The truth is that there’s always money. Sure, startup money is harder to get in some places compared to others, but there is always money.Are you a waiter or a doer?You have heard it a thousand times, let me repeat the cliché again, because it’s true – investors don’t invest in ideas, they invest in people. The fact that an entrepreneur spends even a second talking about the ecosystem is the first signal that maybe they someone who waits for things to happen.Too many startups daydream about becoming overnight paper millionaires, Silicon Valley style. Real entrepreneurs don’t romanticize, and they don’t wait – the state of the ecosystem doesn’t matter.
Hello, how are you?I am the one who bought a product from you on ebay before.Thank you very much for the good product.I am currently running an internet shopping website in Japan and thinking to buy something from you again.I'll purchase a number of products so will you take 10 percent off the total price?I'll pay you over paypal.I hope to continue our good relationship in the future.I look forward to your reply.Thank you.
Before sending a Best Offer or a counteroffer, be sure to read the item description, your trading partner's feedback and any additional terms that have been listed. If you have any questions about the item or the negotiation, email your trading partner before submitting a Best Offer.Please remember that every Best Offer is binding. Cancelled Best Offers are counted toward your maximum available offers. In some categories, you may not be able to make another Best Offer.The description of an item you have placed an offer on has changed significantly.You cannot get in touch with your trading partner by email or telephone.
メモは後でページのリンク先に追加する事ができるので、Post-itと同じ使い方ができます。メモの登録・削除方法はメイン機能と同じ使い方です。デフォルトの機能を変更する場合、本機能を利用します。 書き撮るナビHPへのリンク 背景色:デフォルトは白色 マス目:デフォルトは6マス ヘルプ:デフォルトは表示するSafariにてHPを表示します。ページを作成する時の背景色を選択します。常に、本ヘルプの表示・非表示を選択します。
You can use as it's like the Post-it because it allows you to add memos to a page link.It's the same way as the main function to add or delete memos.Use the main function to change the default settings.- link to the Photo Writing Navi HP- Back ground color : default - white- Squares : default - 6 squares- Help : default - shows upIt displays HP using Safari.Choose a background color for creating a page.Always select help on/off.
10-4Think of how much time you have spent struggling with a problem and then found someone who solved it right away. Think of how much better you would be if many of the issues you were struggling with could be cleared up just as fast. So think of the issues you are working on, and then start to think of who can help you. Help is out there if you look for it, and your business and personal life will move to the fast track once you find it.
9-2Looking for some quick tips on how to run your life? Follow the Ten Commandments, regardless of your religious beliefs. The Ten Commandments offer solid advice on how to run your life in an efficient manner and will keep you from falling prey to many of the things that knock us off course in the pursuit of our goals. Study the Ten Commandments, put them into action, and watch your life come together. Follow the Ten Commandments and your life and the whole world will work better.
I have just perchased your item a little ago.The item condition says it's new however I have noticed that the description said it was mint condition.Is it totally a brand new product? or unboxed?If it is unboxed, I would like to cancel it since it's no longer new.
The step ahead of recycling.'The drink smart project' is the system which people can buy drinks cheaper than usual by bringing own bottles to drink servers which are set at supermarkets, convenience stores and public facilities.
i contacted Fedex and have reported the damage and am waiting for them to let us know what they want us to do. The fedex rep said that they would probably want to see and pickup the preamp. i will let you know as soon as i hear anything from them please do the same,
はい!私はあなたといつも楽しくお話できることを嬉しく思っています。日本では この2/22にAdamのBTIKMのphysical CD が発売されす。私はあなたにこのCDをプレゼントしたいと思ったので2枚予約しました。あなたは、私のUSでの唯一の大好きなお友達だから、大分早い 誕生日プレゼントですが是非あなたに受け取って欲しいと思います。CDを送りたいのであなたの住所を教えて欲しいです。
Yes! I'm glad to be able to talk with you always fun. The Adam's BTIKM's physical CD is going to be released on 22th, February in Japan. I preordered two of them because I want to send you them as a gift. You are my only dear friend in the US so I want you to take the gift though it's an early birthday present. Can I ask you your address so that I can send you the CD?
If it costs websa $70, I gradually came to want the $249 one. I want you to ship it to Florida. Since I transferred my money to Paypal from a Japanese credit card company, It's so complicated. I need you to refund the money to Paypal. I will complete the purchase procedure after I receive a refund notification from Paypal. Sorry for your inconvenience. Thank you.
CHAPTER 48-4Small vs. large If you work in a small company, you want to let employees know what they can look forward to, but things are small enough that everyone is aware of the potential in a job. You can talk about t4e next stages of the company. If the company grows, will those who work for you have opportunities to grow in responsibility? In a large company, people can grow up the corporate ladder; in a small company, people grow not necessarily in position, but in authority and responsibility. Be sure that when you discuss career paths you talk in terms of what could be, what skills employees will need to learn, and what direction they are going, not in terms of promises for future positions.
チャプター 48-4小さい会社 VS 大きい会社小規模の会社で働くなら、あなたは従業員に何を期待できるのか知らせたい。しかし、物事はとても小さいので従業員は仕事のポテンシャルを承知しています。あなたは会社の次のステージについて話すことができます。会社が成長すると、あなたのもとで働く者たちは責任の中で成長することができるでしょうか?大規模な会社では、人々は会社の出世階段で成長できます。小規模な会社では、階級ではなく、権限と責任の中で成長することができます、キャリアパスを議論するとき、何ができるのか、従業員はどのようなスキルが必要になってくるのか、そしてどの方向に向かっているのかということについて話すことを確認し、将来の階級についての約束を話すのではありません。
I might order additional items in the near future, so would you wait to ship the product until I order them?
I became anxious due to the late arrival of the product. Why didn't you tell me other products would be late arrival sooner? My financial losses due to the delay are not a little. I would appreciate if you compensate for the losses in the delay for future better businesses. Thank you.
即決(Buy It Now)にして支払いをすると送料が無料になりません。落札価格と送料で200ドルになってしまいます。どうすればいいですか?
Buy it now puts additional fee for shipment. The total price becomes $200 which includes the sale price and shipment fee. What should I do?
CHAPTER 27-1Probably every one of us grew up with the idea that bosses had the power to delegate all the jobs they didn't like doing to others who had to do their bidding. Well, that may have been true then (although it's not likely), but it certainly isn't true now. In today's environment as a leader, you are to be a servant to those who work for you. You are to serve them, create an atmosphere where they can win, and care about them as people. But what exactly does it mean to be a servant? A person functions as a servant by performing services for another. How does being a boss begin to figure into this definition?
CHAPTER 26-3Guard your guarantees Regarding the principle of promissory estoppel, things can get very sticky. If you tell an employee that you are going to make sure she gets a specific job but then for reason she doesn't get that job, you can be held legally liable as a boss for making a promise that you didn't keep. Penalties can vary; you may be forced to put that person in the Job, and financial penalties may be assessed. In talking about the future of an employee, never make specific promises or implied promises about things that you cannot control or that you might change your mind about. The whole basis of a concept like promissory estoppel is based on one thing - fairness.
チャプター 26-3あなたの保証を守れ確約的禁反語の原則の点では、物事は非常に扱いにくくなる。もしあなたが、従業員に君はある特定の仕事を得ることになるよと伝え、しかしその後何らかの理由で彼女がその仕事を得られなくなると、あなたは約束できない約束をしたとして上司として法的に罰せられることがあります。罰則は様々です。その従業員をある仕事に就かせるよう強制させられたり、罰金が科せられる可能性もあります。従業員の将来についての話では、考えを変えるであろう、またはコントロールすることのできない事について、特定の約束や約束を示唆するようなことは決してしてはいけません。確約的禁反語のようなコンセプトの全体的基本原理は、あるひとつのことに基づいています、それは公平性です。
To encode a message, each letter of the plaintext is replaced by a group of five of the letters 'A' or 'B'. This replacement is done according to the alphabet of the Baconian cipher, shown below.Note: A second version of Bacon's cipher uses a unique code for each letter. In other words, I and J each has its own pattern.The writer must make use of two different typefaces for this cipher. After preparing a false message with the same number of letters as all of the As and Bs in the real, secret message, two typefaces are chosen, one to represent As and the other Bs. Then each letter of the false message must be presented in the appropriate typeface, according to whether it stands for an A or a B.[1]
シンプルで使いやすい付箋紙ウィジェットです。待ち受け画面にいくつでも付箋を貼ることができます。無駄のないナチュラルな操作感がこのアプリの魅力です。たくさん書けて1マスのウィジェットなので、邪魔にならずにいくつも置けます。アプリサイズ、メモリサイズがとても軽量なので、ケータイが重くなりません。Web版のAndroid Marketでデモ動画を公開しています。v1.2: アプリサイズ軽量化(94KB => 53KB)
This is a simple and easy usable tag widget.You can put tags no matter how many you want.The natural useful controlability is the feature of this application.You can write a lot on a small piece of tag so can put a lot on your screen.the application and the memory size is very light so your smartphone will never be slowed.You can also check the demo video on Android Market for Web.
You told me it was brand new when I asked you however, it didn't have an activation code and it was already installed by third person. What is more, the product has dirt and scratches on it.I require you to tell the truth. Please tell me it is used if so.And what does "install automatically" mean?You explanation is too ambiguous.Is this product suoer-copied?I need your specific support. Thank you.