monagypsy 翻訳実績

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monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Japan’s Apparel Giant World Acquires Fashion Walker For $14 Million

One more exit in Japan – We learned that Tokyo’s fashion e-commerce giant Fashion Walker has been acquired by Kobe-based apparel manufacturer World Co.,Ltd. for about 1.1 billion yen — approximately US$14.3 million. With this acquisition, World Co. expects to intensify its development efforts in the fashion e-commerce industry.

Fashion Walker was launched in 2005 as a fashion e-commerce platform jointly by Yahoo Japan and Tokyo-based apparel retailer, Branding (formerly known as Zavel). Branding was founded by Fumitaro Ohama who used to be a script writer for TV program productions.


日本の大手アパレルWorldが$1400万でFashion Walkerを買収

日本においてのもう一つの出口-私達は東京のファッション電子商取引大手のFashion Walkerが神戸ベースのアパレル製造業World Co.,Ltd.に約11億円-約US$1430万で買収されたと知った。この買収と共に、World co.はファッション電子商取引産業における開発努力を強めると予想される。

Fashion WalkerはYahoo Japanと東京ベースのアパレル小売業者Brabding(以前はZavelとして知られる)との共同で2005年にファッション電子商取引プラットフォームとして開始された。Brandingはテレビ番組のプロダクションのために脚本家をしていたオハマ・フミタロウによって創設された。

monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

1. Understand the tech but don’t be a CTO

Will the time spent learning how to code pay off? If you’re thinking this way, I’ll remind you that the goal here is not to become a CTO. It is for you to know enough and ship a minimal viable product out into the market. Putting out a skeleton product will definitely pay off. It will tell you know whether your product rocks or suck.

Plus, you can’t hire someone for a job scope that you don’t understand. And because you don’t know the exact job scope, you can’t tell if you’re getting bullshit when you outsource product development to third parties.





monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Jack Ma Wants to Buy Yahoo, Everyone Else Not So Sure

Jack Ma is the CEO of China’s Alibaba, which Yahoo owns a stake in. But the apprentice may become the master if Ma gets his way; he has said that he’s very interested in buying Yahoo. At a speech yesterday at Stanford University, he said:

"I’m very interested in Yahoo. The Alibaba Group is very important to Yahoo, and Yahoo is very important to us."

Of course, Yahoo is not officially for sale. The company is floundering and it did just fire its CEO — over the phone — but Yahoo founder Jerry Yang reportedly said after the firing that the company is not for sale. Still, there’s plenty of speculation.


Jack MaのYahoo買収の意向に、誰も確信はない

Jack Maは、Yahooが出資している中国のAlibabaのCEOである。しかし、Maが彼の道を進めば、徒弟は師になるかもしれない;彼は、Yahooの買収にとても興味があると述べている。昨日のStanford大学でのスピーチで、彼は述べた:


もちろん、Yahooは公式に販売されていない。会社はもがいており、そのCEOを-電話で-解雇したばかりであるが、伝えられるところによれば、Yahooの創始者Jerry Yangは解雇後、会社は販売されていないと述べたという。また、沢山の憶測が飛び交っている。

monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Even if Ma doesn’t get the chance to buy Yahoo wholesale, he has right-of-refusal to buy back Yahoo’s 40 percent stake in Alibaba should the company be sold to someone else. But it seems increasingly clear that Ma is looking to buy the whole enchilada himself, should the opportunity arise.

That news, of course, has led to some consternation in the United States. Privacy activists have expressed concerns that Yahoo’s data on American users might be surrendered to the Chinese government if the company were to be purchased by Alibaba.

Alibaba has rejected these assertions, saying that data from outside China would stay there, and thus would not be under the jurisdiction of Chinese authorities.





monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

The e-commerce aspect of MiShang ties to China’s largest online shopping platform, Taobao. That allows MiShang to earn money from click-thrus that lead to purchases on branded Taobao storefronts.

The service and app encourages users to also show what they love and what they’re wearing, allowing your MiShang fans to ‘like’ an outfit, or comment on it.

Mishang’s CEO is Jiang Fang, a former employee of Li Kai-fu’s Innovation Works who says he left the famous Chinese start-up incubator to make a light social network, inspired by the American interests/pinboard site Pinterest.




MishangのCEOは前Li Kai-fuのInnovation Worksの従業員のJiang Fangで、American interests/ピンボードサイトPinterestにインスピレーションを得て、ライトなソーシャルネットワークを作るために有名な中国のスタートアップインキュベーターを去ったと述べている。

monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

2. Keep the pitch short and sweet

Can you describe your start-up in a couple of sentences? Why is it remarkable? If you can’t explain, then that’s a problem. At PO, we always ask ourselves what’s awesome/interesting about news items we receive before writing them. So you need to be clear to really capture bloggers’ attention. A video would help a lot too. Services like Screenflow or Camtasia are useful for this, and are pretty simple to use. There are others here. And don’t forget to upload it to YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, and try Youku or Tudou for China-based audiences. It makes video embedding simpler for us.




monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

3. If you’re a localized clone, admit it, and focus on strengths

For clones, just tell the blogger that you’re basically a “me too” product. (Since there’s no way to hide it.) Instead, focus on your strengths. Tell us how you have localized your start-up to suit certain markets and achieve success by doing that. That’s considered innovation too and many bloggers will find that an interesting angle to work on.

4. Reply to press inquiries promptly

This will help writers get their stories out faster, rather than having to wait for your email. If you delay your reply, you also risk your email getting buried under other pitches which bloggers may tend to forget about your start-up.






monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

In short, the trick is to keep them interested by giving them what they want asap. It makes writers’ jobs easier too.

5. Building relationships with bloggers

The worst thing that you could ever do is to treat bloggers as content generator machines. Smart founders will understand that building relationships with bloggers works like magic. It increases the chances of you getting coverage, if for no other reason that if you’re friends, the writer is going to know more about your company and about your own mindset. And if they know they can easily call you and get a quote, it’s going to be more convenient for them to write stories about you than it is for them to write about some stranger’s startup.





monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

7. Love big blogs AND the small blogs

If you’re so into the big blogs in the west. Then sure, go for it. But as you would have realized, start-ups in Asia rarely gets covered there. While you continue to submit your news to them, do give blogs in Asia some love too. (Here’s a list.) After all, it’s good for your link building — the more blogs the merrier. Plus, blogs in Asia tend to have the right audience suited more for start-ups in Asia. It will also look good on you if an investor or potential candidate google and found out that your start-up had been covered in multiple publications.


