nearlynative 翻訳実績

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But not every facet of the cold storage systems — which now “protect” hundreds of petabytes of data, according to the blog post — has been public until now.

Today’s blog post has several highlights:

・These facilities use just a quarter of power that traditional storage servers do.
・Facebook updated the firmware in the hard drive controller in order to make sure that only one drive gets turned on at a time.
・Facebook dropped the number of fans in each storage node from six to four.
・The number of power shelves decreased from three to one.
・The number of power supplies per shelf went down from seven to five.

Read the full blog post to learn much more about Facebook’s cold storage facilities.


投稿記事によれば、現在では数百ペタバイトのデータを「保護」しているCold Storageシステムに関して,これまではすべての開発相をオープンにしてきたわけではないという。
FacebookのCold Storage設備のより詳細については投稿記事全文をお読みください。

nearlynative 英語 → 日本語

・Facebook ran into a problem — the racks were too heavy for the system Facebook had to get them to the place where they needed to be. Here’s Bandaru and Patiejunas: “For example, one of our test production runs hit a complete standstill when we realized that the data center personnel simply could not move the racks. Since these racks were a modification of the OpenVault system, we used the same rack castors that allowed us to easily roll the racks into place. But the inclusion of 480 4 TB drives drove the weight to over 1,100 kg, effectively crushing the rubber wheels. This was the first time we’d ever deployed a rack that heavy, and it wasn’t something we’d originally baked into the development plan!”


Facebookはラックをあるべき場所へ移動させなければならなかった。Bandaru氏とPatiejunas氏によれはこうだ。「例として言えば、ある試運転でシステムが完全に停止してしまい、データーセンターの担当者がラックを動かすことができないことにこのとき気づいたんです。このラックはOpenVaultシステムの改良型なので,楽に移動できた元のラックと同じキャスターを取り付けました。ところが4 TBのドライブを480個積んだら全体重量が1,100 kg以上になってしまい、ゴム製の車輪が見事に潰れました。ここまで重いラックを配備したのは初めてでしたし、元の開発プランに含まれていたものでもなかったものですから。」

nearlynative 英語 → 日本語

・Facebook wanted to store less than two copies of any given piece of data while still preventing data loss. The company ultimately devised a “re-encoding service that could reoptimize the data to support the next generation of cheap storage media, whether it was more reliable or less so,” Bandaru and Patiejunas wrote. “As a result, we can now store the backups for 1GB of data in 1.4GB of space — in previous models, those backups would take up larger amounts of data, housed across multiple disks. This process creates data efficiency while greatly increasing the durability of what’s being stored.”
・Facebook also created a system for rebalancing data across hardware.



nearlynative 日本語 → 英語



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