samigo 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 韓国語 英語
samigo 英語 → 日本語

TO all shoes suppliers,
Please be kindly advised that we will place order with your agreement for requested procedure as below.
According to our company's rule that Shoes are to be sold in our store only after confirming the quality by company's test . we will follow below proce dure to place order.We will check following points by our test.
① heel attachment strength② strap / band attachment strength ③ adhention strength ④ colorfastness.
1 Suppliers make smples required by HT company. HT executes the test on required samples and confirm the quality.3After confirming test result, HT approve you to start bulk production.
Based on above procedure, Please kindly set up your production schedule.




1 HT companyの要望に従いましてサプライヤー様はサンプルの用意が必要となります。2 HTは要望に満たしているかどうかサンプルテストを通してクオリティーの確認を行います。3 サンプルテストの確認後、HTは商品の大量製作をお願いする承認を出します。

samigo 英語 → 日本語 ★★★☆☆ 3.5

1 All new accounts will be shipped COD(Certified Check or Money Order) unless other terms have been approved before shipping. ALL INTERNATIONAL accounts are COD.②All returned checks will be charged a $25 service charge, and future orders will be shipped COD Certified Check or Money Order. ③Shipment shortages or errors must be reported within 5 days of receiving your shipment.④BLU PINK SHOP reserves the right to limit the number of dealers in a particular market.⑤All nformation provided in this application is true& correct. The applicant is responsible to formally update in written form via mail/email/ fax with any updates or changes.


①出荷前にほかの支払条件が承認されない限り、すべて新しいアカウントにはCOD(支払い保証小切手もしくは郵便為替)が送られます。海外アカウントはすべてCODとなります。②返却された小切手は25ドルのサービス料金が課されます。そして今後のご注文の支払いに関しましてもCOD支払い保証小切手もしくは郵便為替が適用されます。③出荷不足または出荷エラーに関してはお客様がご注文の商品を受け取ってから5日内に報告されます。④BLU PINK SHOPは特定市場のディーラー数制限の権利を保有しております。⑤この申込書内に提示されるすべての情報は真実であり、虚偽の内容はありません。更新もしくは変更に関して郵便/メール/ファックスを通して文書形式で公式に更新される申込書の内容は信頼出来るものです。

samigo 英語 → 日本語

Medications included oxycodone
as needed for pain, lamotrigine, lithium,
and pantoprazole. He was divorced and worked
in an office. He had smoked one to two packs of
cigarettes per day for the past 3 years but more
than two packs per day during the past several
months. He did not drink alcohol or use illicit
drugs. His father had died at 68 years of age from
metastatic colon cancer, his mother was 83 years
of age and had Paget’s disease, and a brother
had diabetes mellitus.
On examination, the height was 175 cm and
the weight 90.7 kg. The vital signs were normal.
The patient was in mild distress because of pain
in the left shoulder and posterior scapular area
during active and passive motion;

