ご返信有難う。Add a productで新品として出品ができません。Collectible; Used のみ出品ができる状態です。添付をご確認下さい。私は新品として出品できるようにしてもらいたいです。よろしくお願いします。
Thank you for your reply.We cannot list at add a product as a new product.We can list only as collectible; Used.Please check the attached file.I would like them to be listed as new items.Thank you.
The tracking number showed I have received the item.However, I have not received the item yet.The tracking number appeared to deliver the item not to Japan but to Italy.The address I told you is in Japan.Please check why the address was mistaken to deliver it.
ご丁寧にありがとうございます!私の英語の実力で詳細をお伝えするのは難しいです(^^;;私の利益になるというより、台湾の皆さんにとって、とても大きなビジネス・チャンスだと思っています。もしよろしければ、プロの通訳に依頼するので、1時間ほどお時間をいただければ幸いですm(_ _)mご検討よろしくお願いします!
Thank you so much.It is hard to tell you in my English ability.Rather than it becomes my benefit, I think it a big business for Taiwan's people.If possible, I will ask a professional interpreter and I am happy if you could give me an hour.Thank you for your consideration.
On which side you are? Did you agreed with lawyer Yamatani?Aren't you considering that I am a Japanese?Please be clear?
アジアジャパンブリッジは福岡のランドオペレーターです。皆様に福岡を中心に九州を楽しんで頂ける旅行を企画・提案します。ご紹介させて頂いた旅行行程は一部です、3日間~5日間コースもあります、メールにてご連絡下さい。連絡先アジアジャパンブリッジ株式会社福岡市東区箱崎3-1-15 One Off6FTEL092-643-4020 FAX092-643-4028Eail fukuoka@a-j-b.co.jp
Asia Japan Bridge is a land operator in Fukuoka. It plans and proposes you enjoyable trips Kyusyu centered in Fukuoka .The introduced plans are parts of trip routes and there are courses of 3 days ~ 5 days and so please contact us by email.Contact:Asia Japan Bridge Co., Ltd.One Off 6F, 3-1-15, Hakozaki, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka-shiPhone: 092-643-4020 Fax: 092-643-4028Eail fukuoka@a-j-b.co.jp
I am a buyer in Japan.Although I take a style to purchase items when customers order me, this time a down coat was ordered and I will purchase one.I was issued a 10% off coupon before.Could you issue it?I look forward to hearing from you.Thank you.
We are considering introducing an incense machine, but we decided it is not the right time because of various matters. Thank you for you advice. We wish the company you deal with will offer us completed sticks and can deal well with each other. I am sorry for late hour's contact. I look forward to hearing from you.
温泉三昧 5日間福岡空港発着(到着時間・出発時間により行程は変更になります)1日目 空港 → 熊本城彩苑散策・昼食 → 水前寺公園 → 白川水源 → 阿蘇温泉宿泊2日目 ホテル → 阿蘇神社 → 大観峰 → くじゅう花公園 → 昼食 →湯布院散策 → 別府地獄観光 → 別府温泉宿泊3日目 ホテル → 柳川川下り → 佐賀城跡見学 → 昼食 → ハウステンボス → 佐世保市内温泉ホテル宿泊
Full of spas for 5 daysArrival and departure at Fukuoka Airport (Arrival time and departure time will be change depending on the tour)First day: Airport → Kumamoto castle Garden waling/lunch → Suizenji Park → Shrakawa Spring → Stay at Aso SpaSecond day: Hotel → Aso Shrine → Daikanho → Kujyu Flower Garden → Lunch →Yufuin walking → Bepu Jigoku sightseeing → Stay at Bepu SpaThird day: Hotel → Yanagawa Kawakudari → Saga Castle Ruin tour → Lunch → Housetenbosu → Stay at Spa Hotel in Sasebo city
上記料金には消費税8%含まれます。 宿泊ホテルについては、平日・休日前で料金が変わります。 上記バス料金には燃料費は含まれていますが、高速料金は含まれていません。 全ての経費については事前入金お願いします(ツアー催行10日前まで) 乗務員チップについては直接現金でお支払下さい。 宿泊施設については予定です、変更になる場合もあります。 道路状況・悪天候等により行程が変更になる場合もあります。
Consumer tax, 8% is included to above price.As for a hotel to stay, prices change depending on weekdays and weekends.In the above bus fee, there is fuel cost included but an expressway charge is no included.Please pay all necessary fees beforehand (10 days before the tour starts)Please directly give tips to the attendants.Facilities to stay are planned but they will be possible to be changed.Depending on road and weather conditions and etc, tours will be changed.
九州満喫 3日間福岡空港発着(到着時間・出発時間により行程は変更になります)1日目 空港 → 糸島塩工場見学 → 糸島酒蔵見学 → 一蘭の森昼食 → 伊都菜彩買い物 → 友泉亭公園 →ホテル久山温泉宿泊2日目 ホテル → アサヒビール工場見学 → 世界遺産クルーズ → 海鮮料理昼食 → 小倉城見学 → 平尾台 →白野江植物公園 → 門司港レトロ(散策・夕食) → 門司港ホテル宿泊3日目 ホテル → キャナルシティLAOX → 博多駅周辺自由行動 → 福岡空港
Enjoy Yushu for 3 daysArrival and departure at Fukuoka Airport (Depending on the arrival and departure, tour will be changed.)First day: Airport → Visit Itoshima Salt Factory → Itoshima Sake Brewery tour → Lunch at Ichiran no Mori → Shopping at Itosaisai →Yusentei Park → Stay at Hotel HisayamaSecond day: Hotel → Asahi Beer Factory tour → World Heritage cruise → Lund with seafood →Ogura castle tour → Hiraodai → Shiranoe Botanical Garden →Moji Port Retro (walking /dinner) → Stay at Moji Port Hotel Third day: Hotel → Canal City LAOX → Free to move at around Hakata Station → Fukuoka Airport
温泉三昧 3日間1日目 福岡空港 → 唐戸市場・赤間神宮 → 長府公園 →長府城下町 → 湯田温 泉ホテル常盤宿泊2日目 ホテル → 瑠璃光寺 → 門司港レトロ → 世界遺産クルーズ → 海鮮料理 → 酒蔵見学 → 福岡タワー → 友泉亭公園 → キャナルシティ(LAOX) → 久山温泉夢家宿泊3日目 ホテル → 伊藤伝右衛門 → 福岡免税店 → イオン福岡 → 福岡空港
Full of spa for 3 daysFirst day: Fukuoka airport → Krarato Market/Akama Shrine → Cyofu Park → Syofu Castle Town→ To stay at Yuda Hot Spring hotel Tokiwa innSecond day: Hotel → Rurikoji Temple → Moji Port retro → World Heritage cruise →Seafood dish → Sake Cellar visit → Fukuoka Tower → Yusentei Park → Canal City (LAOX) → Stay at Hisayama Spa YumeyaThird day: Hotel → Ito Denuemon → Fukuoka duty free shop → Aeon Fukuoka → Fukuoka Airport
相撲観戦チケットについては5か月前までに希望枚数を予約が必要です。 観戦チケット代金については観戦日3か月前までにお支払いください。 今回桝席のみご準備させて頂きます。 行程については天候・天災等でお受けできない場合もあります。 上記料金については消費税8%含まれています。 ツアー料金全額10日前までにお支払いください。
As for Sumo watching tickets, you need to book before 5 months.As for the Sumo watching price, please pay it 3 months before the match.We will prepare seats only this time.Depending weather and natural disasters some routes are not acceptable.The prices above include consumer tax, 8%.Please pay the full tour cost 10 days before.
九州場所大相撲観戦 1日30名限定福岡空港発着(到着時間・出発時間により行程は変更になります)1日目 空港 → 世界遺産クルーズ → 海鮮焼き食事 → 宗像酒蔵見学 → 大相撲観戦 15:00~18:00→ 久山温泉18:402日目 ホテル → 友泉亭公園 → 糸島塩工場見学 → 一蘭の森昼食 → 福岡タワー → 天神自由行動 → 夕食焼肉料理3日目 ホテル → 免税店 → キャナルシティ → 福岡空港
Ozumo Kyusyu match watching, limited to 30 people per day.Fukuoka Airport departure and arrival ( According to arrival time and departure time make it different.)First day: The airport → World heritage cruise → Meal with grilled seafood → visiting Munakata Sake brewery → Watching sumo wrestling from 15:00 ~ 18:00 → Hisayama hot spring 18:40Second day: Hotel → Yosentei Park → Itoshima Salt Factory tour → Lunch at Ichiran no Mori → Fukuoka Tower → Free to go round at Tenjin → Dinner with grilled meatThird day: Hotel → Duty free shop → Canal city → Fukuoka Airport
⑥ While wondering if I am all right like this, as I wanted the item, I ordered it.(However, the first and the second orders' kinds are a little different.⑦ That is all what happen.
① I will tell you the truth.② I purchased some items on 26 January.③ After that, I realized I could not log in correctly, and when I asked support service, this problem was solved.④ As the item had not arrived after 10 days from 26 January, I checked order history, I realized there was no ordering written.⑤ Was the order canceled to the technical support? I will order it again, but is there a possibility of ordering overlap?, so I asked but I have not received a clear answer.
After receiving the item with no problem, we may order in the end of next month.If there is no stock left, is there possibility of re-purchase?
I would like to sell the new books published by this publisher.However, there is a restriction to tell as new listing.We deal with this publisher and handle authentic books.We attached a bill from the publisher.Please check it.Could you please let us allow to list as new books?Thank you.
When I checked if the bill address is correct to Rakuten card just before, I received it was correct.
We are sorry for troubling you caused by us.We accept your cancelation.When you press a button to cancel your order, we will proceed to issue a refund.We sincerely sorry for this trouble.We will do our best not this kind of trouble occurs in the future.If we have chance to deal with you, we would be delighted.Thank you very much.
①商品購入時にプリントアウトした領収書を添付します。②私のBilling addressとPayment Methodを確認願います。③念のために日本語で請求先住所を記載します。④必要であれば私の運転免許証、住民票、印鑑証明、東京電力の利用明細、東京ガスの利用明細、東京都水道局の利用明細等を提出する事も可能です。⑤何卒宜しくお願い致します。
① I will attach a printout receipt when I purchase items.② Please check my billing address and payment method.③ To be sure, I will write address for bill in Japanese.④ If necessary, I can submit my driver's license, resident card, seal stamp,Tepco's use statement, Tokyo Gas sue statement and etc.⑤ Thank you for your support.