I’m checking with the Tax office to see if they are going to arrange the interpreter.
I was just double checking the shoes and noticed that on pair is a 9 and the other is a 9.5. Lmk what you would like to do?
Hey I tried to pay for these items but my card declined is it alright if I pay you on the first I get paid on the first. I’m sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your time. Much appreciated
以下がサンプルを発送して貰いたい住所になります。本社からのサンプル入手希望リストの中に もしも製品の在庫がなくて発送不可の商品がありましたら教えて下さい。本社に事前に知らせておく必要があります。明日は駐在員とその家族が年に一度必ず受診する事を東京本社から義務づけられているcomprehensive medical examination の日です。明日の業務は外部よりリモートで対応いたします。少し返信に時間を要しますが、基本的にメールは定期的に確認する事が可能だと思います。
Following is the shipping address for the samples. If there are any items that are not available and can not be shipped in the desired sample list from the head office, please let me know. I will have to let them know in advance. Tomorrow, I will take a comprehensive medical examination, which expats and their family are obliged to take once a year by the head office in Tokyo.Therefore, I will work remotely tomorrow. It will take some time to respond but I believe I can regularly check emails.
I had to buy very expensive child’s hair cut in warm blonde. Hair can be straight or curly, and long enough for two pig tails. Also this doll is a 6 month size doll so she is bigger toddler than I thought. I can not sell this doll for $1050 with free shipping. Shipping is $80 and pay pal fees are over $40. To make it fair for me I must raise price to $1200. And I will pay for shipping. Also this doll is limited edition with COA. Thank you for your understanding. I am still working on her but I posted some pictures on my facebook page. She is still available but for a slightly higher price. Next dolls I make after Mattia will be infant Asian babies. The names are Cai and Tori by Ping Lau.
私は、とても高額な温かみのあるブロンドのヘアスタイルを購入しなければなりませんでした。ストレートにすることもカールさせることもでき、ツインテールにできる十分な長さがあります。また、この人形は6ケ月サイズですので、思っていたより大きい幼児のサイズです。この人形を、送料無料の$1,050でお売りすることはできません。送料は$80で、ペイパル手数料は$40以上です。フェアにするために、価格を$1,200に上げなければなりません。送料はこちらで負担します。また、この人形はCOAの限定版です。ご理解に感謝いたします。彼女は現在製作中ですが、フェイスブックのページに写真をいくつか載せました。まだ購入可能ですが、多少値段が上がっています。Mattiaの後は、アジア人の乳幼児の人形を製作するつもりです。名前は、Cai by Ping Lau と Tori by Ping Lau です。
Hi We see your Point now, those 4. Tracknumbers are for 8.Packets. DHL bundled always to Packets to one, we have to ask them on Monday why they did this as we payed actually for 8 Tracknumbers and not for 4. Piece, but we saw the weight of each Packet, we have access to DHL internally System, where we can see the weight of each Packet, for this reason we can say it was all Bundled. Please check by now you must have received all 8 Hoodies in the sizes you ordered
Am I correct in understanding that you forwarded my request to a distributor in Japan?If so, should I wait for an answer from them?
We are very sorry to have caused you a trouble. Having investigated it, we've found that there is a misunderstanding between us. First of all, you ordered the same item twice. As for the 1st order (Order ID 1), you requested to cancel it on December 5 so we processed the cancellation and give you a refund. Please see the attached. As for the 2nd order (Order ID 2), which you placed on December 11, the item was shipped to you (Tracking number 222).
[「ESS Crossbow」は日本で非常に人気がある商品です。私達はどうしても「ESS Crossbow」を日本で販売したいです。今、あなたの知人や知っているショップで「ESS Crossbow」を安く扱っている方かショップがあれば紹介してください。できれば連絡先を教えてくれると助かります。勿論、あなたには紹介手数料を支払います。何卒、よろしくお願い致します。
"ESS Crossbow" is very popular in Japan. We would like to sell "ESS Crossbow" in Japan definitely. If you happen to know anyone or any shop that sells "ESS Crossbow", please introduce them to me. I would appreciate it if you could tell me their contact address. I will, of course, pay you introduction fee. Thank you in advance for your help.
I will buy it at $ 59.90.Is payment OK with Paypal?Please contact this e-mail address if possible.I have a separate address for the transfer company in Florida.4283 Express LaneSuite 2959-306Sarasota, FL 34249PH: (941) 538-6941Can you deliver to here?Can you give a more detailed address? Who is the recipient at that address?Thanks, Leila
それを$59.90で買います。ペイパルで支払ってもよろしいでしょうか?できれば、このメールアドレスに連絡してください。フロリダの転送会社に、別の住所を持っています。4283 Express LaneSuite 2959-306Sarasota, FL 34249PH: (941) 538-6941ここに送っていただけますか?より詳しい住所を教えていただけますか?この住所の受取人はどなたですか?お願いいたします。Leila
旅行はいかがでしたか?open case の通知が来ていて驚いているのではないかと思い連絡をいたしました。これはebayの仕様で、注文から4日たつと自動でopen case になってしまいます。事前に旅行に行くから支払いが遅れることと、支払日を伺っておりますので心配なさらないでください。お支払いが完了すればcase は閉じられます。引き続きお取引終了までよろしくお願いいたします。
How was your trip? I'm contacting you as I thought you may be surprised to receive a notice of open case. This is due to eBay's system and you will receive the notice automatically 4 days after placing an order. I got informed in advance about the payment date and that your payment would be delayed due to the trip so please don't worry about it. The case will be automatically closed once the payment is completed. Thank you for your support throughout the transaction.
1. Is there any evidence that the box was tampered with?2. Was the stop tape cut through on your box?3. Was there a delay with your shipment in customs clearance for any reason?4. Have you reported this to your local carrier’s office?5. Did you purchase insurance on your shipment?6. What was the tracking number that this order(s) arrived to us under?
1. 箱に触られた形跡がありますか?2. 荷物の箱に貼られたセキュリティーテープ(stop tape)は、切られていましたか?3. 貴方の荷物は、なんらかの理由で、通関に遅れがありましたか?4. 輸送業者事務所へ、本件について報告しましたか?5. 荷物に保険はかけましたか?6. 我々に届いた荷物の追跡番号は何でしたか?
I have a couple of questions before purchasing items. 1. Please let me know approx. how long it will take to deliver items to the following address. 2. Please issue a receipt that includes the following information. -Product name-Unit price-Quantity-Total amount-Your company's address-My office's addressPlease print out the receipt and enclose it with the item.
Thank you very much for purchasing our 〇〇. It would be our pleasure if you liked it. Today, we are writing to you regarding the condition of the 6 cartridges enclosed with the item. Was there any ink leakage? The item is shipped to the US from Japan by air and there are cases where ink leakage occurs due to pressure change during transport. Please let us know if you noticed any ink leakage of the item you had received. We are happy to exchange only the cartridges with new ones for free.
Thank you for your interest in my item. I am currently not at home and will be back on 〇 (Japanese time). I will check the details of AAA as soon as I get home and will let you know. If you wish to purchase more than one piece, please let me know in advance of your bidding. I will give you a volume discount (from 〇% to 〇% discount from the total amount depending on the purchase volume. )If there are any other colors of AAA you would like to purchase, please let me know so that I can reserve it for you.
Having investigate it, we found that your parcel got lost after arriving in the US on December 9. We believe it is very likely that USPS lost it. As we don't have the same item in stock, we will immediately give you a full refund. We will ask USPSi to investigate the matter. Later, when they ask you if you have received the parcel, please tell them you haven't . We deeply apologize for the inconvenience caused.
Those Items are all ready shipped and most likely in Japan, we can Trace it for you, no Problem Regards P.s If you need Tracking Infos you need to tell us the Order Number not the Tracknumber so we can check for you with DHL Best Regards
間に合せ有難うございます。発送方法について質問ですか?今回は高額な商品なのでスピードEMSにて送らせて頂きます。EMSは、最高200万円($1,800)保険が含まれています。購入した$730.00金額が補償限度額になります未着、事故、破損、紛失、盗難等で補償されます。決済を確認次第25日に出荷します。同じ様な商品が出品されていますが、この "second chance offer"で売れ次第出品を終了します。最後のチャンスですので検討よろしくお願いします。質問があれば遠慮なく
Thank you for your inquiry. Do you have a question about the shipping method? As the item is quite expensive, I will use EMS this time. EMS includes insurance up to 2 Million yen ($1,800). The purchase price $730.00 will be the maximum amount to be covered by the insurance. It will be compensated in case of non-arrival of goods, accident in transit, damaged goods, lost goods and stolen goods. I will ship the item on 25th as soon as your payment is confirmed. I have the same kind of item listed but I will remove it as soon as it is sold for this "second chance offer". This will be the last chance so I would appreciate your favorable consideration on this. Please feel free to ask me any questions.
Good day Sir,Thanks for your message and interest in our company and products. We would like to know more about your company.1-Can you share us your company website? And what can tell us about your company, what makes your company unique that customers will purchase products from you?2-We sale high quality audio and video solutions, what kind of experience you have in this field?2-You mentioned that you want to order products from us, which products do you want to order?3-And when you purchase from us products, how you want to sale it? Do you sale the products online or in a store, or you resale them?4-You can find more information about the products we make in our catalogue,
私はAmazon Japanで製品の販売をします。Amazon.comでは販売をしませんので、あなたの競争にはなりません。どうぞご安心ください。record serviceがどのような意味か教えていただけますか?私はあなたの助けになりたいと思っています。
I sell products only on Amazon Japan. I will not sell them on Amazon.com so I will not become your competitor. Please be assured.Could you please tell me what 'record service' means? I would be very happy to help you.