Thank you for providing us with the document the other day.Currently, we are applying for the business license in the United States and Canada.There is one thing we have been informed from them, and we wonder if you could consider this matter.Regarding to FDA, we were informed that only the screen shot of the FDA site can be acceptable (USA).If possible, could you send us the screen shot by following the procedure below.We appreciate it very much if you could do so.I am sending this email as we got this request.
Since I only want 〇〇, I decided not to make an order this time. I will contact you again if I find anything interesting.
Any action or opinion needed from me?
I believe all parts are included, but I did not check them all one by one. So, there is still a possibility that some parts are missing.Some decals are missing.Bags containing parts are unopened, but are damaged, and there are some parts detached from the runners. Perhaps some parts may be damaged, but the bags are unopened and that cannot be seen.Please be aware that there may be damaged or missing parts if you make a bid.It is possible to make deals like this in the future.If you pay through Paypal instead of using eBay, it is possible to discount 10% of the price.
It is okay even if it is not a set, and so please let me know in advance if you get some. Also, I continue looking for books on color plates of plants and insects.
I am so sorry for the delay in replying to you. I do have some updates for you. My supplier did tell me that we can get a little bit of a better deal, it's not very much, but it should lower the price by a couple hundred dollars. I will go through and see how much I can lower the price by.However, there is one issue that he did let me know of. Since we are in the US, XXX does not allow us to purchase parts that are for non-US models. I haven't looked at all the applications for the part numbers you sent me, but I just wanted to let you know now so that you're aware. He said that normally if there's one or two pieces they might let it go, but for large amounts they will prevent us from ordering them.
A commodity bought from a collector.Turned on the power of the game console and played monopoly (not included in the commodity) for two hours, but found no problem.The game console can be in an editing mode. Wrote on the touch panel with the attached stylus pen, and confirmed data entry.Not familiar with the detailed usage, and cannot guarantee the functionality of the editing mode.If you participate in the bid, please understand the above.Cannot take perfect pictures of the product, and the color may look slightly different from the actual product.I am sorry but I cannot do what you requested.That is against ebay's rule.
質問です。insatapicで投稿時、Facebookとtwitter共に同時投稿できたのですが、突然できなくなりました。もう一度リンクをセッティングしても、「現在ログインしていません。ログインしてからもう一度実行してください。」と表示され、リンクを繋げられません。 twitterに関しても、正しいネーム、パスを入れても、赤文字でエラー表示の様になっています。何回ログインし直しても無理です。アドバイス頂けませんでしょうか?※画像を添付いたしました。 よろしくお願いいたします。
I have a question.When I am posting with "insatapic", I used to be able to post to both Facebook and Twitter simultaneously, but I cannot do so any more. I tried to reset the link, but I got an message that I was not logged in and needed to try again after logging in.As for Twitter, I entered my correct username and password, but got an error-like message in red letters.I logged in and tried several times, but it did not work. Could you give me advice? I am attaching a screenshot.Thank you for your help in advance.
Thank you for your inquiry.The item has already been shipped, and shipping status can be viewed at the following URL by entering the tracking number.Please confirm the status at the site.