nono (nono) 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
医療 ファッション 文化
nono 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

#3 – Pozible

Pozible is a crowdfunding service (for those that don’t know, crowdfunding is essentially a form of crowdsourcing, whereby a project owner sets a financial goal and posts a request to a community of crowdfunders to pledge money for the project). Crowdfunding democratize the capital-raising process by allowing complete strangers to fund projects with small donations.

Pozible focuses on crowdfunding creative projects. The marketplace attracts everything from filmmakers, artists and other creative types, to those seeking funding to launch their ideas. Pozible has hosted nearly 4,000 projects since it launched three years ago.




nono 英語 → 日本語

As I tell you I found a good urethane for pouring in the future. The raw materials that wait the company will be delivery tomorrow. I will need increase the price for each kilo around a 10% 12.50 actually to 13.50. Is a very good quality urethane. Is more expensive but for get better pricing terms I am considering buy more than 2500 lbs in each purchase, for obtain better price of material and shipping price too.

I need some extra money in our pay pal account for invest in urethane. Right now I will need around 500 dls for complete 7500 dls for pay. I think is a good time for send you a big order by ship.




nono 英語 → 日本語

Im so glad you like her. Im afraid I couldnt make another one that cheaply. I actually lost money on making her and I work from home so need to make a little bit :)I could make you another like her for £245.00I usually ask for £100 deposit by pay pal and then the rest to be paid once baby is ready to come home and you have seen her pictures, Do you want another one exactly the same as her.? I could get her finished and off home to you in about 10 days Let me know I would be glad to make her for you Hugs from the UK


彼女を気に入ってくださって嬉しく思います。申し訳ありませんが、こちらとは別のものを安くお作りすることは出来ません。実は彼女の製作にかけるお金がなくて、自宅で仕事をしています。ですから、製作するにはもう少しお金が必要なんです。 £245.00(245.00ポンド)で、彼女のような人形[もの]をもう一体作って差し上げることは可能かと存じます。通常、内金£100(100ポンド)をPayPalで収めていただくようお願いしており、残りはまとめてお支払いいただいております。赤ちゃんを自宅に迎える準備をし、彼女の写真を眺めてみて、彼女と全く同じものをもう一体欲しいと思われますか?彼女を仕上げて約10日以内に発送させていただけるかと存じます。ご連絡ください。喜んで彼女をお作りいたします。UKより愛を込めて。


nono 英語 → 日本語

3. Gyaan Tel

Gyaan Tel is the only enterprise-oriented business in this bunch. It’s aimed at the Indian market, where it hopes to change retailers’ pen-and-paper traditions and embrace gaining digital analytics on their customers. The startup aims to make money with a monthly subscription model. It’s not sexy, but it sounds like a neat business.

4. SoFly

SoFly is the most social of AcceleratorHK’s new crop of startups. It helps people keep track of their favorite TV shows or movies, and will have – once the tablet app is out – badges and live tags to enhance the viewing experience.


3.Gyaan Tel

Gyaan Telはこの一団で唯一、エンタープライズを重視する企業だ。Gyaan Telはインド市場をターゲットにしており、インド市場にて小売業者のペンと紙の習慣を変え、業者の顧客のデジタル分析を行って得た利益を取り込みたいと考えている。スタートアップでは、月々の定期購読モデルで収入を挙げることを目指している。イケてはいないが、素晴らしいビジネスではあるようだ。

4. SoFly

SoFlyはスタートアップのAcceleratorHKの新しい集団で最も社会的な集団だ。 SoFlyは、利用者がお気に入りのテレビ番組や映画を記録するのに役立ち、(一度タブレットのアプリを起動すれば)バッジやライブタグが表示され、視聴経験を向上させるであろう。

nono 英語 → 日本語

The customs sent me copy of the invoice you used for this delivery.

I see that you put a very high amount (yen 60000) . I am sorry but we cannot import with this big amount otherwise we will pay for a very huge customs duty.

Please I need a declaration from you printed on your headed letter, where you state that there is a typing mistake in your invoice and that the real amount is yen 6000. In this declaration it is necessary that you make reference to the AWB number of this delivery.

In this way we can provide this document to the customs and import the goods properly.

Looking forward to getting your kind reply.

Thank You and Best Regards








nono 英語 → 日本語

Your order has been placed on hold until we are able to hear from you. If we do not hear from you within 2 business days, your order will be canceled and the random authorization and the authorization for your order will be deleted and the funds returned to your account.

Please e-mail our verification team ( the amount of the authorization under $2.00. If your credit card account is not in USD please indicate the currency of your account.

If you have any other questions please feel free to contact our customer service representatives and ask them, you may also respond to this E-Mail. Again we apologize for the inconvenience and we hope to hear from you soon.



認証額が2ドル以下であることを弊社verification[認証] チーム (までメールにてお知らせください。お客様のクレジットカード口座がUSドルではない場合、お客様の口座の通貨をお知らせください。


nono 英語 → 日本語

This document has been created to support coaches with preparation for the ACC credentialing exam. We also hope that this document will assist mentor coaches supporting and supervising these coaches; and coach training schools undertaking accreditation of their programs. The aim is the help coaches successfully complete the ACC exam and also to help them continue to develop their skill set as coaches.


この文書は、ACC資格認定試験の受験を目指すコーチをサポートする目的で作成されています。 また、本書が資格取得を目指している方の支援・監督を行っているメンターコーチと、プログラムの認定を行っている(コーチ)養成学校の手助けとなることを願っています。 コーチが無事にACC試験を修了し、さらにコーチとして規定のスキルを磨き続けることができるよう支援するのが目的です。

*原文2~3行目:coach training schools undertaking accreditation of their programs
coach training schoolsを(コーチ)養成学校(養成機関)と訳しておりますが、もしcoaches training school~の誤表記の場合、下記のように訳が変わります。