minori (minori) 翻訳実績

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Warning: Scumbag Startup Mentors On The Loose!

I love start-ups and the journey of building businesses. So I’m extremely frustrated when I hear stories from budding entrepreneurs who got conned by “mentors” who take equity just for giving their advice. Yeah, those who don’t really create value and just talk and talk and talk…

I know, there are great mentors who actually do deserve the equity. But recently, I’m hearing cases that there are several unnamed scumbag start-up “mentors” who’re on the loose, sneakily taking equity from budding entrepreneurs who know nothing about valuation and the importance of keeping equity in business.





minori 英語 → 日本語

Mr. Lei also said that personally, he invests only in markets and people that he’s familiar with. This might seem obvious — why would you invest in a person or business you don’t understand? — but Lei takes it to the next level, saying that once he’s chosen to invest in someone, he might follow them through multiple failed projects, so long as his faith in the person remains intact. “We’ve already lost the money anyway, must we also lose a friend?” he asked rhetorically. That might seem unwise, but before you scoff at him, remember that Lei Jun has a lot more money than you do (probably) and most of it came from his successful investments.


Lei氏はまた、個人的な話としてこうも言った。彼は自分が良く知っている市場や人にしか投資しないというのだ。これは当然のことのように思えるかもしれない - 自分が理解していない人やビジネスに投資する人なんているだろうか? - しかしLeiはそれを一段高いところへと持って行く。彼は一度投資すると決めたら、その相手を信じている限りは、事業が失敗しようと支援し続けるというのだ。「私たちは既にお金を失ったわけですから、友達まで失うことはないですよね? 」彼は雄弁に尋ねた。それは愚かな行為に見えるかもしれないが、彼をばかにする前に思い出してほしい。Lei Junはあなたよりも (おそらく) かなりたくさんのお金を持っているのだ。そしてそのお金のほとんどは、彼の投資の大成功によってもたらされたものなのだ。

minori 英語 → 日本語

Zaker is made by Dooland, a web company founded in 2007, and has separate versions for iPhone and iPad. Like Flipboard – which got blocked in China back in May of this year – it carefully grabs news and interesting articles from numerous sources – from microblogs such as Weibo, blogs, news sites, and magazines, and updates in real time. Users can add their own sources via RSS and Google Reader.

As a reading app, Zaker has done much to improve the reading experience. Pages are turned with the same motion you would use to turn pages in a real magazine. Also, Zaker makes use of social networks such as Sina Weibo to allow you to share what you’re perusing.



リーディングアプリとして、Zakerはたくさんの改善を行ってきた。ページは本物の雑誌のようにめくることができるし、Sina Weiboのようなソーシャルネットワークを利用して、自分が読んでいるものを他のユーザーと共有することもできるのだ。

minori 英語 → 日本語

It isn’t the end of the world though. But these payment issues do force companies to create new ways to collect the cash. mig33 is one successful example. At the recent Founders Drinks in Singapore, Chris Chandler, VP of Business Development at mig33, shared how his company has successfully created a model to collect payments in this region.

In case you don’t know what mig33 is, it’s a mobile social network with over 50 million users, with strong presence in countries like Indonesia, Nepal, and Afghanistan. About half of its user base are Indonesians. On mig33 users can chat, play games, and occasionally, buy virtual goods for their friends like cupcakes, roses, and soft toys.




minori 英語 → 日本語

GREE isn’t shy about its plan to move full steam ahead in the U.S. In a blog post, the company said that it now has hired over 40 people in the states and the team will grow even bigger in the near future. The Japan-based mobile gaming company has hired a creative agency in an effort to push out its brand in San Francisco. This will not be the last billboard from GREE.

In GMIC 2011, founder and CEO Yoshikazu Tanaka shared his overseas ambitions, pointing to American and Chinese markets as keys for his expansion roadmap. He has apparently laid the foundation well, through the acquisition of OpenFeint (U.S) and a partnership with Tencent (China).


