Indiescapes: a Curated Marketplace for Authentic Local Travel ExperiencesI recently read an article titled “Date A Boy Who Travels”, which reminds me of the female version “Date A Girl Who Travels”. We have to admit, as we expose ourselves to situations during our travels that are out of our usual comfort zone, we tend to develop a deeper appreciation for the little things in life. And often such experiences will only come about when you truly immerse yourself in local experiences. Now, there’s a new startup dedicated to searching for such authentic travel: Indiescapes.
Indiescapes: 現地に溶け込んだ旅行経験のための選び抜かれたマーケット最近”旅行好きな男性とのデート”という記事を読んだが、それは私に女性版の”旅行好きな女性とのデート”を思い出させた。旅行の間、慣れ切ったいつもの活動地域から飛び出した状況に自分を曝していると、ほんの少しのことにも深い感謝の念がわき起こるというのはよくある事だ。そしてそれは、自分が本当にその土地に溶け込んだ経験に浸かりきった時にしか起こらない。さて今、そのような本当の旅行を探すための新しいスタートアップがある。それがIndiescapesだ。
And once a guest makes a booking request, the request will be sent to the host. The guest will only be able to make payment after the host accepts the booking. To ensure both parties’ interests are being protected, Indiescapes will hold payment and transfer it after the day-one experience has been delivered. Indiescapes then takes a percentage cut from each successful transaction.The curated travel marketplace also boasts best-quality listings for its customers, making sure that each host goes through its strict curation procedures which, for some, includes a face-to-face meeting. Co-founder and CEO Seetoh Zhi Min at Indiescapes elaborates on how the team curates content for its users:
そしてゲストがだした予約以来はホストへと送られる。ゲストはホストが予約を受諾してくれた場合のみ支払いをすることができる。両者の利害が保護されていることを保証するため、Indiescapesはday-one体験が済むまで支払い及び送金を待機する。その後Indiescapesはそれぞれの完了した取引からある割合を差し引く。またこの精選された旅行市場はその顧客からベストクオリティという評価を受けている。それは即ち各ホストが、時には対面式面接を含む厳格な選別過程を通過していることを示している。Indiscapesの共同設立者であり最高経営責任者のSeetoh Zhi Min氏は、チームが利用者情報をどのように精査しているかを詳説する:
We seek for these experiences through our local contacts and an extensive travel network of friends. We speak to the hosts, understand why they do and what they do, because we believe it is very important to find hosts who have a genuine desire to provide a unique journey for travellers. This way, we ensure customers get only the best, and help them save time crawling through the overcrowded internet.There will be reviews, references, and social elements within the package to help users decide if the hosts can deliver a good experience for them.
As for hosts, there are also cancellation policies in place to protect them, making sure that they receive bookings only from guests who are genuinely interested in the experience. Similarly, hosts would be able to write reviews and references on the users.Co-founders Heidi Shum and Zhi Min are currently working with a team of six members focusing on customer outreach, web development, and host community building. As to why the two ladies decided to embark on this journey, Zhi Min explains:
ホストに関してはというと、彼らを保護するための解約規定もある。それにより彼らも、純粋に体験に興味のあるゲストだけからの予約を受けることが保証される。同様にホストも利用者に関する情報やレビューを書くことができる。共同設立者であるHeidi Shum氏とZhi Min氏は現在、顧客への働き掛けやウェブ開発、そしてホスト地域の構築に焦点を置いた6人のチームで働いている。2人の女性がこの旅に乗り出した理由について、Zhi Min氏はこう説明する:
[...] I always had the chance to live like a local and have my friends share insights of their countries with me. Heidi too, [during] her stays and travels, also had the privilege of experiencing countries from very local perspectives.[And] when we finally returned to Singapore after years of wandering the world independently, many of our friends started asking us for tips on authentic experiences when they travel. [We then] realized that what is easily available on the market is usually the touristy and commercialized stuff. Driven by a common desire to make more prevalent the same kind of authentic experiences that have greatly influenced our world views, Heidi and I started Indiescapes.
This definitely sounds like a good option for an alternative travel experience, especially for wanderlusts like myself. I truly believe one of the best ways to expand your horizons, to show empathy, and to understand another’s culture is to see and experience matters from a local’s perspective.Indiescape currently focuses on countries within Southeast Asia, such as Vietnam, Thailand, and Indonesia. The experiences currently listed on the site range from $35 for a night life experience in Bangkok to $410 for a three day experience at Khao Sok Park. If you’re a traveler seeking out for local experiences, you might want to check out Indiescapes here.
The Singapore-based startup, in essence, is a curated marketplace dedicated to wanderlusts who seek out local, authentic travel experiences. From living like a Balinese villager to embarking on a Thailand street food crawl with the country’s top local food writer, travellers will be able to find experiences that are different from what normal travel packages from travel agencies can offer.
Perhaps that’s due to the well-made and sleek product produced by the team which got featured on Apple App Store’s ‘New and Noteworthy’ and ‘What’s Hot’ sections in 14 Asian countries.Ivy Wong, founder at Viss shared more of her thoughts today:Viss aims to rewire the connection between curated user-generated content, brands engagement, and commerce. This is extremely powerful as we are hitting the sweet spots on generating brand awareness and engagement and conversion.
Apple App Storeにおいて”New and Noteworthy”や”What's Hot”に14のアジア諸国で紹介された理由は、おそらくこのチームの制作する商品が作りがよくオシャレだからだろう。Vissの創立者Ivy Wong氏は今日、彼女の考えを更に詳しく語ってくれた:Vissは厳選された利用者によるコンテンツと、ブランド雇用そして商業とのつながりを構築し直すことを目的としています。これは非常に強力です。なぜなら我々は、ブランドの気づきと雇用そして転換を生み出す魅惑的な部分をつついているんですから。
パンツは、洗濯表示をなしで出荷して下さい 。入荷を優先したいので、洗濯表示は私の方で付 けます。また、オリジナルのシャツはすごく評 判がいいので、販売するのは可能でしょうか その時の仕入れ価格はいくらになりますか。最 後に確認事項があるので今週末ご連絡させて頂 きます。
I'd like you to ship out the trousers without laundry tags since I put priority on coming in. I'll put the tags by myself. Also is it possible to sell the original shirt since it's really popular? If possible, how much would the purchase price? Finally, I'll contact you in the end of this week since there are some things to be confirmed.
I got error when I upgraded from A to B. AAA message appeared after logging in, then the screen became not to show anything.So I operated re-installation through the command below, reffering the same problems on a forum (BBB). (The result of the command is shown from line 813 to line 1167 of the attatched file)When the operation finished I logged in from AAA. Then the header region and the menu on the left side are shown but the operation screen is not other than CCC in the center of the screen.
日米親善交流 Japanese American Society(日米協会)のBoard menberとして活動しています。基地内の方々と地域の方との交流事業などをしています。
US-Japan Friendship Exchange I work as a board member of Japanese American Society. I work on the exchange programs between people in the base and the local.
美味しいもの食べ歩きや美味しいお酒飲み歩き、友人らとゆっくりまったり宅飲みなど。いろいろ遊んだり遊んだり遊んだり。 空気読まない好かれようとは思わない協調性なしマイペース
Stopping by to eat good foods, to drink good alcohol, drinking at home with friends comfortably, etc.. Enjoying or enjoying and enjoying..I don't read the situation, don't care if people like me or not, uncooperative and going my own way.
I treat several things related to IT including on-line support sited on Iwakuni city.
Mは1年前に手術を受けた。Jは、Mが今自分の体調をどのように感じているか知りたいと思っている。1. 手術を受けて1年たつけど、どこかしんどいところはある? 2. 最近びっこひいているように見えるし、散歩の距離が短くなったけど足が痛いのかな? 3. 咳がたまに出て最近寝る時間がながくなったけど、体がしんどいからなのかな?
M got a surgery a year ago. J wants to know how M is feeling her current condition.1. It's been a year from the surgery. Do you have some tiredness in your body?2. Recently you seem to gimp and you take a walk shorter distance. Do your legs hurt?3. You cough sometimes and sleep longer than before. Does your body hurt?
JはMに、以下を伝えたいと思っている:1. 散歩の時に嫌いな子を見て怒って追い掛けたり、家の中で怒って暴れたりすると足が痛くなったり体がしんどくなるからあまり怒らないで。2. 体を触っても怒らないで!病気がないか調べたり、マッサージをして健康になるようにしたいから!3. これからも元気で楽しい事たくさんしようね。まいちゃん大好き。いつもありがとう。
J wants to tell M the things below:1. Don't get mad so much since it's not good for your health: your legs would hurt if you chase after the unfavorable kids while you take a walk, or if you act up with anger at home.2. Please don't get angry when I touch you! I do it to check if you have some illness or to massage you for health!3. Let's enjoy many things healthily from now on too. I love you Mai chan. Thank you for everything.
M ran to me immediately I called her, shaking her tail happily. I could hear the voice saying, "I've been waiting for you!" I fondled her, then she laid beside me comfortably. I could see her looking up to me sometimes. She looks very friendly.
M was born in a rich family, doesn't have brother or sister. So is loved by her family so much. (according to J, before there were two more but they passed away. J's father is so much in love with M which is the only surviving now.)She is kind of stubborn or sensitive, and she shows clearly what she likes and what she hates. Generally she's rather shy but becomes very friendly once she gets used to. (J said that she is shy especially for men)
あなたの好きなことについて教えてくれますか?* 夏、ご自宅のお庭のような所で、ホースから出る水で遊んでいるMの映像が見えました。肉球に感じる芝生を踏む感覚とひんやりとした水が、とても心地いい感じ。(家の前に共用のスペースがあり、毎日そこに連れて行っている。そこには芝生とホースがあり、Mが水で遊ぶことはないけれど、よくしぶきが飛んでいる。おそらくそこのことだと思う、とJは言っていました。)
Can you tell me what you like?*I watched a video of M playing with water from tube in a garden-like place in summer. She seems to enjoy stepping on the lawn and the cool water. (J said, there is a public space in front of the house and they take her there everyday. There is lawn and water tube and water splashes oftenly, though M hasn't played with water. Probably the video might be about that.)
* 「おうちのお庭が好き!」という声が聞こえました。(家の庭は湿っていて日が当たらないので遊ばない。家の前の共用スペースのことだろう、とJは言っていました。)* 黄色い、テニスボール大のゴムボール (Jいわく、Mはボールではなく靴下を投げて取りにいくのが好き)* 手作りご飯。ふだん食べているようで、ご飯はとても美味しくて満足しているようです。* シルバーの乗用車の映像。ご自宅の車でドライブに行くこと。(J宅にはシルバーと黒の車があり、Mはどちらも同じ頻度で乗っている。)
* I could hear the voice saying, "I like the garden in the house!" (J said that, since the garden of the house is wetty and has less sunshine so she doesn't play there. She might mean the public space in front of the house.)* A yellow rubber ball with size of tennis ball. (According to J, M likes to pick a thrown sock better than a ball)* Handmade dishes. Normally she eats them, and she looks satisfied with dishes.* a motion image of a silver car. To go driving with their car. (J's family have a silver car and a black one, and M rides on them in the same frequency.)
あなたの嫌いなことについて教えてくれますか?* 通院。(病院に行く日、車に乗りたがらないMの映像を受け取りました。)(Jいわく、Mは病院に行く時はふだんと違い、車の前を素通りする。)* 白いトイプードルかマルチーズのような、毛がクリクリっとしたメスの小型犬。(Jいわく、トイプードルは特に嫌っていて全く近づけられない。)* 美容室(トリミング)
Could you tell me what you hate?*going to a hospital. (I received a video in which M didn't want to be on a car on the day of visiting a doctor.) (According to J, M ignores the car when they are considering about visiting a doctor.)* Small female dogs with fluffy hair like white toy-poodle or maltese. (according to J, she hates especially the toy-poodles and there's no chance to make them get along.)*Parlor (for trimming)