I apologize you for shortage of my explanation about this matter.At this moment the receipt should not be disclosed outside.I run the retail company in Japan.If there is a tax audit in the future, the receipt clarifying the supplier is required.That must not be one which we issued, but one which the seller duly issued.We will never fail to disturb you for your issuing the receipt for us.
We have never meet each other on a face to face basis, so I have thought I would like to visit you someday.It is not just time to see you, but can I visit Lithuania to see you adjusting our schedule?I feel so lonely if our relationship is over now, so I would be happy if I keep in touch with you.I hope that your new business will go well.
I really loved this product.It was the only one product made by only you. Also, I can not find the one like that in the world.So, I feel very lonely now, but I had been happy to deal with this product so far.And it was a miracle thing that I kept a long relationship for 10 years with you living in a far country from us,reflecting now. I really appreciate all.
Long time no see.Thank you for your contact.I was much surprised, but I understood your situation.As products in a stock are decreasing much now, I was about to send a new order.I am very sorry about less order of this year.Actually I had a big trouble in February, so I could hardly promote my business for six months.
I feel very sorry that I can not delivery the Japanese such a nice product,but I predicted the time ( I can not delivery) would come someday,whenever I hear topics of ○○' health or severe inflation of Europe.Thanks to this product, I really appreciate that I could delivery happiness to many Japanese for ten years.And this product changed my life very much after many encounters and experiences through this product.
We acknowledge a favor of you because the 20'th issue has published today.We really appreciate your warm supports.We would like your deep understanding for placing an advertisement againin order to offer more effective ad for you.We know your tight schedule, but could you please give us an opportunity of hearing on the face to face or online basis.We are planning to make a speech from our representative.I would appreciate it if you could set up the hearing chance in the afternoon on Aug. 9th ( Wed) later.Best regards.
All right! I would like to buy them, it depends on the price and condition, though. Let me know the two items' condition and price respectively.
I also thank you for 10 years when I shared with you.Your commodity greatly changed my life. I think that we would like to continue to sale this item as long as possible.The item is long run, and Japanese customers are very happy with it. So far, there is no high quality product like this,though 10 years have passed now.I am very sad when I guess the situation in which Japanese market would loss this item.
The physical ability decreases with aging, and it may be getting hard for you to create big amount commodities.Low quantity within your capacity would be OK. I would be glad if you continue to manufacture the item.Recently the world situation is highly changeable. The import of Japan is very tough due to yen big cheap condition. I think that the cost of manufacture rises since material price and fuel price rise steeply.Do you have any requests of the item prices?
①If I make a successful bid of the two programs, is it possible to send them into one parcel?In that case, is it possible to send them by 30 dollars for one piece as shipping charge?②It took much time before determination, and then I have decided to purchase them.Please charge 30 dollars as shipping charge.③Can I ask you to send them by more inexpensive shipping charge?If possible, I appreciate (more inexpensive) shipping charge.Best regards.
お世話になります。ORDER NUMBER 1の〇を購入して破損して届きました。出品者に連絡したところ返金を了承してくれました。また商品は破損している為、返品しなくていいと言われました。Messagesで証拠の写真も添付しております。Global Shipping Programで発送したので出品者側から返金できないといわれました。私からebayに問い合わせしてくださいと言われました。どうのような手続きをすればいいでしょうか?よろしくお願い致します。
Hello again.I received ○, order number 1 with damage.I contact the supplier, and then he/she accepted the refund.Also he/she told me that I don't have to return the product because of its damage.The picture as evidence is attached in Messages.But the supplier told me that he/she send me using Global Shipping Program, so that he/she cannot refund from the supplier.I was advised to inquiry ebay about this matter.What shall I do?Best regards.
I am sorry, but I have another matter to deal with today and tommorow. So let me answer by the change of schedule or by e-mail. I cannot answer partly your inquiries soon. I will send you a reply within today after I confirm.And I will contact you again concerning matters which I need some time to answer. I is very hard for us to receive the matters which is required to give a result from A to B by May 4th. I think we need one more week or so to proceed the task, because the date of C and D is batting and I have to update the prerequisite. It is possible to provide A within this week. E is probably used for B, but our section needs to reconsider.
I have received most of the books. Thank you very much.But I have not received No.3 only.Also, I received three books damaged.Damaged ones are No.3, No.4 and Kanji books.The picture is attached here.I appreciate your confirmation.
発送が完了したら追跡番号をお知らせください。私は追跡番号をを確認出来次第あなたにiTunes cardの番号を送信するつもりです。送信先はこのEメールアドレスで良いですか?
#1. Please let me know when the shipping was completed. Soon after I confirm the tracking number, I will send you iTnues card number. Is the sending address same as this e-mail address?
発送方法ですが、あなたがpo box宛に発送を希望するなら追跡が出来る普通郵便で発送予定です。しかしこれは保険は付いていません。それと商品到着まで2週間から3週間かかりますが良いですか?送料は〇〇ドルです。
As for the shipping, if you would like to receive it at the P.O. Box, I will send it the ordinary post mail which is available a tracking. But this does not include an insurance. Also, is it all right that it could take two or three weeks to receive the goods to you? The shipping fee is ○○ dollars.
入力した追跡番号は通関用番号なので追跡番号ではありませんが、試して入力してみたら”Jan 6,2021 DELIVERED IN/AT MAILBOX”eBay配信ステータスに記録が残っていました。その画像を見せたいです。
I found that the tracking number I input was the number for immigration, not the tracking one. But I input for a trial and I also found that the record remained as the delivery status of "DELIVERED IN/AT MAILBOX" eBay on Jan. 6the 2021. I would like to show you the picture site.
現在、あなたが出品されている商品(LPレコード)で私が入札を考えている商品が1点あります。今回落札したレコードとできれば同梱で発送していただいたほうが配送料が安くあがるので、少しお待ち頂けますか?ちなみに日本までLPレコード2枚だと配送料金はいくらになりますか? よろしくお願い申し上げます。
I try to buy an item (an LP record) that you currently sell. Could you wait for a moment because it would be cheaper if you could send it with the commodity for which I successfully bid this time. In addition, could you please tell me the cost that you delivery the two LP records to Japan? Best regards.
マクアケの展開に関する資料が届いてないようですので、私から再送します、ご確認下さい貴社の製品はデザインもよく魅力的なのですが一方でMakuakeクラウドファンディングでは、昨年、類似の製品が出展されておりより、提示価格により工夫が必要です。販売に関しては昨年の別なプロジェクトで 280個ほどがファンデイングされております。期間 独占契約を頂いた場合、クラウドファンディングの開催後オフラインでのセールスも可能です。現時点でディストリビューター価格の提示は可能でしょうか?
It seems that you don't receive our materials regarding the development of Makuake.So, I will resend these to you. Please check them.Your products look well-designed and fantastic, but you need rethinking of prices you show because similar products as yours exhibited last year.As for selling, 280 items or so were funded in another project of last year.periodIf we make an exclusive agreement, it is possible to sell onlineafter crowdfunding open.Is it possible for you to show distributor's price at this time?
These articles are required from Japanese bureaucrats, so these should be delivered to Japan finally. If you don't mind, would you please send them directly to Japan?If you need more charge in doing so, I will pay. Best regards.
For your reference, my main address is Pasadena in the U.S, but currently it is transferred to the one in Japan. So please note the right address without careless mistake. Best regards.