・AAA Party OFFICIAL SHOP(PC)http://shop.mu-mo.net/a/list1?jsiteid=APY&categ_id=30103(MB)http://m-shop.mu-mo.net/a/list1?jsiteid=APY&categ_id=30103※mu-moショップ限定特典:メンバー全員画像の特製しおり付き
-AAA Party OFFICIAL SHOP(PC)http://shop.mu-mo.net/a/list1?jsiteid=APY&categ_id=30103(Mobile)http://m-shop.mu-mo.net/a/list1?jsiteid=APY&categ_id=30103※ Mu-mo shop's exclusive gift: Bookmark with a picture of all AAA members
・AAA mobileオフィシャルショップ(PC)http://shop.mu-mo.net/a/list1?jsiteid=AMO&categ_id=30095(MB)http://m-shop.mu-mo.net/a/list1?jsiteid=AMO&categ_id=30095※mu-moショップ限定特典:メンバー全員画像の特製しおり付き
-AAA's mobile official shop(PC)http://shop.mu-mo.net/a/list1?jsiteid=AMO&categ_id=30095(Mobile)http://m-shop.mu-mo.net/a/list1?jsiteid=AMO&categ_id=30095※ Mu-mo shop's exclusive gift: Bookmark with a picture of all AAA members
-Amazonwww.amazon.co.jp/dp/4344029909/- Seven Eleven's online storehttp://7net.omni7.jp/detail_isbn/9784344029903-Hontohttp://honto.jp/isbn/978434402990
Customised telecaster with authentic touch!In 1972, customised telecaster was in the center of attention with Fender's Gibson-styled layout of front hum and control.This guitar is from 1973 with alder with sunburst finishing. It has no scar and gives you an authentic vintage feeling.Fret nuts are fully changed and its play-ability is just awesome. Its pot (CTS), pick guard, bridge, switch nob and screws are also changed. Entire body has a trace of sanding.
こんにちは私が注文した下記2つのインボイスが間違っています。31/07/2016Order No.21937270630/07/2016Order No.219182652どちらも購入金額は£94.32です。しかし、インボイスではどちらも£565.92になっています。あなたのお店がインボイスを間違えた為、必要以上の関税を請求されて困っています。今回、私がDHLに支払った金額の合計は17560円です。あわせて添付画像もご確認ください。
Hello.The prices shown in the invoices below are wrong : 31/07/2016Order No.21937270630/07/2016Order No.219182652The price should be £94.32 for both invoices, but they show the price £565.92 instead. Due to the mistake I mentioned above, I am charged unnecessary expensive tax from custom. This time, I paid 17560 yen to DHL in total. Please refer to the picture that I am sending you as an attachment. Thank you.
Thank you for contact me regarding the price. I tried to pay you via PayPal, but I failed to do so somehow. According to PayPal Customer Service, it is due to the temporary security issue. If I wait for two or three days and try it again, it should work fine.So my payment will be a bit delayed. Thank you for your understanding.
I received the new memory for Mac on August 6th.I tried it for verification and it turns out that kernel panic has been seen often. It cannot be used at all so could you please give me a full refund?#Issues1. It shuts down whenever I am using LOGIC ( it did not happen when I was using Apple 8GB memory )2. It shuts down whenever I am testing Remember memory. ( It works when I do testing 1 and 3/ 2 and 4 separately though.)It does not work if it is not with the low voltage (DDR3L).Can I send it back via C.O.D?
Thanks for vising us and we appreciate for that...it was nice of you to visit us and showing interest in our collection...it was a huge pleasure to meet you..hope you are doing good..we had mail you our price offer as per your selectionwe are still waiting for your valuable feedback so that we can proceed further as per your requirement Will be waiting to hear from you soon...Please also acknowledge receipt of this mail ...
I am sending you an invoice as an attachment.If you have the invoice, you do not need to charge us $30 anymore. If you cannot cancel your $30 invoice, please let me know. We will figure out other solution. Please try to cancel your invoice using our one first. Thank you for your understanding.
As our discussion, I would like to sum all documents that need to import food additives- All specification of AN100 ; CO100 and GA1- And more documents for AN100, it is used list in Japan; certificate of AN100 from chemical factory ; Aluminium Potassium Sulphate –E252 and AN100 are used documents sign by Authority Japan.- If you have any document concern these food additives , please send us and we find any way to get import permission as soon as possible.We will update price in another mail for you.
Thank you for your inquiry.As for returning an item, it will be more expensive than its price if you send it to Japan. So you don't need to send it back. I will give you a full refund via Amazon. It's a gift from me.You can order XS size jacket from here:Unfortunately, I can't tell you exact days that needs to deliver the product as it needs to go through custom. However, I will be on summer vacation from August 10 th 900am. If your order arrives after that I will send you the item after 17th. Thank you for your understanding.
I do not request a refund, just an exchange of the returning item for a smaller size. There was not an area when ordering the jacket, to select a particular size, (extra small, small, etc.)I would like to exchange the returning cotton jacket for a small or extra small. This wonderful, lovely cotton jacket is for my Mother. It is a gift to replace her old one, she has had for the last 30 years.Thank you for your kindness! I would like re-order the jacket in an extra-small size. Could that be arranged and how long would the delivery take?Thank you, again for your understanding.
I am so sorry for putting you in a difficult situation due to the issue caused by Amazon. They told me that they will handle the issue once they successfully confirm that you sent back the product-I will let you know.You kindly gave me a call but please let me reply to you via email as I cannot speak English very well. My customer told me that she/he did not receive product A that they ordered and they got something else instead. They have already returned what they got.My inventory is still missing so the product should be in somewhere at FBA warehouse. Please let me know once you got back the product from the customer. Thank you.
製品が届かないことに関しての返信の意味がよくわかりません。7月9日に発送したのは確かですか?Royal mailは追跡が行えませんが、何かそちらでできることはあるのでしょうか?これ以上進捗がないのならAmazonを通じて、注文自体をキャンセルします。できるだけ早く返信をして下さい。
I am sorry but I can't understand what your reply means with regard to the fact that the product I ordered have not been delivered yet. Are you sure that you send it on 9th July?I can't track the package on Royal mail. Is there any other way to see where my package is?If there is no progress, I will cancel my order via Amazon. Please respond as soon as possible. Thank you.
I bough oo from you to sell it in Amazo Japan. However, you are selling same products in there. My business is not profitable anymore as you are lowering the price. Thus, I need to stop buying the products from you. Is it possible for you to stop selling them in Amazon Japan? It is problematic that you as a seller are lowering my profit. I am looking forward to hearing back from you.
現在、中古市場でもなかなか出回らなくなったギブソン製「Chet Atkins」のホロウボディ。センターブロックが設けられたシンボディのセミアコ仕様で、ギブソン製ハムバッカーの搭載により、幅広いサウンドメイクにも十分に対応します。年式相応に、全体的に擦り傷や打痕等が見受けられますが、フレットはローポジションに多少の減りは見られるものの、まだまだ十分に残っており、ネックコンディションも問題ありません。全体的な使用感と、ピックガード及びハードケースが欠品の為、激安価格にて!
Gibson's Chet Atkins with hollow body has been rarely seen even in second-hand market.It has semi-accorstic styled thin body with centre block and Gibson's humbucker enables it to have wider sound-making ability. It has scratches and damages to show its age. Its fret has been a bit damaged at a low position but it should work fine. Neck condition is also good.It is on significant discount as it has been used and without a pickguard nor a hard case.
Hello.I am sorry to hear that you can't send a replacement. In such a case, it can't be helped if I send you the product back.Unfortunately, I would like to keep it as it is priceless to me. I will try to fix it somehow. Let's agree on this.Thank you for your kind support.
8月9日 の待ち合わせ時間の事で、取り急ぎメール致します。14時にホテルフロントで面会のお約束ですが、15分遅らせて欲しいのです。こちらの勝手な都合で申し訳有りませんが、14時15分にホテルフロントでお願い致します。お会いできるのを心から楽しみにしています。
I am contacting you about the meeting time on August 9th. It is urgent.We are meeting up at 1400 in front of the reception at the hotel, but would it be possible to delay our meeting time for 15 minutes?It would be helpful if you can meet up at 1415 in front of the reception. I am looking forward to seeing you!
Thank you for calling, though you have been busy.To be honest with you, we hired a new translator as the translator we always hire was on summer vacation. However,the new person turns out to be quite inexperienced. I am so sorry for making you confused because of this.I am waiting to hear back from you next week. I am a bit anxious about the sales of sports bags as it has been ages since they became out of stock.I think shipping to Japan will be fine- it will be easier as time goes. I am counting on you for this!
I am arriving at 730 if everything goes as I planned.It was easy. My legs are itchy.Train is not crowded today as it is Saturday.I got so many things to do- what should I do?I want to watch international TV series on that train but I just don't have time.I want to work as a make-up artist.I need to plan everything more thoroughly.I forgot to charge my phone again.I like to go many different places.I need to cut down my workload, which I need to negotiate. I want to get out from Japan and live abroad one day.I suppose I need to cancel my housing contract.I need to learn draft drawing for dressmaking- that should be on my priority list.