rollingchopsticks 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 スペイン語
rollingchopsticks 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

A quick look at DeltaViet’s numbers

Currently, DeltaViet’s mainly collecting money via SMS banking, wherein a potential student would use the same scratchcard that they use to top up their SIM to pay for their online course. This makes up to 90 to 92 percent of DeltaViet’s revenues. Five percent comes from internet banking like NganLuong and three percent is from students coming into the office to pay by cash. But the really interesting thing is 50 percent of DeltaViet’s 500 students are in the countryside, outside of Vietnam’s top cities; Ho Chi Minh city itself accounts for 30 percent of students, and Hanoi for 20 percent. In other words, DeltaViet’s got legs outside of the city.



現在DeltaViet ではSMS bankingが最大の徴収方法となっている。
オンラインコースの支払いは、SIMカードをチャージする為に使用するスクラッチカードを利用する事が出来る。この方法は総収入の90から92%を占めている。 5%はNganLuongなどのネットバンキングで、3%は実際に事務所に現金で支払いにくる方法である。しかし興味深いのはDeltaVietの500人の生徒の内50%は大都市から離れた地方に住んでいる。そして30%が
ホーチミン市でハノイ市は20%である。 つまりDeltaVietは都会から地方へと大きく広がっているといえる。

rollingchopsticks 英語 → 日本語 ★★★☆☆ 3.0

Just like Udemy, DeltaViet collects between 30 to 50 percent of the revenue and 50 to 70 percent goes to the teachers. That’s after the telcos skim off the top with their 15 to 20 percent transaction fees.

Every course on DeltaViet, unlike Udemy, also has quizzes. Since, according to Minh, Vietnamese students may not actually watch and apply the things they learn via video. Thus, if students do not complete assignments in the courses they sign up for, they get demerits on their account. If a student has too many demerits, they may fail to get the certificate that DeltaViet awards after completion. Note: currently, DeltaViet’s certificates are only recognized by certain partners and have no academic standing.



しかしUdemyとは違いDeltaVietの全コースでは小テストが課せられる。 Minh氏によるとベトナム人の生徒は実際にビデオをみたり習った事を応用するとは限らないそうだ。 
そのため生徒が宿題を提出しなければそのコースでは減点を受ける事となる。余り減点を続けるとDeltaVietがコース終了後に発行する証書を貰えなくなってしまう。 注:DeltaVietの証書は現在学術的な意味を持たず、ある一定のパートナー間のみ評価されている。

rollingchopsticks 日本語 → 英語 ★★★★★ 5.0




TOC which operates covention complexes at Gotanda and Ariake is planning to open a new exhibition hall at the beginning of 2015.

The plan is to construct a two-story building at where an elementary school used to be with a total exhibition area of 4700㎡ which can hold multipurpose exhibitions. It will be called "TOC Gotanda Messe" The first floor will be occupied by retail stores, an L-shaped exhibition room which can be divided into 5 separate spaces if needed and three small conference rooms. The area will be 1700㎡ and the height to the ceiling will be 3.5m. The second floor has a foyer in the center and an exhibition room that can be divided into 10 separate spaces. It will be column-free 3000㎡ with the height to the ceiling, 4m. The top floor will be the parking spaces.