1) Place input hose in untreated water source. Adjust the float to keep prefilter off the bottom and away from sediment.
1) 吸入ホースを未処理の水源に設置します。浮きを調節して、前置フィルターが底の沈殿物に触れないようにします。
Make sure that pants are snug, especially in the thighs and waistband. During rigorous activities, perspiration will cause the pants to hang or slip slightly if not fitted properly.Looking for more product info? View our features and benefits videos or read about all our different fabrics.
I apologize for being so long in replying. I have been in the hospital and this is the first chance I have gotten to get back. I have just checked on your item .It arrived at the postal unit in Sarasota, Fl just this morning and should be getting to you today or tomorrow. The tracking number is 03052710000036050 thru the USPS. If you go to their site you can read this for yourself. The item was shipped out a week ago last Tuesday. Please get back to me when you receive it just to let me know on this end. Thank you for your patience.
お返事がかなり遅れてしまい申し訳ありません。今まで入院していて、ようやくいったん退院することができました。お客様の品物について確認したところ、フロリダ州サラソタの郵便局に今朝到着し、今日か明日にはお客様の所に届く予定のようです。追跡番号は 03052710000036050 で、USPS 便でのお届けになります。USPS のサイトでご自分で状況を確認できます。品物が発送されたのは先週の火曜日です。荷物が到着したら私にもご一報いただけますでしょうか。どうか今しばらくご辛抱くださいませ。
I found a crack on the item that was not disclosed in your item description.I am going to return this item. Please refund me the full amount, including the shipping cost for the return.
Activate your free assurance LAP Your LAP has been sent correctly. After 48 hours aproximately you will receive a confirmation email at the email address orders@firstireland.com. From that moment you will see all your piece al LAP data in "My Collection". I hope this is what is required, I have registered this piece as a gift in my name Brian Wilson.Please let me know.
無料保証サービスのLAPにご加入ください。LAP申込書が正常に送信されました。およそ48時間後に orders@firstireland.com 宛てに確認メールを送信いたします。この確認メールを受信後、[My Collection] ですべての作品の LAP データを確認できるようになります。以上でよろしいでしょうか。私の名前Brian Wilsonでこの作品を贈り物として登録しました。何かありましたらお知らせください。
During my internship, I made a substantial contribution to the company by winning an order worth 12 million yen after six months of negotiations and thus achieving the target.
This shock was ridden once before I decided to sell my 26in bike and get a 29er and didn’t want to sell the shock with the bike. The shock is new it includes the shock pump and instruction manual.
このサスは一度使ってます。これが付いていた 26 インチのバイクを売って 29 インチを買うことにしたのですが、結局サスは手放しませんでした。新品でショックポンプと取扱説明書も付いてます。
「無料版でご利用いただける起動回数の上限に達しました。 気に入っていただけましたら、有料版のご購入をお願い致します。」
You have reached the maximum number of times allowed to launch the trial version.If you like it, please consider purchasing the paid version.
Is the controller in the picture on the package included in the set?
As promised, I discount $10 form the total. Would you please email your address to which I should be sending this pen?
Even if I would now allow a return, if you think that I am going to refund your money BEFORE you send it, you are being ridiculous! I would never refund money to anybody before they sent an item back! That is like going to a store for a refund on something and not even having the item with you to get the refund. It would be like you saying to a retail store....give me my money back and I will then go home and get the item and bring it back. Think about what you are asking....
Sir/Madam, I am not offering or giving a $74 refund (discount). That would put you buying it at $171, and I can get more than that if I resell it! My refund offer of any kind is off of the table now. I am retracting my offer of a refund of any amount.I offered to let you send it back one time (even after the 7 day time period to return had passed), and now after you have threatened to leave a negative feedback against me, the offer to return it is also void because you have had it too long past my 7 day return policy.
Do you have any idea in which battlefield had this item been used?
Thank you for your message.I would like to buy just one instead of two as I am short on money until the end of this month.Could you please send me the invoice? I will pay right away.
Comes with all of the following: SoftFit breastshield,Tubing, 2 bottles and caps,Valve and membrane, Power cord, Bottle stand, Shoulder/next strap,Drawstring bag
Other possible indicationsa) Currently there are about 700 monthly searches for “how to quit Facebook ” on Google (Source: Google Ad-words). Having 700 of such searches in Japanese isn’t too cool, especially when we have such a small group of Facebook users.
その他の要素a) 現在、"Facebook を退会する方法" の Google 検索件数が毎月およそ700件あります (ソースは Google Ad-words)。Facebook ユーザーの数が少ない日本でこのような検索が 700 件もあるのは良い兆候とは言えません。
I tried in my environment but couldn't reproduce the issue.Does the problem you mentioned occur in any page?If not, could you give me the url where it occurs?More detailed steps to reproduce it would help me a lot.
Designed for close talking handheld applicationAmplifier and 6 wire cable for modern radioFor CB ameteur radio and SSB communications
ハンドヘルド型接話マイク現代の無線に欠かせないアンプと 6 芯ケーブルを内臓CB/アマチュア無線および SSB 通信向け
Managed passwords can be retrieved anytime. You can copy it onto the paste board or send it by email. You can also generate a text file with the registered password(s) and email it to a PC for backup using Excel or Numbers.- You can send the generated list of passwords as a text file to a PC for backup.
The watch (clock?) that you sent is not the same product as in the picture. I want an exchange or a refund. It has been awhile since I ordered so I would appreciate your quick response.