Saki (saki) 翻訳実績

Tel Aviv, Israel
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CASS also points out the extra paperwork and a lack of information privacy laws in China as being unconstructive to the new ID requirement. It points out that the new requirement might invade upon the rights of the individual to speak his or her mind, which is going to be a big minus for the future of the Weibo.

We’ve just under a month until the new Weibo real ID rules kick in — and this year is going to be a pretty ‘sensitive’ one for China with the transition to a new leadership. While we might not be surprised if the ID requirement kicks in for real, the controversy surrounding the policy might still be too much. And if it implodes in the end… would we be surprised as well?




saki 英語 → 日本語

Here’s what I do, and highly recommend to anyone willing to break free of the to-do list:

I wake up in the morning, and decide what One Thing I’m excited about.
Then I focus on doing that, pushing everything else aside, clearing distractions, and allowing myself to get caught up in the moment.

I don’t worry what else is on my list, because there’s only One Thing on my list. I don’t have to check anything off, because I don’t actually have a list. I don’t have to worry about things not getting done, because I do the only thing I want to do — if I didn’t want to do it, it wouldn’t be my One Thing.


自分がいつも行うやり方を紹介する。To-Do リストから逃れたいと考えている方々には特に強くお勧めする。



saki 英語 → 日本語

If I happen to finish my One Thing early, I can slack off for the rest of the day (my favorite strategy), or I can pick my next One Thing.

But … but …

What about the other things you need to do? What if you forget them?

Make a list of possible things to do, if you like, or routine tasks that need to get done for one reason or another. I would consider eliminating as many things as possible on the routine list, as they tend to just be friction that stops you from doing what you really want to do. If you do make a list, don’t consider it a to-do list, of things you need to check off. Just keep it as a reminder, and don’t spend any time other than adding things to it and possibly checking it once a day.




そのような人は、他に行い得る作業や、何らかの理由により日々行わなくてはならない作業に関するリストを作成すると良い。日々の作業リストは、本当に自分がやりたい「ひとつのこと」を妨げてしまうことが多いため、可能な限り最小限にとどめるべきである。また、もしこのようなリストを作る場合には、これがTo doリストだと考えるべきではない。単にリマインダーとして作成し、作業の追加と一日一回のチェックを除いては、このリストに時間を割くべきではない。

saki 英語 → 日本語

But newer generations of college graduates began their social media experience as a very personal one. And the shift to using social media for career development may seem optional. But it’s a necessary evil at the very least, and can actually be quite beneficial to your future at the very best.

Here are a few things students should consider when starting to use social media professionally.

1. It’s Not the Same

Most teens and young adults have used social media to connect directly to friends and share personal experiences casual conversations with their networks. Yet interacting on social networks with an eye toward your career is different than doing so for purely personal reasons.




 10代や若い世代の大人のほとんどが、ソーシャルメディアを使うのは、友人と直接連絡をとるためや、私生活や気軽な会話を共有するためである。しかし、 仕事のために、ソーシャルネットワーク上でやりとりをする場合と、純粋にプライベートな理由で使う場合とでは、違いがある。

saki 英語 → 日本語

Less obvious, but perhaps more effective, is the ability to connect directly to the brands you’d love to work for, as well as the people behind those brands. While you keep your eyes peeled for job postings, take some time to engage with these brands and people, and establish a relationship with them.

4. Learning Is Still Good for You

By interacting with professionals, industry media outlets and experts in your desired field of work, you’ll be able to deepen your own level of knowledge of that field and stay on top of trends and current issues. It’s an excellent supplement to your in-class work and good preparation for the continuing learning you’ll need to do when you graduate.



