米納 良司 (ryojiyono) 翻訳実績

約10年前 男性 60代
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
ryojiyono 英語 → 日本語

Step 1: Determine why your selling privileges were removed

Read the notice you received from B to determine whether your selling privileges were removed for poor performance, or for one or more violations of our selling Policies & Agreements.

Step 2: Evaluate your selling practices
Review your customer metrics and identify those that do not meet our performance targets. Evaluate your selling practices for those that may result in buyer dissatisfaction. Review your inventory for items that are in violation of our Policies & Agreements.

Step 3: Create a Plan of Action
Create a Plan of Action outlining the steps you will take to correct the problems you identified in Step 2.


ステップ1 なぜ販売権利が剥奪されたのかを見極める


ステップ2 販売方法の見直し

ステップ3 改善計画を立てる

ryojiyono 英語 → 日本語

I hope I am understanding correctly...
On Shyann you want the bangs to be long (covering the eyes?) Or, do you want me to leave it all one length and let you cut the hair? And use extra glue to make it hold very good?
I finished one of the mini babies today-- Zachy. I plan to have the other two ready by Saturday. After the mini babies I am suppose to do Ivy right? And then Shyann? I will paint Ivy and Shyann together. If you want me to hurry on Shyann I can. Please let me know. I will do whatever Akiko wants ^_^
p.s. I hope you can understand this good--- the translator on my end hasn't been working well...it's hard to interpret :)



追伸 私の日本語を理解していただけることを期待しています。当方の通訳担当者があまり上手ではなく、とても難しいので。。