Please do not write directly onto the original box such as an address, nor putting tape onto the box so that the box remains clean.
●公式ガイドブック●ポーチ●クリーンクロス 保障につきましては何か御座いましたら当店へ連絡の上、返送頂きましたらメーカーと同等の保障をさせて頂いておりますのでご安心くださいませ。 また何かご不明点が御座いましたら、いつでもお問い合わせくださいませ。 ご検討の程お願い申し上げます。
●Official guidebook●Pouch●Cleaning clothPlease contact us regarding guarantee. Please be assured that we will then offer the same guarantee as the manufacturer's.If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.Thanking you for your consideration in advance,Best regards,
このたびは当店■■■ の『 ●●●』にご関心をお持ち頂き嬉しく思っております。ご慎重にお選びになられておりますこと、ご承知しております。こちらの商品は間違いなく正規品で、正規ルートで仕入れておりますのでご安心くださいませ。利益はほとんどないくらいまでお値下げさせて頂き、たくさんの方に喜んで頂きたいと思っております。最新のモデルのシリアルナンバー付、保証書が付属しております。その他の付属品はMTGオンラインショップなどで購入して頂くものと変わりはなく下記の3点でございます。
Thank you for your interest in ●●● in our shop ■■■.I appreciate your considered choice of an item to purchase.Please be assured that this item is genuine, and we have stoked it through the authorised distribution routes. It is our hope as many customers as possible will enjoy our competitive price we are offering with minimal profit to us. The item comes with its serial number, together with a guarantee.The accessories are three items as follows, which are the same as those offered in MTG online shops.
Thank you for your swift reply.I am grateful for your proposal of low price.The product is a genuine one, isn't it? It is not a counterfeit, is it?I am not being doubtful however I need your confirmation of the authenticity of the item.We are a distribution company in Japan.We would like to continue to purchase.Is it possible for you to offer us a wholesale?
The email message, which had the subject title of XXXX, has been deleted, therfore I am generating a new message hereby to reply to you. It said " you may make next application after the 4th January by replying from this email to increase your limit." Please evaluate and consider to increase the limit, and I hope it will be considerably increased.
Thank you for letting me know. I will be obliged if you could confirm when the goods are dispatched. I would like to purchase on the 16th, but do you have anything available in stock? I look forward to hearing from you. Thanking you always,