Good day,Thank you for a cute doll the other day.I have seen the picture of a doll you made before.I want a doll looks like the 10th one from the top or 12th one with a pacifier.If possible, i prefer black hair with black eyes.Or otherwise i want dark brown hair with dark brown eyes like the 10th and 12th ones in the picture.Sorry for inconvenience but please kindly consider.And how long is your lead time?Is there any additional cost?
鳥取県日南町生山(にちなんちょう しょうやま)の町有地(2.6ヘクタール)に、ベンチャー企業が計画している大規模太陽光発電所が暗礁に乗り上げている。発電した電力を中国電力の配電線に送る「系統連系」のメドが立たない。提供:朝日新聞記事より。系統連系のキャパシティを超えるから、というのが理由です。たった1500kWなのですが・・・。これが日本の再生可能エネルギー発展の阻害要因です。
The venture company's plan of establishment of big solar energy plant in Syoyama Nichinan Cho,Tottori prefecture is starting to be deadlock.The rootcause is the delay of "Consolidation system" whhich sends electricity produced to the electronic wiring of China electricity.Source:Asahi Newspaper article.The reason is because it exceeds the capacity of consolidation syste.Though it is only 1500kw...This is the obstacle to the development of recycle energy in Japan.
Instruction to useBefore using the case, make sure to test it to ensure there is no inundation. 1・Match backside lens and lens window.Insert both top corners of the smart phone making sure there is no gap.2・Using figure, pull one side of the bottom right of the case marine to mount.Be careful not to scratch it with nails. 3・Pull bottom left corner similarly.Pull it naturally to cover.
4・Adjust case marine position by matching front display area and back side camera area.5・Paste water resistant protection tape before cleaning smartphone insertion point.Make sure the protection sheet do not block the camera.Press the sheet using figure to make sure smart phone and water resistant taping is coherent. 6・Ready to use after removing front display protection film and back side film.
Thank you for your contact.If you do not know the total shipping cost, please first send the ones you have inventory.Upon dispatch, please inform me the quantity to be sent.If there is any rise in shipping cost, please do not ship separately and let me know expected dispatch date.Please also inform your stock level of this moment.I am planning to complete payment tommorow.Thanks and best regards,
Sorry for my late reply.The item will be despatched within 5 days.I will e-mail you when it is ready.(I will send you 1 pcs first for this time)You can choose whatever quantity you want.I can adjust to you.Please order any quantity you like.This is only my suggestion but will you need an English operational instruction?I will make one if you need.
日本で物販ビジネスをしています。あなたのネットショップで扱っている商品を日本でも展開したい。日本で同じ商品を扱ったネットショップを私が作り、注文が入ったらあなたのネットショップから購入します。日本ではicelink,Joe Rodeoの腕時計が流行っており、多くの注文が予測できます。特にあなたの販売しているicelinkは日本で販売していないモデルです。絶対に需要があります。必ずあなたの収益も増加する。あなたにリスクはありません。是非、いい返事を期待しています。
I am doing trading in Japan.I want to sell in Japan the items you have in your netshop.I will create a Japanese netshop selling same items and i will place an order to you whenever i recieve orders.In Japan, icelinkk,Joe Rodeo watches are popular and we expect a large number of orders.Especially the icelink you are selling is the one not being sold in Japan.There will be a demand for sure.Your profit will definitely go up.There is no risk to you.Looking forward to hearing your good news.
"Chalk Nail" does not have smell and do not require polish remover. It was born from the tradition of Japan.From an old shop in Kyoto, we are introducing odorless “Chalk Nail” which do not require nail polish remover and its beautiful natural material make your nails shine. what is the chalk?One of the important white paint in Japanese paintings, and it is is pigment made from fine powder of scallop shells.It is used to give an accent, to create pale color or to undercoat.It is also being used for murals,ceiling paintings of temples and shrines, Japanese dolls(Such as Ohina sama) and Nou masks.
従来のマニキュアが苦手な方でも使いやすいですよ。 胡粉ネイルは、人に優しい商品とする為、刺激臭がなく除光液を使用しないということをコンセプトに作られたそうです。ものづくりの伝統のある京都ならではの商品。エコなお土産としても人気があるそうですよ。UBENI編集部の気になる商品
It is easy to use even for those who do not like traditional manicure.Chalk Nail's concept is to create human friendly product which do not have irritating smell and do not require removers. This is unique product from Kyoto's tradition of manufacturing.It is also popular as an eco souvenir.Products the editorial department UBENI is checking out
Sorry for my late response.Could you send the item after I complete payment by pay pal?I will pay by pay-pal as soon as I receive your reply.
I haven't returned the item.In fact it has not even arrived yet.According to Japan post, "The sender requested to pull back the item".But you said you have not sent such request.Isn't this mistake by the post office?Please ask the post office.I want to recieve my parcel.
Can you pack 2 belts in one in advance?Please also send me parts removed.
こんにちは。私は以下を購入しました。BBR241FW19 Ferrari F12 Berlinetta 2012 - scale 1/43Your order number is : 4071Your order number is : 4081今日、4081がキャンセルになり返金を受けましたが、私は2台買いたいです。是非とも売ってもらいたいです。お願いします。
Hi there.I bought below items.BBR241FW19Ferrari F12 Berlinetta 2012 - scale 1/43Your order number is : 4071Your order number is : 4081Today i got refund and got informed 4081 was cancelled.I still want to buy 2 units.Appreciate if you could support.
Thank you for your kind support.I trust you very well/I appreciate your help enabling me to do good business in Japan.Thank you for your contineous support in advance.
(件名)修理の依頼をお願いします。(本文)2月16日にOrder #:999にて、貴社から注文させて頂きましたが、先週になって、左から音が出なくなりました。複数のアンプやDACに繋いでも音が出ず、一方では他社のヘッドホンが正常に動作している事から、貴社のヘッドホン故障している物と考えられます。また、着脱式のケーブルを左右対称に繋いでも音は出ない為、左のドライバが故障している物と考えられます。つきましては、大変お手数ではございますが、修理依頼手順のご案内をよろしくお願いします。
(Subject)I am placing an order for repair.(Main paragraph)I placed an order on 16/feb with order #:999 and the left speaker does not sound since last week.I suspect this is the defect of your headphone as multiple amps and DAC did not work and other headphones are working fine.I suppose left driver is broken as there is no sound when connecting removal cable to left and right symmetricaly.So please kindly inform me how to place a request for repair.
I am living in Tokyo and today is very hot.How is it there?I am looking forward to have long term business relationship with you and I am planning to find best method where we can have mutual benefit through transactionsAttached please find a list of items I would like to buy from you.I did not state pricing as these are vintage items and there are huge variety of different prices.Do you have any idea what is the easy way to conduct business?
① On the items you are selling on ebay, we deal outside ebay if you could agree with my offer which will be sent to this e-mail address.② I would like photos of items you have and I will inform you my buying price by return.Do you have any other suggestions?I would like Paypal for payment.Look forward to receiving your reply. Remark: Where do you buy your fishing equipment from? Kindly inform me if you can.
I am sorry.The price i informed you in the previous message is whole land price.The size of land is 600m2.If you want half the size, price will be $700000.
Thank you for your support all time.Here I am sending the new credit information which Ms.Okafuji contacted you earlier. Please send us all the items which I have paid and being kept as inventory.Even if i contacted Ms.OkafujiI more than 10 days ago, why you can only inform me now that payment can not be processed. The shipping address is below.Please make sure to not to make mistakes.Thank you【Address】
Thanks for your contact.This lease of land in Kamakura is $1500000.For dealing, it needs to be approved by land owner.Also we need to hire a translator as we do not speak English.Thanks for your message.I guess you are talking about a wrong person, but i appreciate this opportunity for our future relationship.And do you speak Japanese?In fact, i am using translation site for this message.I hope to communicate with you in Japanese during the next meeting with meal.