I m sorry. Is this a scam? Each piece of the sculpture was securely wrapped in several layers of bubble wrap. And then buffered with think packing paper.The package would have had to be dropped or thrown with significant force to break the sculpture wrapped inside.Can you please send more photos of the damage? I have suspicion that you are trying to scam me. This is my first international sale. I had good faith that it would go well.
Based on your initial message telling me how to wrap the package and your most recent message asking for a refund due to the damage of you purchase based on the suspicion that the damage occurred due to my lack of packaging makes me question if you set this up and planned to ask for a refund all along. I will not provide a refund at this time. I have insurance with the package carrier. I can look into how to claim that insurance if you wish.
Vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage. Einen normalen Zoll müssen Sie selbst bezahlen. Jedoch übernehmen wir die vollständige Mehrwertsteuer.Falls Ihnen die Mehrwertsteuer beim Erhalten des Artikels verlangt werden sollten, teilen Sie uns den Betrag mit. Wir werden Ihnen den Betrag zurückerstatten. Seien Sie bitte versichert. Über Ihre Bestellung würden wir uns sehr freuen.
I am writing you to inquire about the return request. Have you read the second message I sent you?If you would like, you can receive a refund without returning the item to me. I can immediately make a refund to you. You don't need to return the item to my address, which is much easier for you.If you do return the item, I will, by all means, take a procedure. To make sure, I wanted to confirm with you.Please let me know if you would only like a refund (without returning the item) or would like to return the item as well. Sorry for the trouble and waiting for your reply.
ハイ!実は、是非訊きたいことがあるんだ。私の仕事は中国やアメリカから商品を輸入して、それを販売することだ。だから色々な会社から”Proforma Invoice” が送られてくる。しかし"T/T bank fee"を請求してくるのは、あなたの会社だけなんだ。私は送金手数料を払っているので、この"T/T bank fee"の意味が分からないんだ。今後の為にも今解決しておきたい問題なんだ。どうか気を悪くせず、答えを教えて欲しい。宜しくお願い致します。
Hi!I have one thing to ask you.I import goods from China or the US to sell them. So I receive ''Proforma Invoice'' from various companies. However, your company is the only one to charge me ''T/T bank fee''.I do pay money transfer fee and have no idea what this ''T/T bank fee'' is. It should be clarified now for our future businesses. Please do no feel offended and tell me what this fee is. Thank you for your reply.
I seriously take your words to heart. I do need to improve the sales. Please allow me some more time until the year-end. I think it will be the last thing to ask my friends to write reviews. First, I have to make a strong effort to the sales and that's why I'm trying every possible ways. Have you noticed that the product page of the Japanese website changes like every week?It advertises your product is newer and more stylish than that of Q. There's no way to indicate it is for elderly people!The result of it appears in the session and the page view. If the page view keeps increasing, the sales will definitely follow.
I received the item the other day.However, I was charged 8,000yen for customs/consumption tax as the invoice amount was 90,000yen.I believe the actual purchase price was 30,000yen. This is clearly a mistake at your side. I kindly ask you to correct it and pay back the amount. Thank you in advance for your reply.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience. The item was sold at a real shop in Japan and was already sold out.I'm afraid the item is no longer available. I was paying attention to show the update but could not make it this time. How much does the case cost?
Vielen Dank, dass Sie eine Retoure eingestellt haben. Gleich nach dem Eintreffen des Artikels werden wir den Produktpreis und die Versandkosen zurückerstatten. Bitte teilen Sie uns mit, wie viel Versandkosten Sie für die Rücksendung bezahlt haben. Wir bitten Sie darum, dass Sie die günstigste Versandart ohne Sendungsverfolgungsnummer auswählen. Wir entschuldigen uns für die Unannehmlichkeiten. Vielen Dank im Voraus für Ihre Mithilfe.
① We sent a wrong item. We will make ourselves more conscious of inventory control. There was a mistake in the inventory file I had made and I uploaded it without noticing the mistake. We will perform a strict check on our original file preparation tool and the inventory control system.In addition, we will perform a strict visual check on items before shipping. We will also make a new manual for our stuff members to avoid shipping a wrong item.
こんにちは。あなたが購入したEtymotic High-Fidelity 5 In-Ear-Kopfhörer für Apple iPod schwarzがエラーで日本に返送されてきました。アマゾンの登録住所は正しいでしょうか?配送先に不在通知表は投函されていましたか?私たちはすぐに高速発送で商品を再送します。1週間以内でお届けします。お返事お待ちしております。
Hallo.Ihre Bestellung ''Etymotic High-Fidelity 5 In-Ear-Kopfhörer für Apple iPod schwarz'' wurde an uns nach Japan zurückgesendet. Ist die bei Amazon angegebene Adresse richtig? Haben Sie eine Benachrichtigungskarte bekommen?Wir werden den Artikel sofort mit Express-Versand erneut abschicken. Er muss bei Ihnen innerhalb einer Woche eintreffen. Über Ihre Antwort würden wir uns freuen.
Vielen Dank für Ihren Kontakt. Wir bitten Sie um Entschuldigung fürs verspätete Eintreffen des Artikels. Könnten Sie sich bitte die Zeit nehmen, auf Amazon nochmals eine Retoure einzustellen?Vielen Dank im Voraus für Ihre Mithilfe.
Vielen Dank für Ihren Einkauf. Es tut uns wirklich leid. Nach dem Absenden des Artikels von Japan wurde eine Zoll oder eine Gebühr erhoben. Es gibt Fälle, in denen Zoll oder Gebühr erhoben wird, nachdem der Artikel in Deutschland eingetroffen ist.Deshalb wissen wir das nicht vor dem Absenden. Wir werden €9.40 zurückerstatten. Wir entschuldigen uns für die Unannehmlichkeiten. Bitte entschuldigen Sie die Umstände. Wir entschuldigen uns herzlich dafür.
Begin using your new postal code right away for the quickest delivery to your MyUS suite. The old postal code will become inactive in 30 days, so act now:Simply enter 34249 instead of 34238 under Zip Code on your Ship To address when checking out US online stores.Don't worry if you have packages currently in transit to MyUS using the old postal code, or you forget to use the new postal code. Your goods will still be delivered safely to your suite for the next 30 days. Switch to the new postal code NOW to get the fastest shipping to your suite! During this transition, MyUS will waive any address correction fees that relate to the new postal code.
新しい郵便番号を使って、貴方のMyUS アドレスへ最速の配達を。旧郵便番号は30日後に使用できなくなります。さあ、今すぐに登録を:米国のオンラインストアをチェックアウトする際、送り先のZip Code(米国の郵便番号)の下へ、34238の代わりに34249を入力してください。現在、旧郵便番号を使用してMyUSへ荷物が輸送中であったり、新しい郵便番号を入れ忘れてもご心配なく。 商品は、今後30日間貴方のアドレス(suite)へ問題なく配達されます。貴方のアドレス(suite)へ最速の配達をお望みであれば、直に新しい郵便番号へ移行してください!この移行期間中新しい郵便番号への変更に関して、MyUSはいかなる住所修正料金もいただきません。
I will go to an inspection agency in Japan tomorrow afternoon and get the CO documents stamped and signed. All the documents I can make is the documents I'm going to send you tomorrow. I will email you all the documents tomorrow afternoon. I will have the production process sheet checked by the customs tomorrow. As for the documents for the additives you are going to import from me, there are no other documents exist than the ones I'm going to email you tomorrow. Other companies import additives with these documents, so I think there are no problem. I checked the package design attached to your email and found no problem.
hi, i have a question: this product doesn't seems like a "D" quality.what is the real status of the bag? i don't see anything wrong on the outsideHi if you used ebay shipping program I will buy this due to ebay shipping program it is very very cheaper duty clearance for buyer in England .
I have another one of these 16-50mm lenses and it works fine, but when I mount this one the lens does not extend outward when the camera is powered on like the other one I have.I have tried cleaning the electrical contacts on the lens too, but that did not help.When I power up the camera with the lens mounted I can see the Iris open and close 4 times, so I know that the lens is getting some power to it, perhaps the part that extends outward when turned on is stuck?In the Sony menu I have also Enabled Release without lens and it still does not work.Also it appears to be missing a lens cap (if that was to be included).
The chances of pregnancy depend, in part, on how old women are when they freeze their eggs, and the number of eggs they freeze. An online fertility calculator developed by researchers at New York Medical College and the University of California, Davis estimates that a woman who freezes 15 eggs at age 30 has about a 30 percent chance of giving birth to a child if she uses these eggs. And a woman who freezes 25 eggs at age 30 has about a 40 percent chance of giving birth to a child, the calculator estimates.
Thank you for your inquiry. If the watch loses 5 minutes a week, I would recommend getting it adjusted. As far as this watch is concerned, the anticipated difference is 1 minute a week. Please contact SEIKO Customer Service for the repair and the cost from the link below. URLPlease note that you have to pay for the repair as the watch is an imported item from Japan.
証明書の送付ありがとうございました。しかし、わたしはまだ確認したいものがあります。それは、あなたの会社の製品に通常添付されるであろう書類です。LT, PTといった証明書のことではありません。製品の保証書であるとか、型式と仕様の対応表が、必ず製品とともに同封されているはずです。そのような同封されている書類のサンプルが見たいです。送っていただけませんか?
Thank you for the certificate. However, there is one more thing that I would like to confirm. I would like to confirm the documents to be attached to your products. I don't mean certificates such as LT or PT. There should be documents such as product guarantee or correspondence sheet for model and specifications attached to every product. I would like to see samples of those documents. Could you please send them to me?