This bag goes for $180 to 250 on ebay when it is brand-new. I think this is a good deal since the product price and shipping fee are $150. So I am not thinking about any discount. I was thinking $115 for the bag and $35(actual shipping fee including packing) for the shipping. But there was a limit for beginners and the price has to be $100 at most. This is why I put $100 for the bag and $50 for the shipping. If you don't mind packing with bubble wrap and paper bag instead of cardbord, I can give you $10 discount.
In "Aokigaharajukai" which is a primary forest spreading to north west of Mt. Fuji or the lava tree mold concentrated around Funatsutainaijukei which is designated as an asset constituting Mt. Fuji as a World Heritage site, eco tour is popular. Eco tour is a walking tour while listening the explanation by eco tour guide.Cycling around Fujigoko is also recommended. From Yamanakako which is east side of Fujigoko to Motosuko which is west side of Fujigoko, it is about 40km.We have many kinds of bikes to rent so you can choose what you like.
Sorry, we do not quite understand this message. Please reply and be more specific. Q. How do I order parts and accessories for my bag?A. After identifying the model of your bag, click on the Customer Service tab and select "Repair Catalogues". Select and download the appropriate link for your bag. Once you have identified the part numbers that you need, refer to the last page of the catalogue for the price list. Once you have identified the parts that you need, . Kindly include your name, shipping address, phone number, style number and color of your bag, along with the parts and quantities that you need. We will contact you if we need additional information.
申し訳ありませんが、このメッセージがあまり理解できません。もう少し具体的に返信をお願いします。質問:私の鞄の部品やアクセサリーはどのように注文したらいいですか?答え:あなたの鞄のモデルを確認したら、カスタマーサービスのタブをクリックし"Repair Catalogues"を選んでください。あなたの鞄に該当するリンクを選んでダウンロードしてください。あなたが必要な部品の番号を確認したら、カタログの最後にある価格表をご覧ください。必要な部品を確信しましたら、あなたのお名前、届け先、電話番号、鞄のスタイル番号と色に必要な部品と量を加えてください。もし他に必要な情報がありましたら、連絡いたします。
We sell our products for the customers to be pleased.We would like the customers to know the good of Japan.If you are scared to order in Japan, please believe us.Your happiness is our happiness.We are waiting for the customers who likes Japan.
A/B testing is getting cheaper, and startups should take advantageUntil recently, A/B testing was a service usually restricted to the big companies who could afford it. But at last month’s China Axlr8r Demo Day, accelerator graduate Splitforce showed off a solution for small- and medium-sized mobile app developers to incorporate a lightweight A/B testing SDK into their products. It’s free for apps with up to 1,000 daily active users. The ability to test two variants simultaneously (e.g. a red button and a blue button appear in the same app on two different phones) and real-time analytics are what Splitforce hopes will differentiate it from its fellow budget competitors.
安価になってきているA/Bテストを新興企業は利用すべきである。最近までA/Bテストは金銭的に余裕のある大企業に限定されたサービスだった。しかし先月のChina Axlr8r Demo Dayで、アクセラレータのメモリつきのSplitforceが携帯アプリケーションを開発している中小企業が彼らの商品に軽量のA/BテストSDKを組み込むことができる解決策を発表した。毎日1000人以下のユーザが使用しているアプリケーションに対しては無料である。2つの異なる物を同時にテストすることができる機能(例えば2つの異なる電話にある同じアプリケーションに現れる赤と青のボタン)と即時の分析はSplitforceが他の低予算同業者と差をつけるだろうと期待するものである。
The company got a lot of positive feedback at Demo Day, with one former Axlr8r mentor remarking that it’s only a matter of time before they get copied in Silicon Valley. While that could prove troublesome for Splitforce, more competitors in the space means lower costs for the companies that use them. As accessibility to the constantly improving pool of A/B testing services increases for startups, so should the quality of those startups’ products.
Demo Dayで、その会社は前向きなフィードバックをたくさん受け取った。Axlr8rの元指導者はそのうちにSilicon Valleyでまねをされるだろうと述べた。Splitforceにとっては面倒なことではある一方、競争業者がいればいるほど、それらを使う会社にとってはコストが安くなることを意味している。新興企業にとって、絶えず向上しているA/Bテストサービスへのアクセスがし易くなっている。つまりこれらの企業の製品の質が良くなるということである。
The devil is in the details, but so are the diamondsAny developer who doesn’t take advantage of this trend will be at a disadvantage. If you don’t believe it’s important, check out the Slideshare presentation below by Metaps, the Tokyo-based startup that makes Exchanger. Using Exchanger, when you show an ad in your Android app, your app icon will be displayed in another Exchanger-integrated app. The mobile advertising service, which also has some A/B testing capabilities, explains the importance of the finite details to be manipulated in something as simple as an app’s icon.
To that end, Convo claims to be much more efficient than emails when working with teammates in a virtual office, requiring 60 percent fewer words, resulting in 68 percent time saved, and 80 percent less switching between apps. It’s also available in mobile form for iPhone and Android. Convo is used by The Next Web, Jones Lang LaSalle, and a wide variety of enterprises. Our newest recruit, Josh, used it when he was at The Next Web, and rates the service highly.Check out CEO Faizan Buzdar giving Robert Scoble a live demo of Convo in the context of how to choose among rival collaboration platforms. We recommend you jump to the two-minute mark for the demo:
これを受けて、仮想オフィスのチームメイトと働いている場合、ConvoはEメールより効率が良いと主張している。使用する言葉は60%減り、その結果68%の時間が節約でき、アプリケーションの変更が80%少なくなった。PhoneとAndroid用の携帯版もある。ConvoはThe Next WebやJones Lang LaSalleや様々な企業に使用されている。新入社員のJoshは彼がThe Next Webにいた時に使用していて、そのサービスを高く評価している。CEOのFaizan BuzdarがRobert Scobleに行っている実演を見てみるといい。競争相手のコラボレーションプラットフォームからどの様にして選別するかという状況でのConvoの実演である。実演の2分経った所まで飛ばして見ることをお勧めする。
今私はこのRagを注文をしました。在庫はありますよね?何日くらいで到着しますか?電話番号は以下になります。間違って届いたRagは薄いので小さく折りたたんで梱包できます。standard mailでも発送できるサイズです。それでは2枚ともキャンセルします。それでは今回の注文は1枚だけにします。直ぐに発送してほしいです。
I have just ordered this rag.Do you have it in stock?How long does it take to be delivered?My phone number is the number below.The rag I got by mistake is thin so it can be folded and wrapped.This is small enough to send with standard mail.Then I cancel both of the rags.Then I order just one rag.I would like you to send it to me immediately.
I am really sorry.I deeply apologize. I will respond immediately with one of the propositions belowWould you kindly choose one and let us know?Thank you very much.1. You can return the product and we will refund the whole amount and we will pay the shipping fee.2. We offer 0.5MM for half the price.3. You can return 0.5MM and we will ship 2MM. (We will pay the shipping fee for returning)
This product is a prize C for the lottery which you can draw at the limited stores in Japan. Especially, since the odds for this product is only one out of eighty, it is very difficult to obtain.This figure has different color with the prize for the lottery which you could draw before.I don't know why I thought I could see it on your laptop.If you could get many points, you should buy the Blu-ray at ☆.Blu-ray for ◯ has Region A. Could you watch it in your country? I don't know well about this standards.I will watch the movie while I am thinking that you are with me.
According to the article issued last October in the United States, it was scientifically proven that the carcinogen in cigarette smoke effects the genetic cell and stimulate mutation. If there is a parent who gives his own child a little bit of poison everyday and causes a fatal disease and kills the child slowly, people might call him "Demon" or "Devil". Smoking cigarettes in front of your own child means exactly that. I don't want my family to get a lung cancer so I don't want anyone to smoke in our house. But I cannot ask our guests not to smoke.
#2nd Swing Golfebayで質問をさせていただいたk.nakamuraです。Tour Issue Titleist 710 AP2 Iron Set 3-PWの追加の写真をお願いします。#WilliamもしよければPaypalに請求書を送ってください。日本ではTourIssueや数量限定などの珍しいパターは大変人気があります。特にOdysseyやScottyCameronのPutterは人気です。商品が入荷しましたら、このメールに連絡が欲しいです。
#2nd Swing GolfThis is k. nakamura who asked you some questions on Ebay.I would like to have some additional pictures of Tour Issue Titleist 710 AP2 Iron Set 3-PW.#WilliamIf you can, please send the invoice to Paypal.In Japan, the unique putters like Tour Issue or limited products are very popular.Especially the putters of Odyssey and Scotty Cameron are popular.When you get the product, I would like you to contact me on this address.
what do you mean, i need to paid for the shipping again?
They are S300 stiff irons, not extra stiff. That is a listing error on our end. As they are tour issue, they do not have serial numbers to identify. We received this set from a former player we have a long standing relationship with.We can request the set from the store for additional photos. We would need an email address provided to send them. Ebay messaging blocks email address exchange, but you may message it in this format: myname at domain dot com.
これらはS300スティッフアイアンで、エクストラスティッフではありません。私たちのミスでリストが間違っていました。それらはTour Issueですが、識別するシリアルナンバーはありません。このセットは私たちの昔からの知り合いであるプレイヤーから譲り受けたものです。お店からこのセットを依頼して写真をもっと撮ることができます。この写真を送るのにEメールアドレスが必要になります。EbayのメッセージではEメールアドレスを交換できませんが、下記のアドレスに送ってください。私の名前@ドメイン.com
◆Bonjour,Parce que je ne suis pas utilisé pour écrire l'adresse en anglais, je voudrais les avoir séparément comme ci-dessous.1.Nom2.Adresse3.Ville(City)4.Code Postal5.Numéro de téléphone6.Prix du produit(J'en ai besoin pour l'assurance et la taxe)Merci beaucoup◆Bonjour,J'ai envoyé le produit aujourd'hui.Le numéro de suivi est ci-dessous.
Could you tell me how you deliver the FBA products.I have read Q&A below.There is something that I don't understand so could you answer me?This is a question about when we deliver the products directly to your warehouse from overseas.If we put our local partner as the importer and your warehouse as the consignee and the customs are paid by the shipper, could we deliver to your warehouse?I am waiting for your reply.
<PHOTO BOOTHの楽しみ方>1.モニターの方を向いて、フットスタンプの位置に立ちます。2.手をかざして、画面上の矢印でフレームを選んで、スタートボタンに触れると撮影を開始します。3.ポーズをキメて撮影!4.気に入ったら「是/Yes」を、やり直したい場合は「不是/No」を選びます。5.のWeiboページに、画像が自動でアップロードされます。撮影した写真は、Weiboページで紹介されます。アクセスして自分の写真をチェック!
<How to use PHOTO BOOTH>1. Face the monitor and stand on the foot stamp.2. Hold your hands above the screen and choose frame with the arrow. Touch the start button and the shooting begins.3. Hold a pose and shoot!4. Choose "是/Yes" if you like the photo, choose "不是/No" if you want to try again.5. The image will automatically upload on the website of Weibo.The photo will be on the website of Weibo.Go to the website and check out your photo!
Pattern diagram that shows the difference of the shear zones and the difference of the deformed figuration of roots on the field shear test.Situation of when the thick shear zone appeared.
I would like you to send this item to my friend directly.Since this is a gift, I would like you to make it with no price on it.Is it possible?Could you send the invoice of customs and tax to me?I would like you to ship it today because I want it to be delivered as quickly as possible.Last time I ordered the same product, it was 20% off.I thought the coupon code of PR20 can be applied to any products?When I wrote the review, that was what it said.Why did the error occur when I entered the coupon code?It would be helpful if you could ship it before Friday.