mura (mura) 翻訳実績

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mura 英語 → 日本語

Karp grew up on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, the son of Barbara Ackerman and Michael Karp. He attended The Calhoun School from age 3 through 8th grade, where his mother teaches science, until high school when he attended Bronx Science for one year before dropping out at the age of 15 and started homeschooling. Karp began interning for animation producer Fred Seibert at 14, and from there went on to work as a software consultant for UrbanBaby, an online parenting forum. Karp left UrbanBaby in 2006 and began working on Tumblr later that year. The site launched early in 2007.



mura 英語 → 日本語

Being a boss. Having to take responsibility for the work others perform under your guidance. If you are new to the job of being a boss, there's no time like the present to learn effective ways to do that job. If you have been a boss for years, you have everything to gain in putting forth new effort to become better at your job. There is no such thing as a perfect boss. No matter how good you may be, there is always room for improvement.
To be a great boss, you first need to be very honest with yourself about why this position of authority is so important to you. You then need to ask yourself why you should be the best at the job you can be.



mura 英語 → 日本語

Too many managers focus only on the skills that will make employees more productive on the job. They don't take into account that many employees are interested in growing as individuals as well. The managers fail to take into consideration the higher level of satisfaction and productivity that employees may have if they are growing in all areas of their lives, not just in their careers.

Personal skills
Of course, it is not an employer's duty to take on the responsibility for an employee's nonwork life. It is really not the domain of an employer. However, it is the concern of an employer if helping an employee develop personal skills can make the employee more effective on the job.




mura 英語 → 日本語

Carefully evaluate each idea on its own merit, regardless of what it involves and whom it came from. If you feel uncomfortable with an idea, ask yourself why. Does it make business sense? Does it violate a principle you have established? Do you not want to change the status quo? Are you afraid to incur the wrath of your boss if it doesn't work?

The discomfort factor
Knowing where your discomfort comes from will give you a good start on dealing with it. If everything makes sense to you but you still don't want to move ahead because of your discomfort, remember the leadership value of doing the right thing, no matter what the cost. We tend to assume the cost will not involve our personal discomfort, but it may.




mura 英語 → 日本語

Walk a tightrope
You have to set a minimum standard, and you also have to evaluate what you expect from each employee as it relates to the job. Sometimes you will have to be painfully honest with employees about their potential in a certain job. Of course, in talking with them, you should always let them know of your willingness to try to move them to a position that does play to their strengths.
Another thing to evaluate-and it is often not taken into consideration-is how employees feel about their potential or their expectations for a specific job. Some people are driven to succeed. Others want to move up the ladder simply for the money that a higher level will offer.



他に気をつけなければなければならないこと - そしてたびたび見過ごされること ー は、従業員がある仕事に対する自分の能力をどう感じているのか、彼らが期待するのは何かということだ。あるものは成功への意欲で動機づけられる。あるものは単に高いレベルが提供する金のために梯子を上りたいと思う。