Use promptly after opening
information and art that motivate people to thinkinformation and art that serve as a cue for people to think
◯◯◯CEO ■■■さま先日、大阪のプレゼンに参加させていただいた××と申します。プレゼン後に書籍と名刺をいただき、写真も心良くいっしょに撮っていただいた者です。私はまだユーザーとしては使い始めたばかりですが、御社のソフトウェアはとても簡単で直感的でありPCがうまく使えない人でも簡単に様々な情報を整理できるツールとして可能性に満ちており、とても感動しました。日本での法人活動と本格サービスを近日中にスタートされるということで、ぜひ御社の活動をお手伝いしたいと思いメールをしました。私は百貨店内の社内システムや顧客システムの企画開発と運営サポートデスクのプロフェッショナルとして従事してまいりました。社員が希望ですが、アルバイトからでもかまいませんのでぜひ働かせていただけませんでしょうか?よろしくお願いします。
Dear Mr./Ms. xxxxThank you for letting me participate in the presentation in Osaka. My name is xxxx. I am the one who you gave me your book and business card and whom you let take a picture with. I just started your application recently but I was very impressed because your product is very easy to use and intuitive so that a PC beginner would be able to use it easily. I would very much like to be the part of your Japan team as you open the Japan office soon. I am an SE and worked on development of a customer management and operation support system for a department store. I would like to seek an opportunity as a full-time permanent employee in your firm but I am willing to start from a temporary employee. Thank you for your time and I look forward to continuing the conversation with you. Sincerely,
Suzuki-san, i am really sorry for the late reply. I wasn't seeing your message because I configured the message filter wrong. Shinozaki-san, It's pleasure to know you. I am sorry for the delayed communication. If you come to Japan, I would like to see you. Please let me know if you should need any help. I could introduce you to the faculty in the graduate school. I have been working mainly on the smart phone service that helps users getting around the town. I am considering to start up my own business based on the project I have developed. Takami will graduate in this March and going to work in a design firm in Shanghai. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Ishibashi
教員の皆様新しいウェブサイトを制作しています。それに伴い教員の方々のプロフィールページもアップデートしたいと思いますので下記のフォームに記入していただけますでしょうか。返信は[sample@sample.com]までお願いいたします。急で申し訳ありませんが10日を締切とさせてください。■所属現在の所属や肩書をお書きください。■専門分野研究の専門分野をお書きください。現行サイトの内容で宜しければ記入しなくて大丈夫です。■略歴(1000字以内)ご自身を紹介する文章をお書きください。■Web site個人のウェブサイトや関係するプロジェクトのウェブサイトなどありましたらお書きください。
To FacultyWe are creating a new website and would like to update the faculty profile pages. Please fill out the form below and submit to sample@sample.com. We apologize for the last minute request but the due date is the 10th. -department/division Please note the name of your department or division and your title-research field Please write your research field. No need to write if it is still same as noted on the current website-brief history of yourself (1,000 character maximum) Please write brief introduction about yourself-Web site Please let us know if you have websites about yourself or your projects.
プロジェクト・オーシャンはプロジェクト・オーシャンは"Partners with Entrepreneurs"を合言葉に、起業家の良きパートナーとして、貴社の事業を支援致します。
Project Ocean's slogan is "Partners with Entrepreneurs" and we support your business as a partner of entrepreneurs.
今から郵便局に行ってきます。 書類を出した後セブンイレブンで買い物して帰ります。
I'm going to a post office now. After I mail the document out, I will stop by 7/11 for some shopping before I come back home.
I want a letter from you everyday! and i want more pictures of beautiful Olga. I am looking forward to hearing back from you. Please tell your parents i said hi. Talk to you soon.
今日は22:00より見たいテレビがある為、帰宅後すぐにジョギング ε=ε=ε=ε=┏(; ̄▽ ̄)┛寒いね、すっかり冬に逆戻りだよ(+o+)
Gonna go jogging right after i get back home so that i get to watch the 11pm show. ε=ε=ε=ε=┏(; ̄▽ ̄)┛ so cold. It's like winter again. (+o+)
Oops. i accidentally deleted the previous tweet! Can't wait to see English tweet posted. ♪♪
This is gonna help me understand English tweets?