very fast results,” he said.


少なくともそのスタートアップの技術の一部は、オープンソースライセンスのもと無料で利用可能にしたい、ということは彼にはわかっている。LinkedInにおいても、核となる技術のいくつかは同じ道をたどった。例を挙げるとすれば、Apache KafkaやApache Samzaなどである。このスタンスは明らかにZhang氏の影響によるものだ。




takuyao 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

How a Swedish soup experiment points to a better use of iBeacons

A Swedish marketing experiment involving soup could show the optimal way to employ iBeacons: “physical retargeting.”

Glimr, a mobile data management startup that frequently works with publishers, recently launched an iBeacon-based project involving soup for Sweden’s largest newspaper, Aftonbladet.

“All the use cases we’ve seen so far [for iBeacons] use a push approach,” Glimr CEO and cofounder Robert Hedberg pointed out to VentureBeat.

An example: pushing a discount coupon for a video game to your smartphone, when an iBeacon in a physical store flags that you’re standing there in the game section.





「従来の(iBeaconsの)使い方は、すべてプッシュ型のアプローチでした」Glimrの最高経営責任者であり共同設立者のRobert Hedberg氏は、VentureBeatに対してそう指摘した。


takuyao 英語 → 日本語

Instead of that approach, he said, “we switched it around,” creating what the project collaborators call “physical retargeting.”

In November, a Knorr food truck in chilly Stockholm offered free warm samples of the brand’s tomato and Thai soups. Visitors could eat it on the spot or go home with samples. It set up iBeacons on the truck, and several people handing out samples were equipped with battery-powered iBeacons in their pockets.

Visitors to the truck who had the popular Aftonbladet app preinstalled were registered by the iBeacons as having been there.





takuyao 英語 → 日本語

iBeacons, the Apple-backed implementation of beacon technology, are small devices that repeatedly transmit a unique location identifier via Bluetooth. A mobile app in a customer’s smartphone will note the ID, and transmit it back to a publisher or advertiser via Wi-Fi or cellular data. This indicates that the user is standing, say, at the Knorr truck.

As Hedberg noted, the usual iBeacon scenario is that the publisher or advertiser then immediately sends a location-specific ad, coupon, or other marketing communication to the user in the store. The idea is that you’re more likely to buy that new game — or soup — right then.




takuyao 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

But Europeans often have a more patient view of human interaction. Instead of immediately pushing a coupon for Knorr soup to the user, the Glimr approach was to wait: as in, wait until the next time the user opens the Aftonbladet app. It could be that evening, or days or weeks later. Then, on the first screen of the app, the user sees a discount coupon to buy Knorr soup at any Stockholm grocery store.

“The difference [from other iBeacon use cases] is that we’re using them to build up an offline profile,” Hedberg told us. That profile now shows that “these people have visited my store,” he said — or, in this case, my soup truck.




takuyao 英語 → 日本語

“Maybe it makes more sense to give the [iBeacon] info back to the retailer,” he said. “It makes for a better user experience.

“People working in a store are the biggest physical advantage there.”

So why get in their way by distracting the customer with push marketing on their phone? iBeacon technology might best be used to “understand you were here [in the store or at the truck],” Hedberg said. “Not that you are here.”

Glimr is a somewhat unusual data-management platform (DMP), he said, because it is also directly involved with iBeacons. A conventional DMP stores data, often cookie-related, which is then employed to segment users into groups for targeting online ads.




いったいなぜ、宣伝を携帯電話に送りつけて顧客の気を散らし、彼らの行動を邪魔するのか? iBeaconの技術は「あなたが(店舗の中やトラックの前という)その場所にいたことを知る」ために使われるのがベストかもしれないとHedberg氏は言う。「あなたが今その場所にいること、ではないのです」


takuyao 英語 → 日本語

He noted that brands, at least in Europe, “consider it almost spam to push out [marketing] while you’re in the store.” They want to avoid a future where you’re walking past all these retailers on a busy city street, he said, and “they’re bombarding you with messages.”

Some digital marketers might debate if the Knorr soup truck experiment is actually “retargeting,” since there wasn’t an initial digital targeting. Retargeting usually refers to, say, showing a product ad to a prospect after he has visited a website, received a cookie, and bailed out of the shopping cart before buying that product. Some marketers have called it “ad stalking.”




takuyao 英語 → 日本語

Here, though, the term is being extended to consider the initial visit to the soup truck — a real world interaction — as the initial targeting. And the “cookie” is the app’s recognition that the user has been near an iBeacon at the truck. It’s this blend of physical and digital marketing that points toward some different approaches to beacons.

But it also points to a more refined use of beacons. Instead of pushing a coupon as soon as the user sets foot into a beacon-equipped area, as many geo-located scenarios have envisioned, the location identifier saves the marketing move till later.


