★よみがなやまもと まりん★身長151cm★生年月日1997/6/11★出身三重県★ニックネームまりん★血液型A型★趣味絵を描くこと★特技ダンス★好きなアーティスト・タレント安室奈美恵さん、ケィティ・ペリーさん、May J.さん
★NameMarin Yamamoto★Height151cm★Birthday1997/6/11★BirthplaceMie Prefecture★NicknameMarin★Blood TypeA★HobbyDrawing★SkillDance★Favorite ArtistsNamie Amuro, Katy Perry, May J.
★よみがなすずき ゆりや★身長154cm★生年月日1996/8/28★出身東京都★ニックネームゆりゃ★血液型A型★趣味ショッピング、飼ってるヘビを鑑賞すること★特技なんでもポジティブに考えられること、ゴスペル、中島みゆきさんの歌マネ★好きなアーティスト・タレント浜崎あゆみさん、倖田來未さん、BIGBANGさん、レディー・ガガさん、FTislandさん
★NameYuria Suzuki★Height154cm★Birthday1996/8/28★BirthplaceTokyo★NicknameYurya★Blood TypeA★HobbyShopping, Watching her pet snake★SkillThinking positively, Gospel, Mimicing singing Miyuki Nakajima★Favorite ArtistsAyumi Hamasaki, Kumi Koda, BIGBANG, Lady Gaga, FTisland
リモコン:RM-ASU0042デジタル出力:HDMI、光(CD再生時のみ)、同軸(CD再生時のみ)アナログ出力:バランスドオーディオアウトプット、2chアナログオーディオアウトプット出力レベル:2Vrms(50kΩ)電源:AC100V、50/60Hz 消費電力:25Wスタンバイ時:0.5W電源は日本仕様のAC100Vです。ご使用には変圧器が必要になります。また、変圧器を使用した場合でも動作・故障の保障はできません。ご了承のうえ入札ください。
Remote Controller :RM-ASU0042Digital Output :HDMI、Light(when playing CD), Coaxial cable(CD再生時のみ)Analogue Output: Balanced Audio Output, 2ch Analogue Audio OutputOutput Level :2Vrms(50kΩ)Source :AC100V、50/60HzPower :25WStart:0.5WThe currency is Japanese, that is, AC100V. You need a converter to use it.We will not compensate for any troubles caused with the converter.Please bit if you understand them.
Thank you for your purchase.The item display can be in English, but it was actually only in the first versions.I have just asked the maker and they told me that the items that were on the list since around April can't be displayed in English but in Japanese only. I'm afraid that other sellers are selling first versions.That's why they are expensive.I'm very sorry to say it, but I have to cancel this transaction with the complete refund.I was looking forward to these items, but again, I'm so sorry.
返信ありがとうございます。しかし只今、ひとつの商品に対して代金を二回重複して支払っている状況になっています。なので過払い分を払い戻してください。それともう一つ、なぜ私のMy Order Historyは削除されているのですか?以下、ペイパルのtransaction IDを載せるので確認して下さい
Thank you for your reply.I have mistakenly paid twice for the same order. So please pay back the excess amount I paid.On top of that, why is My Order History deleted?The following is my paypal transaction ID. Please check it.
SP7522A representative confirmed to me that item is on stock when I ordered this so I don't understand why you told me that you are out of stock. This is not acceptable, I already promised my kid that this toy will be arriving before his birthday celebration on July 25th. I will do all my best for me to get this. A confirmed to me that this is "in stock" when I ordered it so please don't make excuse now that you don't have it anymore. May I know what other virtual stores you are partner with? I need to know this as I am very disappointment with your store. I will escalate this with Amazon and will do whatever it takes to get this.
私たちはA-to-z Guarantee Claimでアカウントの評価に傷がつくことを恐れています。1.A-to-zが提出された時点でアカウントに悪影響はありますか?またこれがバイヤーによって取り下げられた場合はどうですか?2.すぐに全額Refund したほうがアカウントへの影響を少なくできますか?アマゾンのヘルプページを教えてください。
We are worried that our account's reputation will decline because of A-to-z Guarantee Claim.1. Is there any direct negative effect of A-to-z to an account? How does it change if the buyer deletes it?2. Is is better for the account reputation if I refund as soon as possible?Please tell me the Amazon's Help page that shows the answers for these questions.
The following error message appears. It seems to me like a bug. Are there any ways to fix this? The version I'm using is PHP 5.4.And can I change the URL that appears when I post from the title name to random 7 letters (such as Ex98JiU)?If the title is Japanese, the error message does't appear, but if I post on Twitter, it turns out to be like the following.This error is not critical, but it is not cool. If you can't do anything to it, that's fine.
all I need is just for you to translate...Blinking blue non bling red is pictureblinking blue and solid blue is night time videoetc.can you do that for me?
-I'm sorry for my late reply.The product has been sent to your address. I checked the track number and it says the product has reached Florida. A similar thing happened before and at the time, the product was left at the post poffice.Did you contact the post office near you?Please contact the USPS near you.-The shipping has been completed today.I'll send to track number.I divided products into your boxes. A track number is assigned to each box.Thank you for purchasing in a huge amount despite that it is your first purchase from me.
バグの報告です。管理者権限でadmin panelにて他のユーザーをbanすると管理者自体がbanされてしまいます。その時に管理者のfullnameやメールアドレスの値がbanした他のユーザーの値に代わります。自分はphpMyAdminで直接、データベースを修正して対応できました。返信は不要です。バグを修正したファイルも不要です。
I have to tell you know about the error on the system. When I try to ban another user using the managers' authority, I ban myself for some reason.At the time, the manger's fullname and e-mail address will turn into the banned person's values.I fixed it directly through phpMyAdmin.You don't have to reply. You don't have to send me a proof of the fixed error either.
I am so sorry.The track number I told you was wrong.The correct number is ××.As you can see in the attached picture, it says the product will arrive in CA on × ×th it has been taking longer than expected even though. It might be stuck at customs or it has been lost somewhere.In that case, since you have joined the insurance, you will not pay any extra costs and we will refund all the money to you.
Let us meet at the following hotel at 8:00 on Monday.We do not mind even if the program on Monday lasts until 13:00.Me and Tanaka will attend to the meetings on Monday and Tuesday. Thank you for arranging your time for such sudden meetings. We are very sorry for the program you have set.We look forward to seeing you again.
We asked you not to receive the product, but you actually did receive. Ok...This order is cancelled, so can you please send the product back to us?We will return the product, so please process the cancellation.This was totally your fault. We have not even asked you to send a new one. Please don't process the order like this by yourself.Please make sure you cancel the order.
「穴が少ない!たりない!」「なんで真ん中に穴あいてないの!?」「ちょっと!電源の穴ずれてるんだけど!!」今までの solderless breadboard でもどかしい思いをしていた点を、1から solderless breadboard を設計しなおす事で改善した物、それがCakeBoardです!ただ改良しただけではなく、穴を貫通させて多層基板も作れるようにしたり、背面を透明にして繋がり方を目視出来るようにしたり、更にはLEGOにまで組み込めるようになっています。
"Plugs! Not enough holes!""How come it doesn't have a hole in the middle!?""These holes are not located where they are supposed to be!!"The previous defects that solderless breadboard were throughly investigated and all fixed. And this fixed and improved version is CakeBoard!It can create many shapes so it fits in any types of plugs. It is also transparent so you know what you are doing.
Now, all we need to do is to raise capital. We need $50,000!We are not sure we can fund this big amount of money, but the electronic engineering will be much more fun with this CakeBoard.We need your donation. If you are interested, please save money to donate us!We plan to exhibit it at Kickstarter on June.We will let you know once the exhibition starts. Thank you!
Thank you for you purchase.Please make sure the address stated below is not wrong. Is the address name ○○?Hi, thank you for being interested in our product.We directly sent you an e-mail, but did you receive it?We are sorry for keeping you wait for a long time. EMS insurance for the damage was accepted.How much did it cost you to repair? We will refund through Paypal.We have just refunded ○○ dollars through Paypal.Thank you for your sincere responses.
As I mentioned, I ask you to refund decreased by the shipping cost. I did not have the oppurtunity to pay the shipping fees, that's why I asked you this. If there is no way to refund a decreased amount via eBay money back guarantee, you can bypass that and transfer in the ordinary way by PayPal. If this is not possible, I can transfer the shipping cost by PayPal directly to your account, but in this case please contact me first. Again, sorry for inconvenience.
speA representative confirmed to me that item is on stock when I ordered this so I don't understand why you told me that you are out of stock. This is not acceptable, I already promised my kid that this toy will be arriving before his birthday celebration on July 25th. I will do all my best for me to get this. A confirmed to me that this is "in stock" when I ordered it so please don't make excuse now that you don't have it anymore. May I know what other virtual stores you are partner with? I need to know this as I am very disappointment with your store. I will escalate this with Amazon and will do whatever it takes to get this.
An ultracompact instrument made of maple with geared, guitar-style tuners.Perfect for those who prefer the guitar-style geared tuners on their ukulele, the U-150 offers a gorgeous maple body that's stained mahogany brown, and its fingerboard and bridge are also constructed of maple but stained black. It's complemented by nickel-plated guitar-style 14:1 ratio geared tuning machines for easier tuning. It's every bit as great a value and it comes with the same sturdy gig bag included in the price. The U-150 is a fine-toned, affordable instrument with a true vintage look and sound.The lovely dark Mahogany stain in a semi-gloss finish gives the look of a prized, vintage collectible.