They are NOT defects, the helmet comes from the factory that way. They meet government quality standards and are accepted for issue. I don't know if you have or are serving in our military but if you have then you would know this. Anyway the time limit has expired for you to request a refund. Nothing was misinterpreted (there are no defects or else the helmet would not have been accepted ) I am sorry you think it was, but obviously you have NO IDEA of what a brand new helmet looks like coming right off the assembly line.
If you did not like it, you should have said something sooner, AND if you had a problem, and notified me within the time frame, then I would have asked for the helmet back and given you your money back. There is no way i would just deduct $50 off and let you buy it for that. I feel that what you are trying to do is get a new helmet for less than what anyone would EVER sell one to you for. Basically trying to get yourself $50 off after the sale. I AM SORRY BUT THE TIME LIMIT HAS EXPIRED AND NO REFUND IS DUE. If you have anything further then please contact E Bay with your concerns.
I'm not sure what your question is if you sent who's email address to be honest today have both of our email addresses so I'm not sure what difference it could possibly makeThank you very much Dennis Gattuso
あなたが何を言っているのか、私には良く分かりません。正直申し上げて、あなたが誰のメールアドレスを送ったのか。今日、私たちの両方のメールアドレスはありましたし、それが何の違いを生むのか、いまいち良く分かりません。どうもありがとうございました。Dennis Gattuso
you will have to log into your paypal account and send the additional payment to johnbuster0 or use my email address ( adpresu )The balance is $21.44 after you take the 39.51 off you have already paid and that will total the $60.95 for shipping on all three lots. let me know you sent the additional money and I can log into my account to see the payment and will ship the dolls out. First thing on Monday if I get it today or tomorrow. I do appreciate the great communication as well.
あなたは、あなたのPayPalのアカウントにログインして、追加の支払いをjohnbuster0に送るか、私のメールアドレス(adpresu )を試用しなければなりません。あなたがすでに支払った39.51ドルを差し引くと、残高は21.44ドルで、すべての3個のロットの送料は60.95ドルになります。あなたが追加金を送ったかどうか教えてください。そうすれば、私が自分のアカウントにログインして、支払いの確認をし、人形を発送します。もし、今日か、明日受け取った場合、月曜日の朝一でやります。素晴らしいやり取り、ありがとうございます。
I do apologize for the confusion. The estimated time for us to get Diablo in is early June, so we should have that in by the 8th or so, possibly sooner. We will start shipping orders for Diablo the same day we get the product in, so your order should ship within 24-48 hours of when we get the game back in stock. I am sorry for the delay.
Thank you for the email. I can send you a request through paypal. May I ask what email address you use to log into paypal?Shipping to Florida will be fine.
I am sorry but I can tell you that the condition IS brand new, these are mass produced for the military and come out of the factory just as you see. They are stacked one on top of the other (with no packing material between helmets) and shipped that way. They only reject deep gouges and dimensional imperfections. They are not concerned about the light scratches and marks caused by shipping because they are not making to that standard, if they did then they would have to package each helmet individually. My other question is why have you waited till now, after the guaranty period, to tell me you feel dissatisfied?
Please YouTube military helmet manufacture and you will see for yourself,from looking at the ones getting packaged at the plant, that it is indeed in new condition and actually better than the specification. I do not feel a refund of any amount is warranted, it is as described, especially at this late date and I having no idea of how it has been handled since shipping.
Thank you for sending the items.I'd like to purchase from you directly, so can you take commission charges off from the prices?I'd love to purchase from you because of the way you pack the items.That was a very careful job.I want to purchase from you over and over.Could you tell me the fixed price and send me a link for the settlement at PayPal?Thank you.
To the defective, our policy is to get you the replacement unit along with the following order under your request.So, we will send you 1 extra unit with your 100 order, then when you collect few more worth to ship them back, you can send them to us. If you have a chance, you can try to check your defective mouse(you mentioned it is sensor issue). As the mouse have a “lift-off function, some user didn’t learning his mouse pad correctly may end up with the mouse stop tracking, it would be like the mouse sensor is defective but the sensor is ok.
Hello,I'm thinking of purchasing this item.Is it a quality product?
you do set priority shipping which does give insurance through the postal service. do you want me to send them this way in one box? you paid the 1st class intenrational posting for only the skippers. to ship the other four dolls 1st class international the additional postage for them will be $22.59 USD. so combining them both together in shipping you will actually pay more to ship them first class international in seperate boxes and they will not be covered under any insurance and you paid a lot to not have them insured. The invoice I sent for the $60.95 is cheaper to do priority in one box than 39.51+22.59=62.10 for ist class international
This is the best we can do for the time being. After 6/10 the price will go back to $849 and $869. I will be able to offer price but not as we can now. I can work with you during that time as well. Please let me know if you need anything else.Thank you,
How many inches is this piece. I am interested in purchasing this item THE LENGTH IS THE IMPORTANT THING I HAVE 83 INCHES TO PLAY WITHKIND REGARDS AMANDA
Sorry for the confusion.I also sell items on Japanese web site, and these products, with either white or black, are very popular.If I buy bulk, they may be stopped and inspected by customs.Therefore, I put some time off.There is no possibility for returning, so you don't have to worry about it.I'll make a payment today, so can you ship them ASAP.Thank you.
Hi, Thanks for your bid on the Benz. I am sorry you did not win my auction. I was contacted by another seller who asked me to let you know he has a similar car listed on eBay currently. This is not a solicitation, just a heads up. Regards, Jim
Thank you for your reply.I will buy three, so can you give me $730 for three?Also, I wonder if you can ship it to Japan.If you can, can you tell me how much the shipping will be?Is this model full-equipped?Thank you.
I may have an insufficient fund, and I'd like to pay with my debit card.However, I have to leave in three weeks, so I can't do deposit now.Now, it is 4 AM in Japan.I'll make a payment on 4th of June.I am sorry for the delay.
Bombsquad Golf was the place that invented and began the tour issue market years ago. So if you cannot trust my products based on the reputation and name alone, then I would not suggest buying from anyone, anywhere because we are 100% the most reputable well known place for tour equipment. If anyone in Japan has said that the products which I have provided you are not authentic, I would love to know why they would say so. I work with several other clubmakers/ sellers around the world none of which I have ever had a single issue with.So if there is anything that I can do to help, please let me know.
Bombsquad Golfは、数年前に、ツアー版市場を考案し、開始しました。ですから、、もしあなたが、私の製品について、評価や、名前だけでは信用できないのなら、誰からも、何処からも、購入を、お勧めしません。何故なら、私たちが、100%最も評価の高い、良く知らせれた、ツアー装備の販売店だからです。もし、日本の誰かが、私たちがあなたに提供した商品について、本物では無いと言っているとしたら、何故、その人がそんな事を言っているのか、是非とも知りたい。わたしは、世界中のいたるところで、多くのクラブ職人や、販売業の人と仕事をしてますが、今まで一度も、問題が発生したことはありません。ですから、何か私にできることがあったら、何なりとお知らせください。
With these tour issued products, they are not available to any "normal dealers." I'm not really sure how I would be able to go about proving authenticity, but you the reputation of Bombsquad Golf should be enough. I have thousands of positive feedbacks on ebay with ZERO instances of there ever being a question about my products. Also, our website is a highly trafficed and well know website within the golf industry. Taylormade executives visit my website daily and I have regular contact with them regarding their products and promotions. So, they would know and there would be an issue if anything that we did was not legitimate.
これらのツアー版商品ですが、それらは、”普通の販売店”では販売していません。どのようにしたら、信憑性を確認できるのかはっきり言えませんが、Bombsquad Golf の評価だけで十分です。私は何千にも及ぶ好意的な反応と、私の商品に対する質問を一度も受け取ったことが無い実績を、eBay上で持っています。また、私たちのウェブサイト は、ゴルフ業界では、とても多く利用され、良く知られています。毎日のように、注文したてのエグゼクティブが私たちのウェブサイトに訪れ、彼らの商品や宣伝の為に、常日頃から連絡を取り合っております。ですから、私がもし違法なことを行うようなことがあれば、彼らに知られ、問題になります。