iQONとMONOCOについてはこのような考察もしている。ラウンド3/クラウドソーシング:CrowdWorks vs Lancersプラットフォームのコンセプトが微妙に違う両者だが、共に幅広い仕事を取り扱うことで日本という国の「働き方」のあり方を変えられる可能性を持っている点が、他の単カテゴリ・マッチングサービスやコピーキャットとの違いだと感じている。
There is also a consideration like this about iQON and MONOCO.Round 3 / Crowdsourcing : CrowdWorks vs LancersThe concept of platform slightly differs among those two. However, both are different form other matching services for a single category or copycats in light of their cover of wider range of works which could change "the working style" in Japan.
ラウンド4/ペイメント:Coiney vs 楽天スマートペイやPaypal hereここは相手がスタートアップではない、という点で他のカテゴリよりも熾烈だ。ただ、Coineyの取材時に感じたのは、巨大資本と真っ正面から勝負をするような戦略は取っていない、ということだった。詳しくはインタビュー記事をご一読頂きたい。[他にも盛り上がりを見せているカテゴリやライバル関係があればぜひコメントなどで教えて欲しい。]
Round 4/ Payment: Coiney vs Rakuten smart pay or Paypal hereThis category shows fiercer competition than other categories, given that players are not startups.I perceived through an interview by Coiney that they don't opt strategies to directly face with gigantic corporates. For the further information, I'd like you to have a look upon the interview article.[If you know other hot categories or rivalies, please let me know though comments.]
ラウンド5/クラウドファンディング:CAMPFIRE vs READYFOR? vs COUNTDOWN何かと話題の多いCAMPFIREは先日最高額となる600万円以上を集めることに成功したが、海外サービスと比較するとまだまだパンチが足りない。スタートが一番早いREADYFOR?は他のプラットフォームに比較して寄付やNPOといった社会活動に寄ったテイストが差別化に繋がっている。話題づくりやマスへの拡大がキーか。
Round 5/ Crowdfunding: CAMPFIRE vs READYFOR? vs COUNTDOWNCAMPFIRE, which gathers attention with a variety of topics, managed to raise funds by more than 6 million yen, the highest until now. But, it's not impactful enough to be compatible with oversea players. READYFOR? started up in the earliest timing and has differentiated from other platforms with a tendency for social contribution such as donations and NPOs. It might be critical how much it can generate news and expose itself to media.
ラウンド6/ニューステクノロジー:SmartNews vs Gunosy vs Vingowここは相当面白い。なぜなら他のカテゴリに比較して圧倒的なテクノロジー勝負だからだ。SmartNewsは全員がほぼ同じ情報を見ている点で他の二つと違い、パーソナライズドのコンセプトは似ているGunosyとVingowだが、Vingowはリアルタイムに情報が更新される点でまとめ配信のGunosyとやはり違いがある。それぞれ組み合わせて使う人も多いだろう。
Round 6/ News technology: SmartNews vs Gunosy vs VingowThis field is so interesting, because it's competition is highly depending on technology much more than other categories.SmartNews shows all users almost same information, differentiating from other two players. The concept of personalization is common among Gunosy and Vingow. But Vingow offers users with real time update of information which is different from Gunosy, that updates information by batches. Many users would utilize both depending on occasion.
To tell the truth, I wanted to include C2C platform, but would like to summarize in another occasion. This category consists of a complex of niche services such as ticket selling.Besides, there are lot of camera applications or casual games, but they lack monetization and concept of business model, making them less newsy. Above all, I would say that it excites people that the platforms have established businesses with firm figures.
Delivery of the item will be on 19th or 20th. I am so sorry for he delay.The delivery is behind schedule due to a massive accident on a highway in Japan occurred yesterday. I asked a transportation company about the situation and told them my client was waiting for the delayed delivery. Then they informed me that the delivery would be delayed because highway was closed.However, that situation is about to be resolved.As soon as we receive it, we will check the condition and ship it quickly with a perfect packaging. Let me inform you when we complete the shipment.
先ず質問です、貴方はHTMLに詳しいですか?またはドレームウェーバー等のWEBサイト作成ソフトが必要です。古いバージョンでも構いません。今回はマーチャントからeBayへの出品をお願いしましたが、オークティバでもHTMLで出品して貰うことになります。これからは添付の文書で説明していきます。順を追って原因を探していきましょう。これがマーチャントの商品登録ページです。製品名は恐竜 製品フォルダーはMae Gにします。出品カテゴリや製品状態は割愛して商品の登録のページです。
First, let me ask you a question. Are you familiar with HTML? Or, you'll be required to use a software for website creation such as Dreamweaver. Its old version is also fine.This time, I asked a merchant to place items on eBay. I will ask you to place items on Auctiva as well by HTML.Let me explain with the attached document.Let's analyze a cause step by step.This is a page for merchants to register items.A product name is "dinosaur" and a product folder is "Mae G".This is a page for registering items, abbreviating an item category or item condition.
Add an explanation in a column of item description. Here you need to insert HTML text documents, by clicking a part says "HTML".Also for payment and shipping cost, you can just copy and paste text documents from the box that I explained to each place.Then, you have to rewrite item descriptions and titles in placing items. In case you simply copy descriptions and titles and eBay recognize it, we might be ordered to delete items or stop the account.Please refer to the attached document about how to rewrite.
1. カーニバルは、2007年より漫画として連載が始まりました。主人公は无(ナイ)という名前です。漢字にするとすごく難しい漢字なのですが、ここでは伝わらないですよね・・・。残念。无は、嘉禄(カロク)という、これまた漢字が難しい人を探す旅にでますが、その途中で、ミネという女の屋敷に捉えられてしまいます(ちなみに、漢字は簡単ですよ)。目的はカロクという人物を探すカギで、国家防衛機関「輪」(サーカス)の身分証である「カロクの腕輪」でした。
1. Carnival is a Manga started appearing on a magazine since 2007. Its protagonist is named Nai. Nai can be written in a very complex Kanji, but you can't see it in English here... That's too bad. Ten starts journey with Karoku whose name is also written in a very difficult Kanji. During the journey, however, he got confined into a residence of a woman named Mine (Her name is easy in Kanji) Her aim was to get "Karoku's bracelet", a certification of the national defense association named "Wa (circus)" and a key to find a person, Karoku.
背が小さくてかわいいんです><またサーカスは、たまに市民を楽しませるショーを催すのですが、その際にでてくるニャンペローナは人気が高いです。グッズもたくさんありますよ~。同人誌ではイケメン登場人物同士のカップリングが人気です。見てみてくださいね~!2. 国家最高防衛機関「輪」の一員です。明るく人懐っこい性格で、感情表現が豊かです。加えて少し泣き虫という腐女子にとっては理想的な男性像であろうヨギ。身長181cmとルックスも大変よく、ムードメーカー的な存在です。
She is short and cute.><Also, Circus sometimes holds shows to entertain citizens. Nyanperona, who appears in those shows, is popular. There are a lot of her goods.Among Doujinshi, couplings between handsome characters are popular. Please check them out!2. He is a member of "Circle", the national executive defense association. She is outgoing, social and good at expressing her emotions. Besides, Yogi often cries and would be an ideal man for Fujoshi (rotten girls). He is 181cm high, quite handsome and acts like a mood maker.
3. 主人公のうちの一人、ないちゃんです。ショタ系男の子です。やっぱりショタらしく短パンをはいていますよ┌(┌ ^o^)┐正直僕は、初めて見たときに女の子だと思いました。それくらいにかわいいのです。かわいい系の男の子ですが、実は壮絶な過去がありそうですよ。なにやら、自分の名前とカロクのことしかわからないようなのです。他には何も知りません。血のことも、赤い水たまりといってしまうように知りません。本当に自分の名前とカロクのこと以外は知らないんです。
3. He is one of protagonists and named Nai-chan. He is a pedophiliac boy. Like other pedophiles, he wears a short pants.┌(┌ ^o^)┐ Honestly, I thought he was a girl in a first sight. He is such a cute boy.In spite of his cuteness, it seems that he had horrific past experiences. He apparently doesn't remember anything except for Karoku's and his names. He doesn't know any other things. He even doesn't understand blood and call it "red puddle". He really doesn't know anything except for Karoku's and his names.
Hello, thank you for your prefer from the distant country. We opened our own website so that we can support you.We have a representative service of buying items.You can take advantage of it.
This is a game in which we step on a foot panel at proper timing corresponding with arrows of right, left, top and bottom that appear on the screen. This video clip is that of B shot from diagonally backward and shows how his movement is amazing. He manages to step 8 panels one by one with superb technique, using panels for two people by himself. He steps as if he was hovering with unbelievable step technique. The clip exceeded a million views and B himself uploaded his comment of gratitude. He is willing to post another achievements aiming at further improvements. Where does he want to reach by progressing from now?
Thank you all the time.I have already delivered the item on 13th of April.As I confirmed with the post office, the item got rejected by the customers and is now during return to my company.There is no problem in refunding because I can receive the item, but I can't bear receiving reduction of the seller rating although my company did nothing bad.Can we keep the current rating?And can we recoup he shipping cost?I'd appreciate your response. Thank you in advance.
先日購入されたお客様よりヘッドに不具合があるとのクレームがありました。添付の写真のように配線がむきだしになっています。先日あなたが荷物を誤って送ったお客様です。商品番号XXXのsmall headです。以下のアドレスに至急送ってください。お客様は大変お怒りのようです。配送が完了しましたら、トラッキングナンバーを教えてください。最近初期不良の割合が多いです。品質管理を徹底してください。
I got complained by a customer who purchased a head before that it had a defect.Its wires were coming out from the body as the attached picture shows.The customer is who you mistakenly sent a item.The item is a small head with a product code XXX.Please send the new one to the following address as soon as possible.The customer seems very upset.After you finishing the shipping, let me know the tracking number.Recently , the number of initial defects are increasing. Please make effort on the quality improvement.
These are just a part of testimonials from customers who purchased items from Japan via our company.Our company is a trading company that sells Japanese products to individuals and corporate in the world.We have branches not only Hawaii state in US but Tokyo and Osaka in Japan and deliver Japanese items from Japan to the world. Also, we sell 30,000 and more items through local Amazon in US, UK, France, Germany and so forth.Throughout those businesses, we ship 10,000 and more items a year.
こんにちは。以前お話した日本のkoutaです。Petzl E02 P2を30個購入したいのですが、可能ですか?もし可能であればお値段を教えてください。宜しくお願いします。お世話になります。お久しぶりです。16日にVargoを10個購入したいのですが、在庫ありますか?可能であれば、請求書を送ってください。よろしくお願いします。お世話になってます。いつも注文しているSeychelle 28ozを16日に50個購入したいのですが、在庫ありますか?可能であれば請求書を送ってください。
Hello.I am kouta from Japan. I have talked with you before.I would like to buy 30 units of Petzl E02 P2, but is it possible?If so, please let me know the price.Thank you.Hello, thank you for all the time.I haven't seen you for a long time.I would like to buy 10 units of Varg on 16th, but do you have enough stock?If so, please send me an invoice.Thank you.Hello, thank you for all the time.I would like to buy 5- units of Seychelle 28oz which I usually order on 16th. Do you have stock?If so, please send me an invoice.
We are Japanese suppliers.This is our offer of wholesale.We are able to sell a big number of items in Japan. Could we order this item in bulk?****Besides, could you consider discount for us?If you make a contract with us, you'll be able to sell a lot of items.And if this item is successfully sold, we will likely to purchase other items too.We are Japanese sellers, but please send items to the address in US.
メールを拝見しました。あなたの言っていることを全て理解しました。たしかに、説明文にはこのオークションにはNikkor 55mm F1.2 lens が含まれていると記載しております。これは、私の完全な商品説明の間違いです。今回の間違いの原因を説明致します。丁度、同時期にNikkor 55mm F1.2 lens を販売したため今回の出品ページを作成する際に、間違って記載されてしまいました。これは、私の完全な間違いです。心よりお詫び致します。
I checked you mail. I understand what you are meaning perfectly.As you wrote, the explanation described that this auction included Nikkor 55mm F1.2 lens.This was completely my mistake in the explanation of the items.Let me explain the cause of this mistake.Since I had just sold Nikko 55mm F1.2 lens at the same timing, I mistakenly described it in the items' page when creating it.This is completely my fault.I deeply apologize for the error.
I'd like to propose a solution for my error this time.If you don't need Cannon's lens, I will refund the price of the item.If you can buy Cannon's lens, I will pay penalty for you.I appreciate your consideration.I am so sorry for any inconvenience occurred this time.