monagypsy 翻訳実績

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monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

China’s Taste for Apple [INFOGRAPHIC]

The Infographic of the Day series visually expresses important stories from Asia and the world of technology.

Props go out to The Motley Fool blog for creating this very informative graphic about Apple’s recent activities in China.

To me, the most notable tidbit included here is the fact that China saw a six-fold increase in growth in the last 12 months. This is even more remarkable when you consider that iPhone in China costs about 21 percent of the GDP per capita. While I’m sure this would vary greatly if limited to urban areas only, I think it’s still pretty stunning.




プロップは中国でのAppleの最近の活動についてのとても有益なグラフィックを造るためにMotely Fool ブログへ出向いている。


monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

I remember having met with a VC who asked me the most sensible question you would ask any entrepreneur: “What if Google does it?” My answer to that was to suggest asking Mark Pincus, Mark Zuckerberg, Ev Williams, Andrew Mason, Drew Houston, or such-like people. It seems that is a typical question Indian VCs ask, and I have made that my stock answer for that question. I recommend all entrepreneurs use that answer.

Experience preferred

Another reason why you would have a difficult time getting funding if you are a first-time founder of a web start-up in India is that there is a large onus on experience in the market in which you are trying to build your company.


私は、事業家に尋ねるに最も賢明な質問を私に尋ねたVCと会った事を思えている:「それをGoogleがしたらどうするのか?」私の答えは、Mark Pincus、Mark Zuckerberg、Ev Williams、Andrew Mason、Drew Houston、などのようなひ帯と二尋ねる事を提案すると言うものだった。これは、インドのVCが尋ねる典型的な質問のように思える。私はその質問のために予め答えを用意している。全ての事業家に、その答えを使う事を推薦する。



monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

What this means is that if you are young and you have no experience you can say goodbye to 40 percent or more of your company irrespective of the amount the investors put in. I would love to name the VC firms that do this, but that would be too harsh. (Perhaps DM me on Twitter, or email me to find out specifics). This also means that you will never find companies that break through the clutter because you are never given a chance to do so.

Rest assured, I am not trying to make this into a rant, because we have had great conversations with VCs, and got some term sheets, but have not taken-up on any because of this fundamental lack in belief from them.




monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

But I realize that one day when the chips are down this will come back to bite us.

One good thing about India is that there is a lot of money in the growth stage. If you are decently successful you will get follow-up rounds. The money in the seed stage is typically from angel groups which are not very well organized. Some angels who are part of this group have discouraged me from taking money from such sources.

The risk-taking can also be measured on a local basis – companies with an Indian focus are more interesting than a global focus for Indian VCs. This has to do with the fact that building web start-ups is already difficult in India and hence most VCs invest in enablers rather than disruptors.





monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

The exits are fewer, as very few large corporations acquire Indian web companies, so one of the most lucrative ways to exit is an IPO on the Indian stock exchange. This means you will have a better chance if you build a website that sells dogfood in India than founding the next Google.


Indian VCs also have a fascination for copycats. This can be confirmed by seasoned entrepreneurs who know this behavior among investors. Of course, VCs will completely deny this – but the evidence is in their investments. The moment something booms in the US you will find one of these serial entrepreneur guys start a similar company and then VCs will fund similar companies.





monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

If you can find a VC who understands all these issues and concerns (and one who doesn’t live in his own bubble of self-importance), and is ready to roll up his sleeves to work for you rather than just build castles in the air, take the money even if the terms are bad. I have not come across an Indian VC like that – but I am sure several exist.

On the other hand, VCs in general have a very hard job too; in a way they are like entrepreneurs. They have taken money from someone telling them they will convert that into ten-times the sum, and if they don’t they fail at being a VC. For every dozen bad decisions taken by a VC, there is typically one good decision. Just hope that you are that one good decision.




monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Some of the filters I have developed for assessing entrepreneurs:

1. Thoughtful listening. Does s/he watch customers and how they behave? What is the input-output ratio?
2. Do they iterate rapidly?
3. Are they good at mental arithmetic?
4. Do they validate the user-base of the product? i.e. measure high-quality repeat users or the net promoter score?
5. Do they measure figure metrics which reflect both the quality of the business and factors which they can influence?
6. Is s/he able to convey a complex business in very simple terms? (The test is to explain it to your mom and see whether she understands. If she can’t understand it, it is too complicated.)




monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

It isn’t the end of the world though. But these payment issues do force companies to create new ways to collect the cash. mig33 is one successful example. At the recent Founders Drinks in Singapore, Chris Chandler, VP of Business Development at mig33, shared how his company has successfully created a model to collect payments in this region.

In case you don’t know what mig33 is, it’s a mobile social network with over 50 million users, with strong presence in countries like Indonesia, Nepal, and Afghanistan. About half of its user base are Indonesians. On mig33 users can chat, play games, and occasionally, buy virtual goods for their friends like cupcakes, roses, and soft toys.


それは、世界の終わりというわけではない。しかし、これれらの支払い問題は、企業に新しい現金の集金方法を造る事を強いている。mig33は、成功例の一つである。シンガポールに魅了されている現在の創始者で、mig33でビジネス開発部門のVPのChris Chandlerは、この地域において支払いを集めるためにどのように成功するモデルを作ったかについて話してくれた。


monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Instead of asking folks to key in their credit card or Paypal details for payment (which obviously isn’t gonna work) mig33 has a group of enthusiastic merchants to help distribute its credits. Here’s how it works:

・Ali the merchant buy credits from mig33. At this stage, the money is already in mig33’s bank account.
・Billy, a user who needs to buy virtual cupcakes on the mobile social network, will purchase credits from Ali and pay him cash.
・Ali will transfer mig33 credits to Billy’s account on the spot.
・Ali smiles as he earns a 30 percent margin from the credits and goes back to mig33 for restock. The cycle goes on.


