Shimauma (shimauma) 翻訳実績

約9年前 女性
日本語 (ネイティブ) ドイツ語 英語
shimauma 英語 → 日本語

Begin using your new postal code right away for the quickest delivery to your MyUS suite. The old postal code will become inactive in 30 days, so act now:
Simply enter 34249 instead of 34238 under Zip Code on your Ship To address when checking out US online stores.
Don't worry if you have packages currently in transit to MyUS using the old postal code, or you forget to use the new postal code. Your goods will still be delivered safely to your suite for the next 30 days.

Switch to the new postal code NOW to get the fastest shipping to your suite! During this transition, MyUS will waive any address correction fees that relate to the new postal code.


新しい郵便番号を使って、貴方のMyUS アドレスへ最速の配達を。旧郵便番号は30日後に使用できなくなります。さあ、今すぐに登録を:
米国のオンラインストアをチェックアウトする際、送り先のZip Code(米国の郵便番号)の下へ、34238の代わりに34249を入力してください。
現在、旧郵便番号を使用してMyUSへ荷物が輸送中であったり、新しい郵便番号を入れ忘れてもご心配なく。 商品は、今後30日間貴方のアドレス(suite)へ問題なく配達されます。


shimauma 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

I have another one of these 16-50mm lenses and it works fine, but when I mount this one the lens does not extend outward when the camera is powered on like the other one I have.

I have tried cleaning the electrical contacts on the lens too, but that did not help.

When I power up the camera with the lens mounted I can see the Iris open and close 4 times, so I know that the lens is getting some power to it, perhaps the part that extends outward when turned on is stuck?

In the Sony menu I have also Enabled Release without lens and it still does not work.

Also it appears to be missing a lens cap (if that was to be included).





