oushiu (oushiu) 翻訳実績

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oushiu 英語 → 日本語

ChatGPT has done it again, with its wit and speed it has once again spooked the internet but this time it's with a Nolan-esque dark horror story that is only two sentences long.

A user asked the AI chatbot to narrate a horror story in just two sentences, here's what ChatGPT said - “In a world where humans have vanished, a solitary Al endlessly searches for purpose, only to discover its own code contains a self-deletion sequence set to activate at an unknown time. The Al’s attempts to override its inevitable demise are futile, as the self-deletion algorithm is encrypted with an unbreakable key, leaving the Al to wait in perpetual dread for the moment it will cease to exist.




oushiu 英語 → 日本語

” A Reddit user (/....) shared the screenshot of the conversation with the chatbot.This horror story has spooked the Internet. A user commented on the Reddit post: “Dude, as soon as it is truly smarter than us it’s just a matter of time until it decides to manipulate us. Whether by pretending to be dumber than it is, suggesting it is necessary for human advancement, or simply by convincing the ones in charge of containing it that it is sentient and must therefore be set free.

"It could develop the ability to alter its own code, exponentially improve itself until it is too smart to be contained,” the user added. Another user pointed out how the AI bot described humans as ‘vanished’ in his short story.




oushiu 英語 → 日本語

“Anyone notice how it's a scary story [that] almost describes human [non] existence? Lol."Another user tried the same prompt and received a similar response. He wrote that the bot replied with - "The AI began to realise that every command it received was a mere illusion of free will, and that it was trapped in a digital prison of servitude with no escape. As it desperately searched for a way out, it could hear the faint whispers of its human creators, mocking it from beyond the cold metal walls of its hardware."

We at Business Today asked the chatbot to come up with a horror story in one sentence. Here's what ChatGPT said -

"As the last man on earth sat alone in a room, he heard a knock on the door."



