Hello,I am still pursuing the insurance claim with USPS. The claim forms have been returned to them, and as it was explained to me, they will give me their decision within the next couple of weeks. As things progress, I will continue to keep you up to date.Thank you for your patience!
・Air France Campaign – In partnership with Air France, Arara created an augmented reality marketing campaign to give people a chance to win a free flight to Paris. At Tokyo and Nara airports, Air France posters were put up. When someone pointed their device at the poster, a realistic 3D image of an Air France plane would fly out of it. People were then prompted to capture an image of the plane and tweet it. The best picture won the free flight.・AR Map –In Tokyo, maps were given out to people on the streets. When pointing their mobile at the map, an augmented reality 3D image of buildings would appear. People then had to snap a picture of the building then tweet it to win a free gift card.
・Hallmark Greeting Cards – let’s face it, greeting cards have been around for a long time and there has been little innovation over the last 20 years. The last greeting card innovation was adding music, which is rather boring. Now with augmented reality technology, you can give someone a card with a very special message. In the example below, when the card receiver points their iPad at the QR code, a cute animated ‘Happy Birthday’ bear will dance around a cake, on top of the card. After only 3 months in Japan, 20k cards have been sold at 5 Euros each. They have plans to roll it out across Britain and Australia next.
・ホールマークメッセージカードー向き合おう。メッセージカードには長い間親しんでいるが、過去20年以上もの間、その開発はほとんどなされることはなかった。最後にメッセージカードが革新されたのは音楽を付けたことで、どちらかというと退屈なものだった。そして今、現実拡張技術を用いとても特別なメッセージを送ることができるようになった。下記の例では、カードの受取人がiPadをそのQRコードにかざすと、カード上で動くキュートな「Happy Birthday」クマがケーキのまわりをダンスするのが見られる。日本ではわずか3ヶ月で2万枚ものカードが1枚5ユーロで販売された。次はイギリスとオーストラリアでの展開が予定されている。
2. Jig.jpIn partnership with Epson, Jig developed 3D glasses that allow people to see images and videos projected in front of them. Based on Android 2.2, for US$550 you can buy the glasses and watch anything on the move. You can upload your own media to the device through USB or SD card. In the picture below, there’s a picture of 3 Japanese friends. Imagine yourself lying outside in the garden, staring into space and watching a movie with the background of a blanket of stars.
2.Jig.jpエプソン連携のもと、Jigは目の前に投影された画像や動画を見ることを可能とする3Dメガネを開発した。550米ドルでAndroid 2.2搭載のそのメガネを購入すれば、動くものは何でも見ることができる。USBやSDカードを使い、自分の媒体をデバイスにアップロードすることもできる。下の写真には3人の日本人の友人が写っている。外の庭園に寝そべり、上空を見つめながら、一面の星空を背景に映画を鑑賞している自分の姿を想像してみて頂きたい。
4. Analog 12In Japan, receptionist’s are considered as expensive at around USD$3,000 per month. In a global economy when saving costs anywhere you can is important, Japan has figured out a quirky way how.Think about when you arrive at a company for an interview. Instead of being greeted by a real person, you see a TV screen connected to a virtual iPad receptionist. You first tap ‘interview’, then the virtual receptionist prompts you to select who you have the interview with. After tapping it, that person’s phone will ring and then they can come out to get you.
4. Analog 12日本では受付係は月約3000米ドルもの高給取りと考えられている。世界経済において可能な限りのコスト削減は重要なことであるが、日本でそのとっぴな方法があみ出された。面接のため会社に着いた時のことをイメージして頂きたい。本物の人間に挨拶されるかわりに、iPadの二次元受付係アプリに接続されたテレビスクリーンを見ながら、初めに「面接」ボタンをタッチすると、その二次元受付係は誰との面接かを選ぶようにあなたに指示を出してくれる。選んだ後は、その人の電話が鳴りあなたを出迎えてくれるだろう。
In a true Japanese way, Analog 12 has thought of a way to make the receptionist as real as possible. When idle, the receptionist starts to exercise and massage herself so she can happily serve the next person. Of course the virtual receptionist can’t serve you physically and bring you drinks but she can amuse you with her funny moves.Currently the company serves 5 clients in Japan and charge 80 Euros per month.
Analog 12は真の日本式受付係を可能な限りリアルに再現する方法を考案してきた。仕事のない間は、受付係は次に迎える人を喜んで案内できるようにと自ら運動とマッサージを始めるのだ。もちろん、このバーチャル受付係は物理的にサービスしたり飲み物を持ってきたりはできないが、おもしろい動きで楽しませてくれる。現時点では、毎月€80で日本5カ所にこのサービスを提供している。
Hello, ive noticed that you have purchased a Manta Ray tube recently. I'm trying to find one to buy and willing to pay $550 plus $60 postage to Ohio if the Manta Ray is unused. Let us know if your interested in selling it.Thanks for your time.
こんにちは、最近あなたがManta Ray tubeを購入したことに気づきました。私も同じものを購入しようと探していたのですが、もしあなたの買ったManta Rayがまだ未使用であれば、550ドルプラスオハイオまでの送料60ドルを支払わさせて頂きますので、譲って頂けませんでしょうか。もし興味があればお知らせ下さい。お時間をさいて頂きありがとうございました。
Please forgive the delay. I simply screwed up and thought this had already shipped. It's been brough to the post office today.
20-2People who succeed concentrate on what they did right, whereas people who fail tend to concentrate on what they did wrong. So after you complete some task or activity, take a moment to tell yourself what you did right, and give yourself credit for it. Keep moving after you have had a success. Don't lose your momentum - keep going, don't slow down. Things in motion stay in motion, so you won't have to start over if you keep your wins going. Too many of us stop when we have a win, and go back to ground zero. Then we start the long climb back up, taking more time and energy. Find a way to string your wins together, rather than thinking about slacking off after you have had something go your way.
18-2Play to win, not to avoid losing. If your goal is to win, you will take risks and get rewards you wouldn't get if you were just trying to avoid losing. You will play a totally different game. This goes for your whole life, not just a game. Go .into your projects with the goal of winning, rather than just to avoid losing.
17-2You need to focus on the wins that are ahead of you, and not on the losses that are behind you. Learn to bounce back from defeats - this is the difference between winners and losers. Winners all have gone through periods of defeat, but that is all in the past now; the defeats are history, today they are winners. So if you are having defeats, remember that you can quit now and be a loser, but if you keep going, you have a shot at being a winner.
16-3The secret to success is to keep coming back. Don't take rejection personally. Everyone encounters rejection every day, but not everyone handles it well. Some people quit, some people cut back, but others press on. Be the one who presses on. Most things in life are a numbers game. You have to make x amount of tries before you get what you want. We just don't know what the magic number is, and the only way to find out is to make those tries, until you succeed. Tell yourself, "I am one step closer to making it now." The only thing you should take personally is the wins. Also remember, every exit is an entrance to somewhere else.
16-2Success really does come from failure, as you learn what doesn't work. Are you making the same mistakes today that you made yesterday? Most of us don't learn from our mistakes, but they are a great source of ways to improve our lives. If you want to move your life ahead faster, look at what you did yesterday and ask yourself these three questions: (l)What didn't I do enough of yesterday, that I can do more of today? (2)What did I do too much of yesterday, that I can do less of today? (3)What new thing can I do today that I didn't do yesterday, that will help me?
16-2成功は本当に失敗のもとだ。何をするとうまく行かないかを学んだとき成功のもととなる。昨日犯した過ちを今日また同じように犯すだろうか?私たちはたいてい失敗から何かを学ぶことはないが、失敗は生活を改善するためのすばらしい材料なのだ。もしあなたが自分の生活をもっと早く前進させたいと思っているなら、昨日を何をしたかを振り返り、次の3つの質問を自分自身に問いかけてほしい。(1) 昨日十分にできなかったが、今日はもっとできることは何か?(2)昨日やりすぎたが、今日は控えられることは何か?(3)昨日はしなかったが今日できる、自分のためになる新しいことは何か?
16-1Learn from your mistakes. Fail forward. Everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone learns from them. If you had a problem, you have already paid the price, so you might as well learn from it. If you focus on the negative and think of it as a mistake, you will make yourself afraid to move ahead. If you focus on the positive and view it as a learning experience, you will be able to move ahead.
Used for 1 season "sparingly" by a scratch golfer (20 rounds max)...great condition! Have the ability to bend the lie angle from 2 degrees flat to 2 degrees upright. Currently Standard...
6-1Increase your performance by 1 percent and you can be at the top of most fields. It doesn't sound like much, but look at the difference in the performance levels for the top athletes. The difference in time between first and second place for the top runners and bike racers is usually seconds for a race that took several hours. Even more amazing is the fact that this matter of seconds in that event comes after months and months, or sometimes years, of practice. Being 1 percent better than the others would have put the winners so far ahead, there wouldn't have been anyone else that came close.
Copycats – the springboard to innovation‘Shanzhai’ or copying is probably the most talked about topic in China start-ups. But like or not, it is the standard. Many criticize it for lack of creativity or even ethics, but for China as a developing country, copying allows start-ups to start with an already tested model and tweak it to China. It is up to the entrepreneur to tweak the model and adapt it to the China market. This is called micro-innovation.
ものまねー革新へのきっかけ‘Shanzhai’ (山寨、中国語でコピー商品、パクリを意味する)や真似は中国の新興企業において、おそらく最もよくあがる話題である。だが、好むと好まざるとにかかわらず、真似をすれば、その新興企業はすでに検証済みのモデルを少し微調整するだけで、中国市場に参入することができるのだ。商品モデルを微調整し、中国市場に適応させるのは、その起業家にまかされているというわけだ。これをマイクロイノベーションという。
More money, more Angel InvestorsNow that China’s economy has created an abundance of wealth, many are thinking what they can do with their money. Ever the opportunistic type, Chinese want to invest their money and make more. This has created many so-called ‘Angel Investors’ from professionals, to celebrities such as Yao Ming the former-NBA player. Even universities like the famous Tsinghua University have created a ‘campus fund’ to invest in their brightest students. Often equity is exchanged for funding, resources and most importantly in China, relationships.
富が天使の投資家を呼ぶ今や中国経済は巨額の富を生み出しており、多くの人はそのお金の使い道に悩んでいるほどだ。いつも日和見主義的なタイプである中国人はそのお金を投資に利用し、増やそうとする。このため、いわゆる「天使の投資家」といわれる、専門家たちからYao Mingや元NBA選手などのセレブまでにも及ぶたくさんの投資家たちが生まれた。清華大学のような有名な大学でさえもが、「大学基金」なるものを設立し、優秀な学生に投資をしている。株はしばしば資金提供や財産、そして中国で最も重要である人間関係のためにやり取りされている。
just need to change the username same step as above: “apt_dist_02”, password: “apt_dist_02” and Login------till district 28(3) For example; If you are interested in “office””District 01”: please log in by username: “office_dist_01”, password: “office_dist_01” and Login, than you will be able to see the map & Photos picture after you clicked on “print”. Same procedure for District 02, 03….., just need to change the username same step as above: “office_dist_02”, password: “office_dist_02” and Login------till district 28(4) FAQS in Japanese: please log in by username: “faqs”, password: “faqs” Please let me know if you have any further queries.Once again, many thanks & have a nice day ahead!
上記の手順に従い、ただユーザーネームを変えるだけです。ユーザーネーム「apt_dist_02」、パスワード「apt_dist_02」でログインします。ーーーdistrict 28まで同様の手順です。(3)例:「office」の「District 01」に興味がおありなら、ユーザーネーム「office_dist_01」、パスワード「office_dist_01」でログインして下さい。「print」をクリックすれば、地図と写真をみることができます。District 02, 03以降も同様の手順で進めて下さい。上記の手順に従い、ただユーザーネームを「office_dist_02」、パスワードを「office_dist_02」と変えるだけでログインできます。ーーーdistrict 28まで同様の手順です。(4)例:日本語のよくある質問&回答集:ユーザーネーム「faqs」、パスワード「faqs」でログインして下さい。その他何かお問い合わせがあれば、お知らせ下さい。改めまして、本ウェブサイトのご訪問ありがとうございます&よい1日をお過ごし下さい!
(1) For example; if you are interested in “condominium” “District 01” : please log in by username: “condo_dist_01”, password: “condo_dist_01”, and Login, than you will be able to see the Map & Photos picture after you clicked on “print”. Same procedure for District 02, 03….., just need to change the username same step as above: “condo_dist_02”, password: “condo_dist_02” and Login----- till district 28(2) For example; If you are interested in “Service Apartment””District 01”: please log in by username: “apt_dist_01”, password: “apt_dist_01” and Login, than you will be able to see the map & Photos picture after you clicked on “print”. Same procedure for District 02, 03…..,
(1)例:「condominium」の「 District 01」に興味がおありでしたら、ユーザーネーム「condo_dist_01」、パスワード「condo_dist_01」でログインして下さい。「print」をクリックすれば、地図と写真をみることができます。District 02、03以降も同様の手順で、district 02ならユーザーネーム「condo_dist_02」パスワード「condo_dist_02」という具合に、district 28まで上記の手順でログインできます。(2)例:「Service Apartment」の「District 01」に興味がおありでしたら、ユーザーネーム「apt_dist_01」、パスワード「apt_dist_01」でログインして下さい。「print」をクリックすれば、地図と写真をみることができます。District 02、03以降も同様の手順です。